Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Outside the School of Education, Government Stepchildren

Outside the School of Education, Government Stepchildren - When hearing the word school education (PLS), I immediately thought of the one my playmates who majored in a public university in Malang. On the same campus while I majored in literature. For a year, I never know if my friend is majoring in Special Education School, so I do not know if I was in college majoring in something like this.

I rarely talk to him even though the Faculty of Letters was not far from the Faculty of Education where my friend was studying. Distance to the building of the Faculty of Letters at the Faculty of Education is only about 200 meters away. Since I'm the type of person who chooses to search for information themselves first and ask questions, then I find the info to and fro. As this is my explanation of school education.

Simply put, school education is education that is created or designed for learners who conducted outside the formal education. If formal education (formal school) rules and curricula seem stiff, then in school education can be more flexibly adapted to suit the learner.

School education allows the development of students' social, religion, skills, culture, and expertise. As the name implies, special education school, which used different methods with the methods used in the formal school. Education is not new in human life and culture. Education has been there and blend in in public life emerged long before what we call school.

Discourse school education (before the term was launched Education) offered as a form of "rebellion" and the disappointment of the weaknesses of the formal education system. School formal assessed stiff, hard, tight-round, and many rules of formality, though the formal education system is still considered important and still be maintained.

In addition, people have started to know that the education system can not handle all the diverse educational needs are increasingly different and diverse. Changing times, the need for in formal education beyond the necessary but not to replace formal education.

Merging the two systems, formal education and special education schools, deemed to satisfy, fill, and supporting the educational needs of today who can realize the goal of each of the students in accordance with the times.

Characteristics of School Education

Education has unique characteristics in the development of student participants include :
  1. Education is very flexible with the timing and other rules. Educators and students can communicate with an open time.
  2. Education meet the learning needs of the functional and valuable to a practice direction to support the present and future as the skills, management services, religious, and so forth.
  3. In the learning process, learning can be done anywhere as needed without having to sit in a class that has been provided.
  4. The program structure is more flexible and diverse and not binding. All tailored to students' interests and abilities.

Types of School Education According to the function. In terms of function, school education is divided into three :
  1. School education as a substitute institution, that school education serves to replace formal education who had not attended by the residents for several reasons such as limited funds, inaccessible areas or isolated, and busy people who do not allow them to attend the face-to-face in the classroom every days. Example; Packet A, B, and C.
  2. Special education schools in addition, that the school education serves to increase the knowledge and skills of students who have not or can not be obtained at the school. Example; boarding, training, private lessons, and so forth.
  3. School education as a supplement, that school education implemented to complement the skills or knowledge that has not been or can not get the learners in formal schools. Example; course dancing, sewing, and so on.

As already explained above that school education is not a new item immediately formed by community dissatisfaction with the weaknesses of the existing formal education. Education exists since human history was first formed. Family education is the beginning of the first human acquired after birth, even educating children since the stomach is made by a mother (if we agree to call the life of a child who is still in the stomach is the life of the world) to play music or just storytelling.

School education in the family who became the main base before the child is released to learn outside of the family environment (formal school). Family became a reference if the child does not understand the social and moral values. If families are not able to become a reliable reference then the child will seek a referral to special education schools that both the environment. Changing times will change how people think, behavior, attitude everyday, morality, worldview, and so forth. There is always the negative effects of the changing times. Family and environment are apt to answer any referral anxiety hearts and minds of the children of the new age.

However, when the family and the environment could not be a complete reference and formal schools can not serve the various needs of consulting and education outside the system as well as the limited time at the school, the community will begin to look like a boarding school education. Boarding School until recently assessed still able to overcome the changing times quite dramatically. Modern pesantren quite flexible and open to changing times while boarding currently chosen because it is still able to teach traditional education and who have good moral values, noble, and orderly.

Pesantren growing long before the formal education system began. Boarding School is on the forefront of education prior to the formal education system takes over its job. He was the forerunner of the modern education system in Indonesia today. Indonesia is a country that has not been fulfilled itself with a decent education. Many factors of a country can not run people's mandate to provide good education. Education is the brain and the soul of a country that will raise the quality of human resources. Unavailability of funds is an issue that quite often we hear people are not getting an education.

Children who are less able to prefer to work to ease the burden on the parents than the school that actually cost. Jakarta Education Agency records, illiteracy in the capital with as much as 0.7 percent, or about 67 thousand inhabitants of the total population of Jakarta which reached 9.5 million. This fact was horrible. Cost of formal education is increasingly expensive is a major cause. In this issue, school education is the solution. He has a tremendous role through Packet A, package B, and package C. This program seem trivial but it is to help the government in overcoming illiteracy.

So far, the program Packet synonymous with stupidity and not classy but it would be naive if it stepchildren government program. The program is helping people completely free of illiteracy. Community dissatisfaction with the slow pace of the government's attitude towards the program raises Packet NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) who falls help people in the field of education. The work of NGOs more nimble and faster in helping people obtain education than through government programs that seem Packet carelessly.

In some towns now popping up various workshops. This studio art education set that can not be provided by formal schools. They are taught how to be men who appreciate the beauty around. In Pare, Kediri, East Java, there is a village called Kampung England. There are so many places foreign language courses ranging from English, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, until the French language.

Places where it appears without any intention of the government to meet the needs of foreign language training for the people. They arise because the community needs that can not be handled by the system of government. They appear and independently without government interference at all. Education outside of school more independent and able to withstand all the time without having to bother the government help.

School education arises from the concept of lifelong learning needs. Mentoring and coaching PLS and work together is still needed to meet the needs of education in all fields so that every community is ready to keep track of time without having eroded.

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