Friday, April 5, 2013

Examples of Small House Design

Examples of Small House Design - For those of you who want a house but has a mediocre pocket or difficulty getting vast land because there are more minimal, a small house is the perfect solution. However, to design a small house so comfortably occupied subjects that bother easy. At least there are a few things you need to consider in order to realize the dream house in a narrow land.

Here are some things to consider.
  • Space restrictions

With a tiny form, you still have a chance to deal with interior design, make it look more spacious and appealing. Well, to get around the limitations of the interior because of its small size, one way is to reduce the barrier wall.

Reduction wall is done, so the sighting area. Keep only the bathroom and the bedroom has a partition wall (permanent). Meanwhile, to another room is limited only by the sideboard, bookcase, or a sofa. Too much insulation will only make the room cramped and claustrophobic.
  • Manipulating Space

You can also use some design partitioning techniques. You can manipulate the space in a small house, so look bigger, wider, or higher. The trick is to use outer space as part of the interior space.

In addition, you can also use the back porch area of the expansion of the family room or your dining room. Alternatively you can do is use as a room divider glass overlooking the outdoor area. With the use of glass, will create expanded space visually.

You can also use the reflecting, like a mirror. The use of mirrors, will present the impression of the room look more spacious. No matter how small the field of reflection, reflection that is created will certainly increase the volume of space in a visual display.
  • Light

Factors light, especially sunlight, an important element in decorating a small house. Aperture matter how small, will bring great influence to the beauty of a small house. Let the free access of light into the house to get a sense of space. Make a high roof, large windows, and avoid using glass tiles. This is because, the use of glass tiles can not absorb light. Moreover, it also causes the room to be hot and uncomfortable.

However, you should pay attention to the form, type, and size of the window. Large aperture field, will provide a sense of space larger than the actual condition. Besides the sun, artificial lighting is also important. Artificial lighting aims to create a careful arrangement. In creating the artificial lighting, you should be able to adjust in an efficient and appropriate types of lamps.

If you want a light roof, use a glass box. It is intended, so that light can enter. That way, the room looks shady and warm.
  • Air Circulation

Smooth air circulation to dissipate heat in the house. Keep vents that facilitate the entry and exit of air. If the placement is not appropriate, ventilation air can not guarantee much in and out smoothly. The air does not turn by itself, unless the pressure is high.

That's why you need to make a window / ventilation air intake can directly make out without deflected. Do not be tempted to spend the land to build the room. For convenience, you still need to have an open space in the back to allow for the air to come out (not trapped).
  • Paint Walls

For terms of color, you should choose a neutral color for the walls and bright your small house. Meanwhile, to remove the impression of boring or monotonous, you can also combine several different colors. For example, combining two colors (green blue) or even three colors (red, yellow, green) as well.

In addition, the use of bright colors on the walls, will give the impression area. Avoid the use of white because it gives the impression of a cold, stiff, and formal. While dark colors will only make the room feel more cramped.
  • Parlor

Decorating the room to make it look not room narrow is the challenge for those who have a small house. Therefore, you should pay special attention to decorating the living room. That way, the first thing to consider when juggling a tiny house is the living room. How do I, so that the guests who come to your home can feel comfortable even though the tiny house.

One of the things to consider in decorating the living room is the sofa. You should notice well in choosing a sofa. Avoid use of sofa fabric. This is due, sofa fabric will spend a lot of space.

However, you'll also be able to use the sofa as long as the color is bright fabric. Try to blend with the wall color of the couch and the floor. That way, you do not need to add carpet, unless the color of the carpet match the couch and the floor.

Another thing to consider in decorating small living room is the coffee table. Instead, use a coffee table made from glass with a simple design. Add the side table to increase the aesthetic value of your living room.

To decorate a small living room, you can also display a large painting in the living room. Displaying paintings aims to.

  • Furniture

Choose furniture that color as close as the wall color. The selection of the right color, it will create harmony and pleasing to the eye. In addition to color, size should also be considered.

Look for furniture that is sized to maintain the flexibility of the area. Use a chair that meets the corner, such as L-shaped sofa It is aimed to minimize wasted space. Impression that the house is not crowded, use multifunctional furniture, such as beds that have drawers.

The use of furniture, should be designed to suit your needs. This is because, the furniture is one of the key elements in designing a tiny house. By using the concept of multifunctional furniture, you can be smart to save space as well as storage areas. Storage areas can be integrated with seating, beds, sofas and even stairs.

  • Small Garden

Parks became an important element in strengthening the architectural elegance of the house. You can play a lot of colors to decorate the garden. For instance, green foliage and colorful flowers. These colors will create a natural feel and refreshing in the home garden.

No wonder, if the presence of the park in front or inside. To park in the house, making the house look more attractive. Despite his small size, you can still make a garden. Park made sure the mini size. Usually small garden measures 1.5 x 1.5 meters. Grounds for small house usually made into the living room, in order to get a sense of space and cool.

Parks have a positive effect, not only for the home atmosphere, but also. so make sure, though small house you still have left some land to create a mini garden. Broadly speaking, to decorate a small house is not difficult, as long as know the concept properly. Presenting the wall decor in shades of vibrant, massive furniture, and the use of a dark color, it will bring the impression of tightness in the room.

Then, presenting luxurious and elegant interior structure to house the tiny size, it is not wise. This is because, luxurious and elegant interior make the room more cramped. Order the smartest room for small house is simple, minimalist, minimal style, and clad in bright colors. With the use of decoration, will give a feeling of space in your home.

Choose bright colors for large areas, such as floors, walls, plafond, and major furniture. Instead, you avoid a lot of color combinations. However, use a little accent to sweeten the room

Well, interested to try it ?

With a small house you were still able to gain comfort as offered by the house on a large area. Happy creating !

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