Sunday, May 12, 2013

Honai - Papuan Customary home

Illustration of Honai

Honai - Papuan Customary home. Papua was once called Irian Jaya was always full of uniqueness. Not only exceptional natural charm but also the diversity of tribes and people of the Papuan Customary famous traditional. The name is Honai custom home. Do not be surprised if in Papua lho turns out there are more than 300 original quarter. Because life is clustered and some still nomadic or sedentary place, most of the tribes in Papua can not be found in one place.

Recognize the Papuan Customary Home

Papua custom home is actually just a form, although different tribes with language and way of life are different. This Honai this house made of wood and straw, where the ingredients are easily obtained from the environment. A custom home Papuan used for a large group made up of several families. Both man and woman and their children live and sleep in a house. Or it could be in a house made up of a head of household with his wife and several children. This marks the togetherness.

It's just that, for the Papua, livestock is the most precious wealth. The cattle are pigs. These animals come to live and sleep with them in the house. Well, you can imagine how full the house! Papua custom home is a spiral-shaped with a slightly lifted the roof in the middle like a half a coconut shell. Unique roof shape because it made the side on the rise in the use as a bed. Papua custom door and only a little. Usually they do not do windows or other ventilation holes. This is due to the suppression of wild animals and to keep the temperature in the room is not too cold house. In the space, right in the middle of the room there was a stove fire that function as well as the cooking area heated. This is where the family gathering place.

Custom House Tours Papua

Honai, Papua custom home now not only be used as a dwelling indigenous Papuan alone, but it turned into an interesting tourist attractions. Not surprisingly, Papua custom home we can now easily find the nearest district.

Illustration of Honai - Papuan Customary home

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