Friday, April 5, 2013

Home Design Type of 21

Home Design Type of 21 - The house is a primary need for every human being in this world, so that almost everyone crave dream house to occupy. In modern times, the property is growing, one of which is housing.
Sometimes we buy a house that already has a benchmark residential design. However, often times we are not satisfied with the design. So, before the house is occupied, the design needs to be fixed first.

21 This unusual house type has a land area measuring between 60 to 70. Sometimes the difficulty in regulating the type 21's. This is because, the limited land area. But do not worry, because the type 21 can be made 2 rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom, family room and living room.

Any couples wishing to marry must have wanted one. Therefore, if you choose the type of 21, here are some tricks to renovate the house type 21.

    Never type 21 to renovate the house to the curb, for violating the rules. Moreover, it also makes the home a nest rat, hot, stuffy, and smelly as well as a source of disease. After all it is a very important page, other than as a source of air as well as sunlight lines coming into the house;
  1. Do not elevate the house without looking at the quality of the foundation;
  2. Do entire home page, as it will cause the water does not get into the ground, resulting in flooding and dry in the dry season;
  3. Do not cover all the rear boundary fence to the house, because it resulted in the absence of an air gap from the rear entrance. Create little place in the back for entry of air, so the air circulation so regularly.
  4. Make the one window in each room, so that no incoming air and the house became crowded.
  5. Replace old electrical wiring. Power cable developer usually does not last up to 5 years, so it should be replaced with a new network, to avoid fires.

To renovate the house design type 21 is indeed quite difficult, compared with larger ones. This is because the land is not so great. Therefore, the renovation of the house was important to create a two-tiered. However, keep in mind to lower floor, try not closed all the back, so that sunlight and air can get into the basement.

House Plan Type 21

There are so many types of homes that we know based on land area. Types include types 21, 36, 45, and 60. Each type represents the land area used.

Home with 21 type built with 21 square meters of land. 21 This type of house is relatively small house, because this house plans is very simple. This house plan type 21 does not use a lot of space, because the land is limited. In general, the house consists of 21 types of rooms such as:
  • 1 bath;
  • 1 bedroom;
  • Kitchen, and
  • Living room.

Set the minimum was on the use of insulation type 21. It aims to create a broad view and facilitate the residents move. Preferably, the furniture used in the house plan type 21 is sufficient that the essentials only, so that the house looks comfortable.

When using furniture that is too much, you will see the dizzy existing furniture everywhere. In addition, too much furniture will give the impression of cramped. However, the benefits of this type 21 homes have easy maintenance, because the size is simple. That way, we do not have to bother to clean the room with a long time. However, the drawback if there is damage to the building will be easily visible quickly.

House design type 21 is very suitable to be occupied by a modest family. If too many residents, this home will impress cramped and claustrophobic. If it has a land area of 21 square meters, there is an opportunity to build a house. You can build a house type 21. Ways and tips can build you can from various sources, such as internet, brochures, magazines, and others.

Type 21 is Artistic home

Property is currently growing rapidly. It is marked by numerous property development units, such as apartments and housing 21 are artistic types. Along with the development of the property world, the needs of the community will house these days is very high.

If insufficient finances to buy a house middle-end, simple little house was not a hindrance to realizing the desire to have a home. Almost all developers offer a small house lots or products, due to the high demand of residence.

Requires only a short time to sell hundreds of housing units. Many developers are using the moment to build 21 houses artistic type with facilities and security environment is maintained.

Describe a small house with such conditions it was time to change. Consumer is the king, should be given the best to the satisfaction of the consumer. The house had a beautiful, healthy, and environmentally friendly. That's the key to building homes of any size, including building a house or choosing a small house. The playhouse is marketed typically have maximum area of 100 square meters with a building form standards.

Beautiful does not always have to be expensive. Smart home design creativity will realize a small house-efficient building materials and smart deal all the limitations, both funds and land. The concept of beauty is translated into a sketch of the house that is easy to maintain. Encourage the development of limited land a tiny terraced house, like the house design type 21.

Plan open space and minimal wall, both walls, walls, or doors, make the room feel airy. Merging function space tailored to the needs of residents. Terraces and front gardens functioned as a living room, children's playroom, and vehicle parking.

Used as a room in the family room and dining room. Functions of family room, study room, and a children's bedroom can also be placed on the upper floor. Garden and patio used as an open dining room, family room, and a children's learning space with a different time.

The bathroom is a room that requires special handling and maintenance, ranging from utilities, sanitation, major appliances, and material selection. Materials ceramic or terrazzo floor of rough textured floor not intended to be slippery and a small impression of the room to expand. Limitations can be made dry bathroom with shower glass-walled closed box or plastic curtains.

For placement of septic tanks, although placed in the front garden, but the distance is not too close to the water pump, due to the long term it can contaminate groundwater. Therefore, need reconsideration in the placement of septic tanks.

Hopefully with the house design type 21 article can be useful for the readers.

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