Friday, April 5, 2013

Small House Design For Home Feel Spacious

Small House Design For Home Feel Spacious - Having a small house made the owners think is very simple and not a lot of behavior. That is, the size of the tiny house (types 21, 27, or 36), not a lot of furniture that could be included. However, it is possible to be more creative in order to make the design a small house that does not feel small. The point is the size of the house may be small. Thought can not be small or stunted because of limitations. Especially if you can get even a little excess land.

Beware Developing Small Houses

Having a small house is no longer an embarrassment and low self. The playhouse more attractive. Not only the price is still affordable, but also because of the activities of modern society who need practicality and do not want the hassle of home maintenance and burdened with large type. Designing a small house is something that is very challenging as well. With a house that is not extensive, a lot of things you can do as a clearing house could be used to do other things.

One thing to think about is to be careful in developing a small house. Do not just developed without thinking about good ventilation and aesthetic home. Needs of all family members should be considered. The furnishings were already there also should not be thrown away. Available funds are also thought to be one thing. Do not let unfinished building, the funds have been exhausted. Even if the level will be developed, consider the IMB has been created by the developer.

Not least because the house is not in accordance with the IMB, then the building was demolished. Although it had been inhabited for many years, if ever inspection, matters relating to the law can be very problematic. Before everything happened, it's better just followed the existing rules. Also, do not use the home handyman. Good carpenters are expensive, however, that satisfaction will be obtained when it is optimized all the potential.

If necessary, learn everything related to the builders, building materials, and finishing techniques for a building. If you must use the services architecture, not a problem. If want to read a lot of books about design for  playhouse will also be better. Do not half-half in building a contest. When the homeless are indeed capable of providing peace and calmness, so that's one side of the happiness of the whole.

Taking inspiration from the style of the design of their apartments can also be done. How do they organize these items and other furniture in the apartment. With designs often look at other people's homes, the brain will be more work to find the most appropriate design for such a small house.

Some Tips

There are several things you can do to design a small house is to make it look more spacious and more fun. For example :

1. Play of color
  • Bedroom

Colors are what make the world more beautiful. With color, a small house will look more spacious. Never use dark colors, like black, maroon, dark green, without combining it with the color of the younger. For example, you want to get a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom using a maroon color in the corner of the bed. To get a broader sense in the room, paint the other sides with the color of the younger.

Add stamp to the shape of ornaments such as stars or small balls in the corners of the room. The shape of the stars that will make the room feel more cheerful. It will be safer if a bedroom painted in soft colors, such as light orange, pale green combined with yellow, orange with gray on the bottom as high as 30 cm. For a bed, choose a bunk bed or a queen-sized bed with soft colors. Cabinet 2 doors made quite a bit high up to the ceiling. Small decorative table can still be put in a room measuring 3x3 m.
  • The kitchen and living room

Paint the kitchen with the color orange. This color is also a virtual boundary between regions kitchen with living room painted pink. Put a barrier such as a long dining table or an open bookshelf that separates the two rooms. Fill your living room with a small table and chairs in bright colors. When you have a collection of knick-knacks, put the collection in a glass cabinet.

2. Glass

Installation of glass in the living room will make the room feel more spacious. Place two flower pots on a small table at the bottom of the glass. If possible, install the lights on either side of the glass to get the reflection light is beautiful, especially at night.

3. Bathroom

Bathroom size is usually only 100 cm - 120 cm. Bathrooms can be made more comfortable with not wearing a big bathtub, if necessary, without the tub. Enough with the faucet and water reservoirs have been created unique, like a bowl shape, form pan with attractive ornaments. The lighting in the bathroom should be good. Replace the glass size 30-50 cm. Paint bathroom with green color. Give the plastic flowers on the walls.

Furniture should also be adjusted. Do not buy furniture that does not have a double function. This dual functionality will make the house look more spacious because of the furniture that can be used as a storage area. However, the longer the wait for a house, it will usually have more and more stuff. This is the stuff that will make the house more and more full. Differences that have principles, 'From, Buy. "This means that if you want to buy an item, there should be an old item removed.

Removed here meaning not only to be discarded. But it can also be given to someone else. For instance, will not buy clothes in wardrobe closet but it should always be updated. If you are going to buy a new outfit, there should be an old clothes given to someone else. Thus, the contents of your wardrobe is always the same and do not have to buy a new wardrobe. So also with the other furniture.

If you are interested in buying new stuff, the old stuff removed first. This will create a permanent home field and no changes except the new goods. If this concept is applied, then the small house that will look fresh always because there is always a nice change. Feel free to explore desire as long as they remain in accordance with the principle that has held firm.

Does not take much to put ornaments on the wall if not happy to clean. Tiny house was supposed to be always neat and clean. If it does not look clean and tidy, the playhouse will be impressed as the dust. Of course this will make the unhealthy and unpleasant. This bleak view will make the mind is restless and difficult to find the meaning of happiness.

Limit cabinets or shelves or patch on the wall. Leave seen not too many knick-knacks that are difficult to clean. For cabinet or coffee table and chairs too, choose one that is not great with the model length. If you choose a model that many that many groove carved moreover, it will feel very cramped space. Unlike when choosing furniture with an elongated shape and rising. The house still looks roomy but not reduce its function.

Design Room

Before buying a home, you should really have a lot of walking around looking at various small house design developed by many developers. There are several models. For example, 36 types of homes that are designed with two adjoining rooms to make one room has a narrower width to make room for the bathroom. There is also a design that makes room in the front corner and rear corner so that the bedroom door is not facing the living room. The design is pretty good.

If there is a guest, the host can change clothes and left the room without being noticed by guests. Privacy is awake. So is the family room which is near the kitchen. The size is not too big but if there is excess land, the land can be used as a garden that air coming into the house fresh. Try to have a green open space to allow air to a healthy breakfast can make the home atmosphere pleasant morning.

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