Friday, April 5, 2013

Residential Design Place

Residential Design Place - There are some important things to note before building a dream home. Climate, is one component that must be considered when you make home design, especially if you plan to apply the style from the tropics to the non Indonesia. For example, a house in an area that experiences winter kind of Europe or Japan are usually made completely enclosed, roofed low. When force is applied to a home in the tropics, you have to maximize the use of air conditioning (AC), so the cost will be very high electric bills.

Conversely, if you want to build a model of the tropical house, should be given a lot of windows and doors are wide, spacious air circulation holes, and high ceilings. Aperture width can be maximized by creating terraces around the house. Thus, it takes land large enough for a tropical home. Another thing to do is to design a model of the house according to the needs of all family members. Health factors family members also should take precedence. For example, avoid material or ornamentation bad impact on health, such as asbestos.

After a record of all your needs and desires will live the dream house, make a good design using the services of an architect or not.

Dwelling House Design

Previously, it is necessary to know that the home is a place for each of the household can rest after a long day doing a variety of activities. Therefore, homes that will be occupied already should be made in such a way that residents who occupy it feels comfortable and safe. To get some important things, the need for the occupants of the house could make the exterior and interior design of a house as he wishes. In a sense, the house in accordance with the wishes of the home includes the cost of manufacture, size of the house, the heart of the household, and many other things.

However, to be able to get an overview of the residential design is not as easy as many imagine. This is because, a lot of things that must be considered in designing a house that is habitable. A few things should be considered and addressed, such as management planning, design, and implementation as well as a few other things that have been described previously. From this, it is better if the process of making homes, home design is planned to use the services of an architect. In addition to assisting in the design and planning of home design, architectural services could also be a reference in the development process of the house.

By using the architecture, design houses are expected to stay more on target with satisfactory results as well. In addition to a satisfactory outcome, quality and material quality can also be highly considered if you are using the services of a reliable architect in designing your dream homes.

Plus, if you use an architect in planning the house then planning, calculation and analysis of the construction of homes that are not optimal, both in function space, layout, interior furniture, spacious rooms, lighting, air circulation, and the residents on each element of activity occur in space can be anticipated and dealt with properly.

Variety of Residential Design

For houses, residential design would be made in accordance with the wishes of residents. Not only that, residential design must also be up to date and, if necessary, created a design that was never timeless.

Some residential design may be selected in accordance with the current design, such as design houses min., cluster, tropical, traditional houses and so forth. Here is the explanation of various residential design that can inspire you to stay home;

  • The Minimalist

A house with a minimalist design has a simple impression and many shades of lines and flat areas. Minimalist house design is becoming a trend among the people of Indonesia at this time. Ornaments used on any home with minimalist concept is very minimal, so many people choose this concept for the design of their home.
  • Houses Cluster

This cluster houses customarily built by design a house without a fence. This cluster home design inspired by the rural environment by creating a harmonious relationship between the neighboring communities. The absence of a fence that separates the house next to the house allows residents to always communicate or interact.

Design houses cluster is typically used in homes that rely solely on the fence complex primary complex equipped with gatehouse and security officers. The shape and condition of the park which is set in the front yard laid out as beautiful as possible, so as to create a family shelter that seem green and modern.
  • Tropical Houses

Indonesia is located along Equator line, so the country has a tropical climate with two seasons, dry and rainy season. These conditions make many adjustments in various fields, including in the area of housing. In terms of housing design, residential design in Indonesia region is adapted to the weather conditions and the neighborhood is located.
  • Modified Traditional House

As already known, Indonesia is very rich in species diversity custom homes, so that you can see the number of unique and special forms on each of each region in Indonesia. Building custom homes are then done renewal or modification by adding or subtracting some of the models, so it can produce a work of architecture a new home.

House designs can be used as a reference design or in residences. The most important of these residential design is the convenience and functionality of each of the components in these homes.

Benefits of Residential Design

Residential design for some people certainly do not need a complicated specification. Even some people think that in the process of building a house, the design is not the main thing. Thus making was sometimes only be done with a simple, if not exactly perfunctory.

There are several reasons why many people do not make residential design as one of the stages in the development process. One is the notion that the process of making designs on power house designer or architecture requires no small cost. Indirectly, this will add to the cost of expenses in the process of making a home.

For those who have more funds, it is certainly not a problem. But for those who have a limited budget, it will usually do the trimming expenses that are considered less necessary. One way is to eliminate the budget to make residential design.

Another reason why residential design problem is sometimes not used as a priority is the notion that building a house is a trivial matter. Thus, the design problem is simply done by using a simple drawing graffiti without the need for detailed calculations as appropriate when building a large building.

On the other hand, although considered trivial but basically manufacture residential design has a significant role in the process of building a house. This is one of them relates to the regulations applied by the government to those who want to make a building.

Some of the benefits of this residential design include :
  1. For the supporting documents in the process of filing building permits as well as in the determination of land and building tax.
  2. Residential design can be used as the initial calculations to determine the approximate costs involved as well as the time spent on the construction of the house.
  3. As an initial overview to determine the home building process to be carried out effectively and efficiently. So it will not have to rework process occurs due to one-up.
  4. As a blue print of the project, in order to avoid an error in the construction of the house. In other words, design it as a guide in making a home.

Benefit design house to live is a lot of benefit of the household, in addition to anticipate errors in development, it can also be a benchmark in the construction of houses.

Thus the discussion of residential design that can be delivered, may be useful.

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