Thursday, April 11, 2013

Example of Japanese House Design

Example of Japanese House Design - Home is a shelter from the sun, rain, and storms. In addition, the home also serves as a resting place. The shape and design of the home greatly affects the value of the comfort and beauty of the home. In addition, the design also has artistic values. Each region or state has the shape and design of traditional houses. One is the design of Japanese houses.

Japan is known as one of the developed countries in Asia. In addition, the value of Japanese culture is very high. In terms of home design, Japan also has its own characteristics, ranging from traditional, modern, or a blend of modern and traditional. Japanese home design influenced Japanese culture and geography shaped islands.

Uniqueness peek Traditional Japanese House Design

Traditional Japanese house design has a unique role in terms of its architecture. Japanese traditional house consists of several rooms, namely washitsu (function room that can be used as a bedroom tamum room, and family room), genka (entrance area, dapaur, and wasahiki (toilet). Washitsu is one important part of the architectural design of a traditional Japanese house. Washitsu is a multipurpose room as a base tatami floor. There are some guidelines in the preparation of the tatami as flooring. Of the number of tatami is used, it can be seen the square footage of the room. In the traditional Japanese house, room washitsu could amount to more than one. Of a number of existing washitsu in the house, there is one major washitsu.

Washitsu said to be a versatile space because it can be used as a living room, dining room, study room, or even bedroom. This is possible because all the necessary furniture is portable or easily moved. This portable goods that are later stored in oshiire, which is a small portion of the home used for storage. Washitsu function space can vary, depending on the appliance used. Roared washitsu could turn into a study room if placed desks. Washitsu could also be a bedroom if placed futon (sleeping mat). And, if you want to make washitsu as a banquet hall, a table and a futon to learn it first entered into oshiire. Usually, there are objects in space washitsu that acts as a baffle. The insulation comes from two kinds of objects, namely fusuma and shoji.

Fusuma is a rectangular panel. Usually mounted vertically on a wooden rail. Fusuma can be opened and closed by means encouraged. This Fusuma serve as a driving force door or room divider in washitsu. As with fusuma, shoji were installed between wooden rails. Upper rail called Kamoi and bottom rails called shikii. Shoji frame is made of wood and the surface is coated with keadua washi (fabric derived from natural fibers or synthetic fibers) or it could be vinyl.

If the paper coating is damaged or to be replaced with other Fresco, old paper can be removed and replaced with new paper. Both sides fitted shoji hikite surface that serves as a door handle. The difference is fusuma and shoji fusuma opaque, while the translucent shoji. Upon entering the room washitsu, sandals or shoes must be opened. It is part of the century into the house in Japan. Washitsu room, especially the floor is usually covered with tatami. Tatami is a traditional Japanese mat made of straw that has been woven. However, as time went on, many tatami made of styrofoam.

Tatami has diverse shapes and sizes, and the surrounding fabric stitched with green brocade or plain cloth. Initially, tatami is a luxury item that can be owned by the rich. At that time, the majority of poor people do not have the floor, but the mat. The use of tatami mats as flooring became popular in the 17th century. Another characteristic of the traditional Japanese house is genka. Genka is a place in a traditional Japanese house which serves as a place of open shoes or sandals. When removing shoes, people will climb higher place than genka.

In addition genka position, there is a rack or cabinet called getabako. Cabinets or racks that serve to store shoes or sandals. For sandals were worn in the house, stored there. Toilet is a part that must exist in every home design. In the Japanese home architecture, there is a toilet which is called washiki. Toilet premier in Japan a squat toilet. The majority of squat toilets in Japan are made of porcelain. The user of the toilet in Japan is the opposite of Indonesia. Users toilet in Japan facing the wall behind the toilet.

Squat toilets used in the traditional Japanese house is divided into two types, namely toilet is located on the surface of the floor and toilet are located on the floor is elevated about 30 cm. Toilets are located in an elevated part of the floor is more easily used to urinate while standing up. The kitchen is one room that complements traditional Japanese home Desai. In the traditional Japanese house, there are two types of kitchen, kitchen with stove and the kitchen were hanged. The second type of traditional Japanese kitchen in this house using wood as fuel.

In the traditional Japanese house, rarely any bathroom. That's because the ancients always bathe in public baths or commonly called a sento. Baths were generally split between men and women. However, over the times, the needs of the bathroom in any home are increasingly required. So, now this design traditional Japanese house is equipped with a bathroom. In addition to the core parts which have been described that, traditional Japanese design house also has other rooms as a sweetener or complementary. One in the room complement the existing traditional Japanese house design is roka. Roka is located on the edge of the house. Room with wood flooring is similar to the hallway.

In traditional Japanese architecture, the park is a beautiful complement to attend a Japanese house. In garden design Japanese house design style, not the technical term is a straight line or symmetrical. Parks in the design of a traditional Japanese house deliberately designed asymmetrical. This was done so that no single element that became dominant. Gardens in traditional Japanese house has a large size and is equipped with a small building such as a tea house, gazebo, and building worship (temple).

Between the building and the park, usually constructed in the form of transitional space as a porch where people sit. From the homepage, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the park from a distance. The composition of a traditional Japanese garden house usually consisted of plants, rocks, and ponds. Existing ponds in the park are usually decorated with small islands.

According to Japanese culture, plant symbolizes eternity, there is a pool of water which symbolizes purity and life, while the stone symbolizes nature. Stone is an important element in garden design Japanese house because the stone used to symbolize mountains, coastline, or a waterfall. Well, that's the description of the design of Japanese houses, particularly the traditional Japanese house. The explanation may add your reference about
Japanese House Design.

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