Sunday, April 7, 2013

Interior Design Grocery Stores

Interior Design Grocery Stores - With the proliferation of large grocery stores like Indomaret stores, Alfamaret stores and the like, a serious challenge for traditional grocery stores. If not anticipate and prepare well and carefully store, of course, will be more severe challenge to traditional grocery stores. But actually when it presents a bit of time to organize and arrange the interior design of traditional grocery store, actually can also make a traditional grocery store looks neat, bright and modern. Moreover sold both of the same type and the same company also true.

There is no limit to creativity, and creativity is also an effort to traditional grocery stores to compete with modern grocery stores like Indomaret, Alfamart, and so on. It is true that this work is not easy, but still possible with techniques that may somewhat mimic but more creative, especially in terms of interior design shops desired. Adequate lighting and bright colors are among the things that must be considered by the managers of the mini market or traditional grocery stores.

In addition to preparing the interior design, it is equally important is how well prepared arrangement of goods, type of goods, arrangements for buyers of the stock and the flow started to go up out back and pay. Of course this can be arranged if the buyer himself who took the goods as is done in large grocery stores. However, if served by a waiter, a good arrangement of items and easily searchable is also one way that buyers can easily find the items he was looking for. Thus does not need to be spun or just forget what to buy because the goods are not easily found.

More Winning Modern Grocery Stores

Why modern grocery stores preferred by consumers ? First, the stores seem neat, bright, clean, and comfortable. Second, a price that fits can make consumers remember and can estimate the cash to carry. Third, the service is fast, agile, and friendly service from the waiters are dressed in clean and uniform.

Traditional grocery stores usually seem stuffy, crowded, crooked causing prospective buyers can not freely choose the items they want. Servants were usually dressed only rarely sober and not wearing a face that does not show, for example frown. Moreover, when shopping at the store was crowded.

But of course the bad habits associated with the traditional grocery store could soon be eliminated and replaced with service procedures as applied by modern grocery store. The principle that the customer is king indeed must always be put forward if it wants to win the competition. Except when you are the one existing store in the town, which sells goods that can not be found in other stores in your town. When a single player, regardless of the procedure may be of service to any customer, you will still be flooded with buyers.

Simple Design Neat and Clean

In general, any item you are selling, neatness and cleanliness of the store factors are things that should be kept. Moreover, if the merchandise such as salted fish, salted eggs, vegetables, herbs and some ingredients. Characteristic odor of the material should not interfere with the merchandise that consumers will shop at the store. Put these ingredients in a clean plastic container and does not seem so long. Thus aroma in the store can still be maintained clean, while the goods sold was still easily visible.

Besides the store wall color is important. Thus you paint the walls with a color that implies cleanliness, passion, and innovation. For example, yellow, green, red, orange. Arrange merchandise according to the needs of the most frequently used. For example, place the eggs, milk, ice cream, bread, and other materials that are made from milk, at the front entrance. Put these items in a refrigerator that looks always clean. Especially for meals ready to eat, this place hygiene factors will affect the taste buyers to purchase the item.

Luggage racks so arranged according to the type of goods. Place the goods according to the wrapper color. Without realizing it, often buyers prefer to wrap food or goods are brighter, like red. This may be due to the color red more attractive. It is also one of the conditions that can be anticipated that the buyer had no intention to buy, can suddenly remembered to buy the item.

Put a place to pay (cashier) at the front of the right so that the buyer, inevitably, have to go through some stuff. Do not forget to set the cashier so that there are some items that may be purchased by consumers who do not have to think long to satisfy instantaneous. For example, provide various kinds of chocolate, gum, batteries, razors, etc., at the cashier's desk. It is also one of the strategies that the items are not needed can still attract attention.

Minimum distance 70cm between the shelves. It is intended that consumers still feel relieved when selecting items to be purchased. Piles of stuff not so much that often fall when prospective buyers sort out the items to be bought. Often to check whether the goods are on the shelves according name tag attached to the rack, including the price. Not infrequently, consumers were disappointed because the price listed on the shelf are not the same as the price in the computer. So, foresight and point is very important. Because the result of this price difference can be a big problem if consumers feel cheated. She's lucky if not complain, but when it filed a complaint for various reasons, it will be bad. Remember that a complaint from a customer can be transmitted to other consumers, and continues to be a debate. To a minimum to avoid the problem of consumer complaints. Even if there is a complaint, complete with fine. Keep your own that resolving complaints from consumers, employees must not be resolved by your shop except for things that are simple. Remember always that you are the seller, and in the town you are not the only ones who sell such items in your store. It means that efforts must be considered in order to win the competition. Thus after winning the competition, the expected level of traffic to your store will be crowded.

Thus the important things in making a grocery store interior design, effective and draw attention, so that you can organize easily and interesting stuff, as did the big grocery stores like Indomaret and the like. Interior appeal grocery store is a one trick to win the competition with the proliferation of large grocery stores like Indomaret.

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