Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tips For Education Nature Lovers

Tips For Education Nature Lovers - Activity nature lovers synonymous with mountain climbing. But what if you have not experienced ? Do not worry, here are tips for beginners mountaineering. To climb the mountain, a few things that should be considered include :
  1. Perform planning with mature climbing. The choice of location, climbing routes, weather conditions, the climber, period, will affect the supplies and equipment that must be prepared. Do not forget to get official permission from the relevant parties.
  2. Prepare physically and mentally, for example by exercising regularly.
  3. At least one group of mountain climbing there should be more than one person who truly has mastered and memorized the route climbing terrain.
  4. Bring adequate supplies but not burdensome.
  5. Bring adequate food, choose a compact but enough calories.
  6. Before climbing you must obtain permission and report on Ascent Pos.
  7. Do not destroy nature.
Scouting Material - Material World Scout

Material Girl Scout is an informal educational system that is used by the Scouts. The purpose of this material is the character scout training in order to help participants become self-sufficient and productive, and therefore the standard of material scouts is a "healthy, happy, and productive."

Material scouts generally use interesting games outdoors, and essentially a primitive back to nature to produce a challenge in which the scouts learn to solve their own problems. Through training and examples of methods of leadership.

In a matter Scouts, taught self-reliance, leadership, ambition for self-study, and moral codes with positive goals. According to its founder Robert Baden Powell, the material naturally scout work and experience the learning process the unconscious: the point is nature in a way that follows the natural impulse Scouts.
The orientation of the material scouts provide a practical method of learning and how to help Scouts build confidence.

Activities and games to scout materials provide the most enjoyable way to develop skills and provide contact with nature and the environment, in an outdoor setting. Scouts learn in small groups to build teamwork and brotherhood atmosphere. Developing characteristics, responsibility, independence, confidence, readiness, and, ultimately Scouts learn to collaborate and develop leadership skills in principle.

World Scouting Organization (WOSM) explains that the material scouts constantly changing over the years. In 1980 it was scout matter consists of four elements: Scout Law and Scout Oath, the development of small groups, and a progressive program that draws from different activities. This changed in the 1990s. WOSM now divided into seven element method.

Material Scout - Scout Law
Scout Law is a personal code to guide how to live her life Scout. This is not a form of trying to punish a mistake, so instead made up a list of restrictions. It's Girl Scout Law states what is best and what is expected of a Scout. Scout Law is the core of the matter scout. With the promise of Scouting Scouts moving to do my best to obey Scout law. The main principle is :
  • Devotion to God
  • Liability to others
  • Liability for yourself
Scout material on Prohibition and Principles
Scouts do not prohibit a bad habit, but it provides a better alternative that would absorb the attention of scouts and gradually lead him to forget old habits. The reason is that "invites the general prohibition of corrupt and efforts violation, therefore the challenge is not necessarily to make a konsensional retriction the spirit inherent in every child's healthy. Son was not to impressed regulated, but led by example."

Material Scouts Must Include Faith Against the Almighty
Scouts should set aside time for spiritual activities, but the Scout must be open to religious tolerance. Scout protect religions in a practical way in accordance with their faith, without mutual mix. And materials related to the spiritual side scout is a perspective view of nature as a creation of God Almighty: the study of nature (to see the majesty of God swat) will help the scouts get to know and understand His creation.

According to Baden-Powell's teachings to see nature as God's creation is part of all religion. Scouts develop the spiritual side through altruistic teaching, life-saving techniques of others and to promote good deeds every day according to what is taught in religious morality.

Setting Material Girl Scout Learning by Doing
Game scouts and material filled with practical actions. This will attract the attention of participants and provide participants scouting experience of how matter works scouts. Although Baden-Powell's emphasis on forms of practice and self-study, he did not rule out the need for instruction by the leaders of pocket or through the material in the form of a practical book. The phrase "Learning by doing" is currently widely used in Scouting.

System patrol group is an important feature in the training. And also what makes Scouting different from all other organizations, the purpose of the patrol was itself a kind of task force or in the Indonesian language his task force. The task force is composed of the grouping into groups of six to eight patrol personnel scouts and the coaches training them as separate units each under its own leader who is responsible.

Material Scout Patrol Method
Patrol methods, meanings Scouts organized in small groups of about five to seven personnel scouts and make the children are working together. Patrol is an important material in the Boy Scouts. Patrols must remain intact in all circumstances, including work, building a tent, learn together, cooking, and living together in the Scout Patrols to learn to work with others, while the Patrol leaders learn responsibility to others. Both must release personal interests for the sake of the group, and the public interest. Scouts should have their own identity within the group and as individuals learning independently.

Material Girl Scout Open Imagination and Have Rite
Scout plays his imagination as Scouts, should be interested in the culture and cultural beliefs in society, and live in the imaginative world with a sense of high adventure. Scouting is identified with the personal qualities of the hero. They must have an idol and imagination like his idol.

Scout also has a number of rituals. The material is made by the scouts rite itself. Ritual is designed to be short, simple, and attractive for Scouts, but the underlying symbolism. For example, cheered the opening ritual was "paralyzed Scout". Or the scout oath and exciting show unique techniques that will be disclosed to the other group.

Scouting Material Shows Courage Self Correcting
Baden-Powell Scouts want to learn to make their own decisions, as he felt this sort of thing will help children grow and mature. Baden-Powell wrote that the Scouts had to paddle their own canoe. Facing steering future, paddling by himself. Scouting teaches himself free from dependence to bring the spirit of Scouting in a challenging external environment rather risky, without the help of others in the neighborhood. Therefore, the program is based on adults, adventurous, and interesting wildlife.

Giving responsibility to the Scouts is a keystone of the matter scout. Expect scout to carry out their responsibilities faithfully, but not with follow way to see how a scout to do it. Let the Boy Scouts do it by yourself. Let the Scouts made a big mistake when necessary, but also let the scouts handle alone. Educational materials scouts should give an indication of the ambition and desire to learn on their own and if wrong, to be punished brave and self-correcting.

Material Girl Scout About Code of Honor
Scouts Honor Code consist of promise when in Indonesia. called Satya and Conditions Moral called Darma. This is one element of matter scout. Code of Honor Scout Promise in Indonesia in the form of so-called Satya is :
  1. Promise spoken voluntarily by a candidate member of the Scout Movement after meeting the membership requirements;
  2. Personal action to bind themselves voluntarily to apply and practice the promises;
  3. The point of departure into the educational process itself in order to develop a vision, mental, moral, spiritual realm, emotional, social, intellectual and physical, both as individuals and members of the community environment.

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