Monday, April 1, 2013

Small Business School - Theater of Ancient Greek legend that Global

Small Business School - Theater of Ancient Greek legend that Global. Theater is not foreign to our ears, because we've learned from in school. Even among us have never done theater in school. Fleeting theatrical drama performances similar to but not exactly the same. Many of them think theater is boring because they have seen on the stage could not be seen through the television. In addition, the theater made it is in accordance with the character of the theater, performed by the player, so the theater was rarely got appreciation from the public. Theater though in the play of the players appear as it is, when we look at a lot of positive things we can get from this theater.

Not only movies, songs, poems, plays and other literary works that could be used to convey a moral message to the public, but the theater also can provide a powerful enough effect to convey a moral message to the public. Appearance in the theater impressed they are, like the tattered clothing, body language is very clear, dialogue and meaning, making performing arts theater to devastating effect for the audience.

Theater Tracing Brief History of Ancient Greece and Rome
Theater comes from ancient Greek theater is characterized by relics in Greece. Based on the growing legend performing arts theater first staged in Greece by a Greek named Thespis. Thespis at that time had an idea to add an actor in the show Shorus and dance in Greece. The addition of the actors in the show Chorus is referred to as thespians. Thespians designation for the actor is growing in Greece and they call all the actors with thespians.

Performing arts theaters in Greece as evidenced by the existence of a heritage building in the form of theater called Dyonisus at Acropolis, Athens. It contains the original theatrical altar and a temple, but eventually turned into a semicircular stage and used to stage theater. The form of theater has inspired the construction of the Acropolis theater stage.

The majority, theatrical stage semicircular. Design Dyonisius Greek theater deliberately semicircular so can be seen from many directions, because the ranks of the audience seats are also circular. Why theater design Dyonisius made a half circle, of course, there's a reason. A semi-circular theater with seating spectators circle the orchestra so that the communication between the players with the conductor clearly. In addition, another reason for the acoustic arrangement of the stage as it could help spectators and players enjoy theater because theater at that time did not use the speaker.

Theatrical technique in the ancient Greek theater inspires around the world, including Indonesia. Theatrical techniques is obtained during theater performances take place, as follows:
  1. Dyonisius theater is quite far, most of the 10 meters with a range of seating and viewing audience. If the theater audience totaled 10 thousand people, it was difficult for players to showcase theater their facial expressions while acting. Then they use body language to explain it to the audience.
  2. So that the player character expressions pins theater, they use masks are accompanied by body movements.
  3. The next technique is to show the effect of fly like Pegasus, the system used the mechanism in which a player appeared on the stage of the theater down position.

Not only stop in Greece, especially in the Acropolis Dyonisius stage, the theater also flourished in Rome. So not only have Acropolis theater, Roma also have a theater stage. The development of the theater in Rome is an early influence of Ancient Greek theater, particularly in mainland Europe. In other words, Rome was the first city to apply the art of Greek theater in the world.

Roman theater arts evolved does not mean exactly the same with the ancient Greek theater, Roman theater arts flourish despite influenced by Greek theater. Roman theater the play more secular. As for the themes raised in the Roman theater is pantomime and comedy, which uses characters and slapstick humor. How about this Roman theater? Do the same with the ancient Greek theater? It turns out the layout and design of the stage is not the same as the Roman theater of Ancient Greece.

Roman theater is made of wood and designed to be fixed. Why Roman theater on the move? Historically, the Romans at the time banned the manufacture of concrete theater. Making theater are prohibited from using concrete does not run long. Until the end of Pompei the Great Roman theater building is named Theater of Pompey, disguised to look like the temple to Venus. Theater of Pompey was much imitated, so that many buildings are found in the Roman theater.

There are also differences can be seen between the Ancient Greek theater with Rome. The difference can be seen from the Roman theater setup using the system a little more complicated than the arrangement of Greek theater, a secret door and a hallway in the basement theater of Rome.

Theater Shows in Indonesia

History of art from Ancient Greek theater began to flourish around the world. Of course, the development of theater arts are also extended to Indonesia. Each state has their respective traditions in developing theater arts, including in Indonesia. If in Ancient Greek and Roman theater arts more prominent developments in terms of the arrangement of the stage, in Indonesia further highlight theatrical traditions adapted to the culture of Indonesia.

Actually, it is implicit in the art of theater we develop in Indonesia, as one example, is the art of puppet shows. It's just the art of puppet shows the actor form of inanimate objects played by a puppeteer. So how exactly is the development of theater that still has elements of theater such as those in Greece and Rome in Indonesia? Here are some theatrical art form that developed in Indonesia, seen from supporters :
  1. People's Theater. Folk performing arts theater is a performing art where people in rural areas who become supporters. Because the people who played a role, theater arts is not binding, spontaneous and full of improvisation. Theatre is like ketoprak, lenong also ludruk.
  2. Palace Theater. Arts palace theater was developed specifically by the court or the aristocracy, so the show only to certain circles. Arts palace theater has a very high artistic power, theme of the story was sourced from the experience of living the nobles, the gods, the royal family, such as puppet shows.
  3. Urban Theatre. Urban theater arts is a blend of folk theater art and theater palace. This theater arts arising from growth and the movement of people as a sign of a new product and needs. Performing arts theater featuring a more modern phenomenon.
  4. Contemporary Theatre. Contemporary performing arts theater presents shows in the name of self-esteem and develop latent creativity without boundaries. Exclusive nature of theater is because their supporters are the ones who did wrestle in a professional theater. Performing arts theater that displayed even more diverse and varied, and highlights the other side of human life.

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