Sunday, April 7, 2013

Examples of Minimalist Home Design

Examples of Home Design - House designs typically consist of bedrooms, living room, family room, porch, kitchen, garden (front and rear), garages, and warehouses. Picture house designs are usually made to look upon that land, buildings, and the division of space is clearly visible. People who make home design experts are architects, but it is possible for homeowners to do it themselves. Examples of home design you can see the architectural columns in magazines or tabloids.

In addition, there are many Internet sites that provide free consultations on the drafting of the house, as well as provide examples of images that you can emulate. Design houses that were encountered in the mass media are usually the types of homes ranging from 36, 45, 70 or 90.

Design examples Ideal Home

Dream house design examples you can see in various magazines which presents the latest model of the house, or you can also take the survey directly to the mansions or minimalist home according to your taste. The survey results can be combined with your own personal design wishes. You also have to adjust the taste with the development of the latest models. See latest design houses designed by the architecture.
When ...

When has the funds, think to have a home. Especially if you're married. No need to think for walks abroad or spend money for things that have nothing to do with long-term investment. No one knows that you wake up in the morning, then you will definitely see the sun sink or you will feel the night. Vice versa. When you feel the night, no one can be sure that tomorrow morning you'll be able to hear the call to prayer at morning.

If you already have a home, although not a dream house, when you are forced to go out of this world under any circumstances, at least you do not have to think of families seeking shelter. Realize first dream home has it as quickly as possible. Cost of living will be more and more and there is no guarantee when the age of the move a lot, the more money will also. Especially when it's firmly in the cypress place and will not go again, then the house is the first item to be possessed.

Contents or furniture can adapt to the needs. Should not rush has all the furniture home same with others. Everyone has their own needs and do not need to feel jealous of other people. Jealous of the world will just add headaches. Look down and see the people who do not have it. Be thankful. There is no harm in having a house with an empty room because I did not have money to fill the empty spaces it.

Main Obligations A Man

Having a private home is a dream for every person. Especially for men, do you know what would make men feel a sense of happiness in this world ? There are three things that will make a man have a happy life he wanted, namely: the first when he has a beautiful wife and good, both when he has a private vehicle, and the third is when the man has a private home.

Inevitably, men have a duty to provide shelter for his family. That's why men get a share of inheritance is far more than girls. But, if a woman has the ability to be able to own a home and not even just one, it's not a problem. When the house was occupied by a family, then it becomes part of the savings afterlife. Add sincerity will be the means of sustenance.

The house will be one source of happiness when the house was filled with souls who love each other. The house can be a source of harm even when the house was filled with souls burn each emotion. The size of a house does not guarantee a happy life. Happiness it will be reflected from the comfort of a home and not a physical beauty of the house. Do not think if you have a big house and luxury, happiness will come by itself. Happiness also comes from a lawful sustenance and humility accept fate and divine decree.

Do not get discouraged when it does not have a house that is too big. Small house that is designed with beautiful, would look nice. Keep it clean. Do not let the grass grow freely without neatly arranged. Although not able to make a beautiful garden, the plants grow right in front of the house, the house will make an appearance to be different. Try to always pay attention to neatness of the house plants that do not like complicate forest. If necessary imitate someone else's style to make a small garden lush. No need to buy all the flowers or plants that exist in the plant. Medicinal plants and herbs can look beautiful when styled.

Ease Have Private House

The house is one thing coveted by humans living on privately owned passenger alias. For example see how the condition was the happiness of the newlyweds whose lives their parents stay at home, not only ark threatened households will decrease happiness, mental stress also appears particularly for the law. Therefore, the need to dream and try to have a private home. Before you have, you'll want to look at examples of design dream house that you want. Note the layout of the room and the color of the walls and building materials.

The most important thing you do is create beautiful shades of house paint and draw. Fundamental differences in the houses of people living in rural and urban areas in addition to the matter of the design is also about color combinations. Beautiful colors of paint a house, will also affect the feel of the beauty of the home that you designed. If you do not like paint or if you want to continue playing with the colors, it's good to choose a replacement material paint. Can also use this type of wood siding. This will make the home look more presentable.

The layout of the room also needs to be regulated. For example, if you want to have a bathroom in the bedroom, try not to make the bathroom wet. The bathroom was a source of germs that are not good for health. If it was not disciplinary in cleaning the bathroom, you should not make a bathroom inside the bedroom. Do not forget to also regulate the flow of dirty water and exile. Do not let the house neat and beautiful, but the smell of sewer water because that is not good.

Think to create a home that will no longer grow there unloading. If you have a large home, try the living room and the family room is quite large. Keep in mind that when there is a death, the bodies will be brought to the house. At least the living room or family room that can be put together so many people who can praying  before the bodies were taken to the mosque or a bigger place. The living room and family room are only sealed with a removable partition which will make it easier to get a relief when many families are coming. Try also has a toilet that more than one.

Minimalist House Design

Minimalist Home Design will look more beautiful and comfortable. Have a minimalist Home Design, small but beautiful and wonderful. The beauty can be created by creating a natural atmosphere in the house. Natural shades can be done using natural colors such as the dominance of brown paint. Combine brown shades in every room of your home. Starting from attractive brown color tiles, paint the walls and on a variety of home accessories, such as tables and chairs.

You can make your seat designs made of teak The polished brown, put a wooden jewelry with the same feel of the chocolate. If you find it a hassle to buy a lot of home accessories, you do not need to design a living room with a large size. Design a medium-sized or small. This size will allow you to design this room into a beautiful and attractive room. Color combination also needs to be controlled. Combine the old color and light color. Keep the color of your floor is older than the wall color.

Natural shades

To add to the natural feel of your home, you can also build a small garden in front of the house. Put ornamental plants and keep up the natural feel in there, for example by making the chairs are also made of wood. To preserve the wood that are not easily weathered, your diligent enough to paint the wood.

For newly married couples who are very likely to Home Design like this design example. Remember that my house is my heaven. Not only the people who need to be careful conditioning, but also the conditions and atmosphere of the house contributed to the comfort factor we stay at home.

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