Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Problems of Education in Indonesia

Problems of Education in Indonesia - From the first, as if to stop, the problem always hit our education. Educational issues always arise. From year to year. Surprisingly, instead of the more finished our education problems, but increasingly in shambles. Seeing the situation, there could be a question that is often raised to the surface, either by the media or individuals.

Actually, where the faults until the issue of education is not finished-finished really well ? Say when it appeared the wisdom of the government in setting the lowest value of graduation, which each student must achieve a specified rate. Erratic course, the school became angry, less confident in their students. Do-do school, including the school where most do not pass the letter on the students. It was only a couple of issues that are now often haunts the students and teachers. There are still many problems of education in Indonesia.

Education Problems - Some Issues That Make Indonesia Not Forward

Do not be surprised if you see Indonesia still lags behind neighboring countries, due to dilapidated education. Did you know that the shape of education in Indonesia is like a bird feeding her child. The Indonesian nation has long been in the doctrine governing education, rigid, especially the ban on protests, or even to think.

Look. Children in school sitting neatly. Regularly. They receive all the teacher said one hundred percent goes to the brain. Not filtered, no thought processing. And when there is a question and answer, the teacher will break down uric questions with the claim, "which asks must be stupid, because they do not know".

Did you know that the pattern has been formed since primary school. Children are small creatures that completely curious. The question always comes up in the head. They will keep asking endless. When entering school, the desire to ask shackled by shame considered stupid by peers. When they tried to ask and answer the teacher felt frustrated, then he would say, "stupid" and the child would stop asking.

After a long time it was embedded in the child. When entering high school and are required to ask, even scared child. They fear of being called stupid. Be patterns to learn any one direction. Stiff and boring. The worse, as if teachers do not want to know, they do not add instructional materials. Teachers become lazy reading.

This assumption has already mastered the material make them arrogant. No one has the ability like the science teacher. However, the teachers do not really know, that the world is changing, evolving science. Increase knowledge and reading materials will again add to the wealth of knowledge, they will be richer and can enrich their students.

Concern was also expressed by the poor performance of students in the future. As a result of learning only so long duck, students who incidentally is the next generation finally has a low performance. Not just in the value of achievement, but also achievements in other fields. Even if there are people who have made achievements, to be sure it gets the best education. Naturally, some schools that claim to superior students earnest to be the ultimate in its class.

Not to mention the educational issues of school fees. Well, if you've talked to the cost of education, almost the average parents would wince in horror. High cost of education in Indonesia. Indeed, the government has been implementing free education. But nothing really totally free. Schools may be free. However, the costs of construction, costs for books, extra costs, and other costs make parents more grimace. Thus, a free school it.

School is expensive, it is okay. In a country of Japan, education is expensive too. But the high proportion to the quality of learning. Also proportional to the income level of life. In our country, the rate of low-income life, but must pursue education quota that makes a heart attack.

Education in Indonesia was not trying to build the nation's mental, especially being honest. Mental nation has actually been tampered with since school. The lack of decisive action when students cheat is an opportunity for students to make a dishonest man and a cheat in the future. Ironic is not it ?

Teacher Education and Welfare Issues

The problem of education is not completed as was increased by another problem, namely the problem of teachers' welfare. When people rant about the quality of our education, they know that teachers with low paid. Especially for teachers. It's tragic. In fact, the teacher where students gain knowledge, get proverb to come forward. The place to ask. But welfare is ignored. Lots of teachers are owed payment for months. Moderate teachers are still human beings, need to eat and the cost to live.

Weight of responsibility that is not comparable to the salaries of teachers are making sometimes broke when he realized that his efforts are not appreciated. Some teachers remain with idealism. However, how many are uprooted. Funny thing is, that it often fell by the idealism of teachers who have become civil servants. So delish a civil servant, so that the teaching quality as declining. Often they shirk work, education understatement, and acted arbitrarily.

Indeed, it can not be beaten flat. However, these cases do exist in our society. Teachers who neglect their obligations is a serious educational problem. The government is already working on the fate of teachers' welfare. However, it is only limited to the civil servant, who was specifically in salary by the government. However, not so with the honorary teachers who are directly employed by the school. The payout is not the same, almost lower than civil service teachers.

If only the government introduced a system of independent at school. Where they also hire teachers with the ability of the school itself. Surely the cost of the school will be incredible expensive, but the quality is guaranteed. Look at private schools that promote quality. The price is high, but in line with the quality.

Their teachers were hired by the school itself. Teachers who defaulted and failed to hit chided, even got fired. Because of the rigors of school attitude that emphasizes quality, teachers are trying to improve themselves. Not act arbitrarily against the students because the students had to pay dearly to get a quality education.

Problems of Education - Education of Indonesia in the Future

Indeed, when I saw so many of the problems of education in Indonesia, many were pessimistic. Can Indonesia advanced and achievement like other countries ? The answer is always "Yes" to Indonesia. Humans certainly growing. Who refused to be crushed by the development of the times. Indonesia certainly have to change the pattern of education. Although it will take ten to fifty years, but it certainly needs to change.

Later, when the people are fed up by political deception, deceptive, and later when people have felt the need to be smart, then they would be flocking to learn. They will find out. Ignorance can no longer be kept alight in Indonesia. Education will get a proper place. The teachers will be more self-aware. Standards of living increase.

It was not a dream, believe me. Because now all have started a little lead in that direction. The proof, just look at the winners of the Physics Olympiad, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Indonesia took part and won gold and silver medals. Look at how people are internet literate. They learn to program. Maybe at first we hijack the program, but someday we will be able to adapt.

Still do not believe ? Look at expensive private schools with prestigious educational quality. There are many enthusiasts who queued enroll in schools of that type. Why ? Because people have started to realize the importance of education. For the poor, rejoice. There are special schools that do not take a fee, or free. All showed improvement towards improvement. Hopefully in the future of education in Indonesia issues can be resolved.

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