Thursday, April 18, 2013

How To Planning The House Design Floor ?

How To Planning The House Design Floor ? And the primacy of the physical advantages not based on broad and narrow buildings or fancy or simple home. As well as the house is not only a multi-storey or single storey house design. However, the advantages and virtues of a house over the function space setting and planning in the early development and resilience building structure. Surely something so risky when building a house without thinking of the power structure. Especially if you are in earthquake-prone areas, such as in Yogyakarta, Padang, Bengkulu, Lampung, and there are areas in the earthquake a fire ring.

Building Houses in Earthquake Prone Areas

For areas that are in the ring of fire earthquake, the foundation and structure of the building is number one. After the new design and the beauty of the home. If necessary a house shaped like Teletubbies house may be used as a comfortable home. Apart form this house is very sturdy, its existence will make the residents feel safe.

If you want to have a house on stilts, the foundation should consider what has been done by the grandmother first. They put stones in the pillars of the house on stilts. This allows the home when the earthquake rocked the stage but it will not collapse because the house swayed to the direction of the earthquake. One-story house was like that. The number of columns and the slop must be carefully considered. Materials used should also have a light but resistant structure. The use of lightweight steel frame with cement mortar walls may be considered.

Development costs may be swollen. If for a sense of security, it costs nothing instead of having to watch the house collapsing onto family members in it. It would be very painful. Local knowledge should be carefully considered when building a house at a very high seismicity region. Do not be sorry to see home severe damage when the earthquake is only around the 4 SR alone. Make home shockproof 8-9 SR though. If not able, then imitate the local community using local materials such as bamboo that has been processed into a very strong building material.

The point is, before building or buying a home building forms and any type, make sure that the foundation and strong and sturdy structure. After that just look at the design and functionality desired from the house. All of this requires very careful thought because the house is a long term investment that can be used by children and grandchildren someday. The stronger a house, the longer home it would be beneficial for those who have it.

The house functions

Understanding a home long before humans have a culture is to serve as a shelter - whatever form it takes. So that in the pre-history in the era of our ancestors, sometimes the only form of overdrafts in a cave, or a series of stems and tree trunks many plant by foliage. Provided that the return to the first function as a shelter, then any form is said to be home.

In areas with more extreme weather, such as the poles, homes and even very far away from consideration of aesthetic value or beauty rules commonly used as a measure of the designer or the owner of the home design your own home. At the poles, a dome-shaped house that can sufficiently withstand the cold of the air around him. For the Korowai tribe in Papua who lived in a tree with a height of bus get to 60 meters above the ground, the house is really like living fortress. What do they need to be brought into the home so that their life is like being on a cloud.

Basically all as confirmed that the house was originally a function as a shelter. Because there is a shift function, technological developments and evolving aesthetic value is now created in the home design or home design one floor or two floors with a variety of all forms in accordance with the desire and ability of the homeowner.

House Construction Planning

Surely it's a good house design home design home design one floor or two floors all depends on the setting and planning at the beginning of construction of the house. Detailed planning are necessary in the construction of a house. Of course the planning of the design or the design is not as complicated as the one-story house plans to build a two-story house. Some things you should consider in planning the development of the design or the design of one-story house, among others, are :

Price estimate and financing the construction or referred to the Budget Plan (RAB). Preliminary estimates for the construction of one floor per meter house is from 2 to 2.5 million. The price is quite good with standard building materials without the premium class use traditional building materials. If you want to use premium grade materials to several sections, then the price can be much more expensive.

Usually the contractor will try to give price estimates in accordance with the ability of homeowners. Negotiations will take quite a long time when you want to change the price according to the market mechanism. If the price has been set without considering market developments, feared as building materials rise, the desperate
contractor will use different materials than the original agreement. Therefore, choosing a good contractor, character, and high moral character, is very important. Recommendation of the companions need to be considered. Do not let the dream of becoming a victim just because the election contractor  wrong.

Technical planning includes the selection of quality materials, the selection of builders to work on the construction of your home, as well as the selection of a consultant or architectural services that help you realize your dream home. Or if you already have a design or concept itself will actually even better. In this section, all options will be risks. Learn in advance who is going to work with. Do not get when it comes to workmanship, the heart does not feel comfortable.

Design one-story house that you want. Or at least the concept that you want to be clear and you can tell and understood by consultants or builders who worked on your house.

Supervision of construction of new houses being built. There are two options according to your own condition. First, the supervision can do yourself, and this is better because you will immediately see in detail the process of development over time. And secondly, if you can not then inevitably you need an assistant or a person of trust to oversee the construction of the home as your representative. Some of it is not raw, but still be your priority when you are doing home construction.

Home Design

In planning the construction of one-story home there are also some tips you need to consider that there is no wastefulness. In a sense there is no material and money is wasted. Because regardless of your dollars will keep mites are most valuable when used effectively when you perform home construction tips Here are strategic in designing one-story house. Namely :

When doing construction, you can use the method to grow by the time you feel your development budget funds are limited. This avoids you make the mistake of focusing too much on one thing, such as beautifying the front facade to make it look harmonious and aesthetic. Home grown method lets you perform home construction continued at a later time when you have had a development budget again.

If you intend on building one-story house, then you do not bother to create a foundation for a two-story house or home level. Besides wasting unnecessary material will also be useless later. Calculate correct in detail and carefully at the time of manufacture roof trusses, foundations of houses, buildings, and structural framework of the connections. You have to be wise in spending for home building materials. There are two options, cheap materials but are less durable and expensive materials but a little long. You choose which one ?

Well now hopefully prepare you more solid construction of one-story house design belongs to you personally.

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