Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Science Education Around Us

Science Education Around Us - In life, people need education. Why is that ? Education is a process of learning by humans to gain knowledge of life and living. Through education, one can determine what you want in life. However, the learning process needs to be done in getting an education is considered as something unpleasant, to learn to be a burden to anyone. To that end, the science education produces Quantum Learning methods that make learning more fun.

Science education begins Quantum Learning Dr efforts. Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian national educators are experimenting with \ "suggestology \" or \ "suggestopedic \". The principle is that the suggestion can affect the outcome of the learning situation, and every detail of any suggestion of a negative or positive result.

Several techniques are used to give positive suggestions for a fun learning environment, such as giving comfort to the students, put the music in the classroom, increase individual participation, use of innovative media and teachers trained in science education.

Science education is also familiar with the term \ "accelerated learning \" (accelerated learning). Accelerated learning is defined by allowing students to learn at an impressive pace, with normal effort, and accompanied by excitement.

This method can unify elements that at first glance seem unrelated such as entertainment, games, colors, positive thinking, physical health, and health emotional. However, all these elements work together to produce an effective learning experience.

Quantum Learning Education Science covers important aspects of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which is a study of how the brain organizes information. This program examines the relationship between language and behavior that can be used to create a fabric of understanding between students and teachers.

Educators with knowledge of NLP will know how to use positive language to improve positive actions as an important factor to stimulate brain function most effectively. All of these can show and create the best learning style of each person, and create a handle for success.

By definition, science is Quantum Learning educational interactions that convert energy into light in which all life is energy. In accordance with the formula known in quantum physics is the mass times the speed of light squared equal to energy or E = mc2.

Our physical body is matter. As a student, the goal is to get as much light, interactions, relationships, and the inspiration to produce light energy. Quantum Learning combines suggestology, accelerated learning techniques and NLP with theories, beliefs, and methods of their own. This includes key concepts and theories of learning strategies, are as follows.
  1. Left and right brain theory.
  2. Triune brain theory (3 in 1).
  3. Option modules (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).
  4. The theory of multiple intelligences.
  5. Education holistic (whole).
  6. Learning from experience.
  7. Learning with the symbol (metaphoric Learning).
  8. Simulation / game.

Using these concepts are expected to be more fun learning activities and provides satisfactory results. When learning has to be something fun, the knowledge and the variety of information to be absorbed properly, education will be implemented effectively.

Harnessing the Power of Mind

Since birth, humans have curiosity is never satisfied. All humans have a tool that can be used to satisfy curiosity. In everyday life, we may never see a baby with a serious researching a new toy, he put into the mouth to determine taste, shake it, lift it, and rotate it slowly to be seen from all sides.

Then, the baby is stuck in the ear toys, threw it into the floor and then taken back, then disassemble the parts that can and removed one by one. What do baby was studied extensively.

In science education called Global Learning. Global Learning is an effective and natural for a man to learn that the brain of a child until the age of six or seven years is like a sponge, absorbing the facts, physical properties, and the chaotic complexity of the language in a fun and stress-free.

This process is also coupled with the factors positive feedback and stimuli from the environment, and we can create the perfect conditions to learn. Even as a child every child love to learn to know what she saw, studying a natural process of life and fun in childhood ranging from learning to walk, learning to talk, learning to read, and so on.

However, the running time with parents and the education system began to change a child's pleasure to learn something forced. This over time will make a child forget the fun of learning how to learn as coercion.

Whereas in the study, one must harness the power of the mind, and the mind power energy comes not from a compulsion but out of a desire pleasure in learning. Science education has long conducted research various ways to the effectiveness of learning, but learning has become a natural human impulse.

Thus, to be considered is to utilize the potential and power of the mind to achieve success in learning. Quantum Learning makes the power of the mind through the empowerment of the performance of either brain or left brain right brain.

Einstein's genius is one example of someone who harness the power of a well thought. The human brain is the most complex mass of protoplasm that exist in the universe. The only organ that is grown to the brain can even learn about herself. To that end, maintain a healthy brain and use it well is essential in supporting the process of learning and education.

Build Interest and Motivation

Educational success can be achieved when the learning process becomes a matter of interest, dear. Thus, the learning needs to build interest and motivation. Interest and motivation can be built with knowing the benefits to be derived from what is learned.

For example, by studying mathematics someone would benefit numeracy skills, logic skills, and the ability to formulate and solve problems. When a lesson has been known to benefit the interest to learn it even higher, students will be motivated by the impact itself. Please note that the motivation of the self is the most powerful motivation.

Quantum Learning Education Sciences provides a method to build interest and motivation to learn. This method uses a map of interest, how to make it pretty easy. Write down the lessons to be learned and write the knowledge gained from these lessons, and write as well the benefits gained from this lesson.

When we know the benefits are important and have not obtained the maximum interest and motivation should be enhanced for this lesson. Knowing the benefits of learning is very important for humans. Since the study itself useful for personal power.

Personal power is generated by extensive knowledge, with extensive knowledge of a person will have more choices in his life. This is one person that will bring success in life.

Quantum Learning Science education has become part of the method of science education to give pleasure in learning, no longer a compulsion, even becoming an annoying thing to some people. However, this educational method also requires a maximum carrying capacity of the environment in which learning and also the people involved in it.

Learning is fun to be agreed with that in a school, for example, this method can be applied to the maximum and holistic. One's view of the environment around the course have differences, for example there are some people who love to listen to music while studying, some are enjoying the silence in order to concentrate more.

These differences can be resolved by creating a conducive environment for them, such as providing certain times to listen to music and there is a specific time for silence. Thus, to achieve pleasure in learning no significant obstacles within. Through Science Education Quantum Learning these things can be overcome.

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