Friday, April 12, 2013

House Design Magazine

House Design Magazine - Designing a house, both exterior and interior is not complete if it does not have a credible reference materials. One reference to designing a house is the home design magazines. This home design magazine variety. One magazine related to home design and versatile all is House Design magazine. House Design magazine is a magazine that contains the information about the architecture, interior, exterior, garden, and other info about the house. The magazine is published specifically as an effective and strategic media containing different kinds of information and promotion of products and services related to home products and other elements of the home.

Products Interior, Exterior, Architecture, and Gardens
House Design magazine featuring the works of architectural interior design, exterior, landscaper, and developers are appealing for information to the public. Displayed reading material home design magazines can be an effective and efficient promotion of product marketing programs related to aspects of interiors, architecture, and gardens. The main discussion of the scope of the magazine is House Design, apartments, and other public facilities, such as showrooms, offices, restaurants and so forth.

Industrial Properties
House Design magazine was featuring information regarding property products, such as apartments, real estate. Condominium, shop houses, shops, offices, hotels, resorts, and so forth. Information displayed about this property world in the form of articles and full color photos with detailed discussion of popular and scientific. This makes the consumer can obtain a definite and accurate information so that they can make informed decisions. House Design magazine also displays a variety of product support required to complete the function space, building, exterior, and interior. The supporters of good products that are functional, such as furniture, working appliances, lighting equipment, sanitary, kitchen, bathroom, to the office space. In addition, this house design magazine featuring art smelling goods suitable to be applied as supporting the interior of the house.
House Design magazine also provides information about home design services. Info about the services performed for the community related to engineering design, interiors, gardens, and other services. The magazine also displays information related to the banking and construction of home ownership. Home design magazine look with a segment of readers who range from students (student design) to adults. Home design magazine also featured the colorful and charming design. This is done to attract more readers to read a magazine related to home design. Because its design is exclusive and colorful, the price for home design magazine pegged quite expensive.

Here are some articles in magazines Nature Home - Enjoying the Natural Atmosphere at Home

Sir Bobby, the majority of residential urban look with modern concepts with geometric shapes assertive character and minimize unnecessary detail. The rigid shape of the building is then balanced with softer elements, such as plants, water elements, and memorable natural materials such as wood and natural stone. In addition, Indonesia's tropical climate has distinctive characteristics that require proper handling to be safely and comfortably habitable. Residential character is embodied in a residential area of 500 sq m of the coast of North Jakarta.

Climate Modifier

The front side of the residence facing west that always get afternoon sun exposure. Thus, the orientation of the spaces also leads to the back side of the building, while the building's facade is made more covered through secondary skin and lush front garden as a sun barrier. The residence is located in a residential complex near the beach so make residential areas prone to sea at high tide the water overflow. One effort to anticipate that the sea water does not enter the dwelling is to elevate the building to about 5 feet from the front street.

With the completion of either a sloping front garden, the building may be seen the figure is not too high and look proportional. With that height, the entrance located on the first floor can be accessed by a circular concrete staircase which is also access from the building mass round-shaped box. To get a good natural ventilation, in the family room build and form a continuous ceiling void to the second floor. In addition, the openings to the swimming pool located on the side of my family room also makes the air flow better.

Spatial Planning

Residential land form it resembles a fan shape, which is wide in the rear and slightly curved at the front side. When designing the layout of the room, the architect made a family room on the first floor as the top priority. The family room is designed in order to get a view up to the two sides of the outdoors, there is a garden and swimming pool. The use of glass walls also create a view toward the outdoor area to be more liberal. Meanwhile, in the dining room and pantry adjacent to the family room sliding door used aluminum latticed order to enjoy the lush gardens at the front side of the building.

Tropical House Design Simple

House with tropical design concept is a concept which is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia. This is because Indonesia has a tropical climate. The concept is characterized by tropical dwelling residential design that has a fairly wide corridor, sloping roof, each room has openings so that sufficient clearance can sunlight and good circulation.

Simple Tropical Design

The house is covered by Nature Home magazine combines tropical design concept and simple. Simple lines and modern design chosen because it fits with the desire and youthful homeowners. This mixing provide maximum comfort in the residential occupancy and create unsightly. The residence stands on an area of 320 square meters and are on the hook. Simple tropical concept in this house looks straight from the residential facade has a porch and breezeway. Wide openings with wooden lattice applications are arranged vertically to reduce the scorching sun during the day so as not to fully enter into the room.

At the park in front of the house planted some palm trees to reinforce the impression of a tropical residence. As for the residential side, that there is a pool, a visual orientation center for the living room and master bedroom. To get around the area is quite limited, minimizing the use of these residence bulkhead. Void existence of the second floor in the family room and openings toward the wide glass toward the park or swimming pool adds a feeling of space in the dwelling.

Well, that's a description of
House Design magazine and other related articles. Hopefully this explanation given to you.

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