Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sample of Wooden House Design

Sample of Wooden House Design - At this time, the design of Wooden House Design are scattered in various places. Particularly in urban areas, began many people trying to build their dwellings by using the concept of the countryside in order to create a unique impression. Wooden house at this point is no longer seen as the outskirts or bad taste. Instead, by using the proper system design, then a house using wood base materials as main raw materials can present the impression of luxury and elegance.

In the past, the existence of a wooden house is still synonymous with negative things. Among others, is seen as a home away from modern impression, rundown, old-fashioned and also regarded as the home of the village. Thus, many people who choose to build a house with a permanent building systems and no longer use wood raw materials as the main ingredient. However, as the development time shifting trends in society. Especially, for the city that almost every day busy with various activities, begin to look wooden home design as a medium to create comfort in their homes.

This is because the design of the Wooden House Design is believed to bring beautiful natural atmosphere like in the countryside. Moreover, the contours of a typical timber, believed to present the impression of cool naturally very necessary for those who live in densely populated areas such as in the city. Rural feel has been able to be presented with the typical ornate wooden buildings. In terms of design, this wooden house can be classified into two groups. The first is the classic wooden house and the second is a modern wooden house or mixed. For classic wooden house, simple design with only one floor. The model resembles a gazebo huts or houses by providing space in some parts loose.

As for modern wooden house, its design is more complicated because it mimics the design of the modern home. Where modern wooden house is usually composed of more than one floor, which makes each office feels more spacious. This modern wooden house design usually adapted from modern concrete house design, with a tiered system. The difference is the material building using wood materials. Many types of wood used to build wooden houses are usually selected from the character hard wood, such as teak. Thus, construction of the houses will not be lost with the building using concrete materials.

To compensate, usually furniture used in the home selected using a lightweight timber. Thus, the load of the house is not too heavy, especially if it's using a wooden house built multi-storey modern systems. The selected furniture made of wood such Jabon or sengon that tends lightweight yet sturdy.

Foreign Affairs

This trend is also building a wooden house was mostly done abroad. Many successful entrepreneurs who choose to build a house with wood raw materials than concrete material. Therefore, building a house with wood base materials are considered more able to raise the social status of the owner of the house, while also able to demonstrate the artistic tastes owned. Examples as did Michael Hermans, a successful businessman from Malaysia is building a wooden house in Kuala Lumpur. Herman built his house using wood obtained from various regions of the world. ranging from the typical Asian tropical wood that are large, up to special type of wood such as Oak wood.

Michael Hermans house was considered quite unique, because it was built with softwood use still very rarely used by the Asian community. This is because the climate in Asia is likely to hot, humid and wet so it is quite easy to cause dry rot in the wood. If the house is used as a building material, of course it is very dangerous to the safety of occupants of the house as if it would cause the house had rotted easily collapse at any time.

However, with some good processing techniques, is capable of softwood processed so that it can be designed for building materials strong and durable. Some imported wood used in building houses, among other uses Scandinavian softwood, hardwood and Eucalytus wood America from Australia. This timber was evidently good enough to use for building in the area has a tropical climate. Different types of wood are able to create an impression of warm and cool the building of the house.

The house belongs to Michael Hermans adopted the concept of tropical architecture using thin building period. The goal is that each room is flanked by a page with a form resembling the letter V that separates the private area with common spaces, such as office, reading room and lounge. Another design used is to create a lot of openings such as doors and windows, with a slanting roof overstek width. In addition, inter-connected rooms with an open breezeway. The goal, for air circulation more smoothly and create the feel of cool.

Excess Wooden Houses

The wooden house was chosen not only because it has high artistic value. In addition, there are still some things that are considered as the excess of the house compared to wood concrete house. Some of the advantages of the wooden houses are :
  1. The wooden house has character as retaining medium heat. Thus, the room in the wooden house is likely to be cooler than the concrete-walled house. That is why, the need for air conditioning is not needed at home using the wall of the timber.
  2. Natural impression which can be demonstrated by the wooden ornaments. It is particularly to be shown in the polished wood with paint so that more impressive natural concept.
  3. Become a medium for investment. A wooden house, especially the traditional house has a very high value. The value of these traditional houses are usually located at the level of the historical homes and authenticity, and is much more than the value of the home building materials. That's why to have a wooden house can be likened'm saving for the sake of long-term investment that is priceless.
  4. Easy to do renovations, particularly in the form of building change as needed. This is what distinguishes the home created using concrete, which must be done to change the shape by dismantling the existing building.

Weakness Wooden Houses

Besides having advantages, on the other hand the existence of a Wooden House Design also has a weakness in some sectors. Some of the disadvantages include :
  1. Materials made from wood, tend to have a high risk in case of fire accident. To that end, the development process, particularly the part where the kitchen will be a place that requires a cooking fire, must be taken very seriously. The goal is that the fire poses no threat of harm.
  2. For those who do not know about the type of wood, it is very dangerous if the wrong types of wood that will be used as a building material.
  3. The existence of a quality wood is getting harder, and certain wood must be obtained through a procedure that is not easy. That is why, building a wooden house can cost more than building a brick house.

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