Monday, April 8, 2013

How to Creating Minimalist House Invisible ?

How to Creating Minimalist House Invisible ? The problem of limited land to make a home usually makes you want do not want to have to creatively utilize less land to create a comfortable dwelling occupied. There are several ways to work around that house of your dreams come true. For this issue, is not easy, because you have to think about how many screens that have to be made, the color of the walls, floors, ceilings, and even furniture. Here are some tips that you can apply when it will make your dream home.

Invisible Glass Using Space As Delimiter

In order for widespread impression, one of the efforts is by installing a baffle wall may this wise. Usually in the form of massive insulating brick used for a bed and a bathroom. For rooms such as the dining room and family room should be warm without the baffle so impressed and relieved. In order for the house seems cool, comfortable and relieved, park in the back or side of the house, should be accessible from the dining room and family room. In order for this goal is achieved, you can try a transparent glass divider garden with dining area and family room.

The thickness of the glass is commonly used as insulation around 8 cm. In this way the dining room or family room as if it got an extension to the park next to her. Use the glass divider with sliding opening mechanism, so that the more practical and no eating places.

Colors Used

In order to obtain widespread impression, use bright colors that tend to white on the walls, floor, and ceiling. Combine soft colors on the walls, floor and ceiling in order to form the harmony. But do not worry, usually these colors easily combined because it is neutral. Bright colors also give maximum light reflection that is not found when you use dark colors.


Choose dark colored furniture of various shades, such as dark brown, light brown, to dark purple, dark red, etc.. Various colors are dark furniture in the room with the color of walls, ceilings, and floors are young (likely white) will give accent to the room so pleasing to the eye. Be creative with these colors, so you get a room fit your character. Modern minimalist emphasize on effectiveness and efficiency. With continuous design between rooms one another to make the whole family can move freely. In addition also gives the impression of the room. Well, congratulations creative with your tiny dwelling.

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