Sunday, April 7, 2013

Various models for the Ceramic Floor

Various models for the Ceramic Floor - Ceramic floor never be separated from what is called a building. Precisely with the tile on a building, the building is more beautiful, more attractive. Ceramics began to be used for building since ancient times. Ordinary people often equate the granite, ceramic, marble, porcelain and tile or traso. Technically manufacturing and raw materials, each floor coverings mentioned above have different levels of quality and prices of different goods. Ceramic floor itself, including the many chosen, because in addition to the quality and resilience are good, the price is more skewed when compared with Marmer or granite for example.

At the start of the era of the ancient Greeks who started using in the manufacture of ceramic sculpture and pattern, until the modern era. In addition to making other art items, this time specifically for the functionalized ceramic floor home. In its development, the model is the ceramic floor assortment. In today's modern era humans tend to want something that is simple, fast, inexpensive, but do not leave the impression of the aesthetics of what they want. It also can not be separated from human habitation itself.

The continued development of the times, growing well as all the innovations made by man. For example, modern minimalist architectural style is simple without adding something very complex. However, with a view like that just adds to its aesthetic impression. The houses and buildings was caused by a minimalist burnout and boredom with the shape of the building air-classical architecture and Mediterranean style that many uses intricate ornaments, including the use of the many uses of pottery ornaments images.

Of the material was in fact there are various types of ceramics, there are some rough slippery, depending on the needs in the area of the floor where. When it is intended to cover the area of the bathroom, of course, must avoid the slippery ceramic models, considering the bathroom is often associated with water and soap. In contrast to the patio area, living room, living room and bedroom, you should use a ceramic model of a slippery so the area looks clean, shiny, and even can make the room feel more spacious.

One reason why the ceramic of choice to cover the floor area is due to the availability of ceramic motifs and colors are much richer than other flooring materials. Right now there are various models of beautiful ceramics. Similarly, the quality, ceramic flooring now available in some quality or more knowing with the existing KW1 KW, KW2 and KW3. Of the difference in quality will determine the cost per meter. From each of the ceramic qualities in the market are sold per box which is assumed to meet the area of one square meter. Meanwhile floor tiles to cover the area are also available in various sizes ranging from 15x10 up to 60x60. Availability of this size variation becomes very easy to apply to the area of the room, so the process is not too much wasted ceramics.

Ceramic Color Variations

In addition to shape, model and price variations, using floor tiles for floor coverings are also more freely with the availability of a variety of attractive colors. Of course with more color options, will allow homeowners to adjust or align with the wall color, the color of the furniture that will be placed and the colors really liked inhabitants dross. A wide range of ceramic colors are easily obtained in the market. Even apart available a variety of colors, the tiles in one color and still be divided again with a different style, there are shades of veins like a rock groove, there are shades of plaid, florals and abstract motifs. Not surprisingly, the selection of tiles to cover the floor area is more likeable and always be the first choice, which has a budget for both small and large.

The colors ceramic flooring on the market complete with a variety of patterns and color gradations, among others :
  1. Black: available a hubcap, solid black, shiny and patterned
  2. White: available in white milk, white or egg white bone
  3. Yellow
  4. Red Maron
  5. Red
  6. Kream
  7. Green
  8. Pink

The color variations there are variations and is available in a plain style or motif. Similarly, the size and the price is a lot of variation, depending on the brand and material basis. Ceramic floor of the famous brand is much more expensive, but the quality is also good. Like the saying goes, there is no price of goods, the price variation was in accordance with the ceramic floor price.

Floor Model

Following the development of the model of minimalist architecture style tiled floor was turned into something far from simple and intricate ornaments. There are several models of ceramic floor that we can use to be used to decorate the house, including the following :
  1. Natural models. This model is mostly used by homes with classic architectural style, ethnicity, because the ornament more use dark colors are dark. In its use was usually the one with the other colors are not uniform. Impression of old buildings / ancient increasingly felt by you because the ceramic models have uneven surfaces, a bit bumpy. The natural models widely applied in modern homes but who want to show the impression of antique and different. But the most natural models available in dark colors and dark, so it is not properly used in the floor which generally displays bright colors. But as one of the variations of course it does not hurt.
  2. Patterned Model - This model is used by those who want to blend between modern and ancient styles. Varied widely available standard pattern. This patterned ceramic models also available in color, quality and different prices. Of course customize your own living.
  3. Glazed models - these models are usually fitted in the bathroom. Selection of pottery patterns can be adjusted to your liking. To be applied in the bathroom is also available form a matching list. So it will make the bathroom easy as expected.
  4. Mozaik models. Usually ceramic models with this style contains a lot of pictures and ornaments that tend to create the impression full. However, if used on a building will feature a bright impression. On some models the mosaic are also often used as a variation of the general form of flooring, whether arranged diagonally or normal.
  5. Model minimalist - The last course of ceramic with a minimalist style, this is one of the models that are now booming in the world of architecture spring. The model is simple, not a lot of color, surface smooth, and there is no addition of something that does not need to be.

Well, the question is, which one would
Ceramic floor models There choose to decorate your home floor ? Of course it should be adjusted to taste, the model home and most importantly of course customize to your own finances.

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