Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Example of Minangkabau traditional house

Illustration of Gadang House - Minangkabau traditional house

Example of Minangkabau traditional house - Community Minangkabau traditional house call their residence as the home gadang (large). Big words not only physically but also in terms of function and role with regard to customs, where the sieve is used as a residence as well as a place to carry out traditional rituals such as funerals, births, marriages, meetings, and so on. Number of rooms inside a house with the number of occupants gadang women and usually made ​​odd, for example five rooms, nine rooms, even more. Comparison spaces with room for a bed general is one third and two thirds. Can be concluded that the large sieve set over the public interest rather than private.

Form typical Minangkabau house resembles a ship, which is a great little down and up. The roof is an "accessory" is striking because it has a ridge that curved upward like a buffalo horn. Another interesting point of Minangkabau traditional house is a major milestone called Limpapeh. Minangkabau people know the phrase Bundo Kanduang Limpapeh Nan Tower House, which means "to be the strength of a mother of a large house". If Limpapeh collapsed, then the other milestones will come crashing down.

Illustration of Gadang House - Minangkabau traditional house

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