Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Example Bedroom Layout plan

Example Bedroom Layout plan - Creating a bedroom floor plan is certainly very important for a planned because the bedroom is the most private areas in our homes. Just like the dining room and living room, a bedroom was a long time also appeared as a structured space. The bedroom is an area that conventional, in the sense that almost no changes, just used as a place to sleep. This article will discuss more about the bedroom floor plans. Along with the times, the bedroom is not only used as a place to sleep. Structured so as to change into new forms of traditional patterns and standards. The bedroom is currently used as well as a place to learn, spend leisure time, and even doubles as a work space. Therefore, we should plan a bedroom floor plans.

Increasing function makes form design and plan the various bedroom anyway. In terms of design and layout in the bedroom, is now no longer the standard as before. Bedroom floor plan trend is growing that the bedroom can be a reflection of the owner's personality. There are a variety of design concepts and plans into the bedroom current trends, such as the design and layout of modern bedroom, bedroom floor plans ethnic, contemporary, young and minimalist style.

Associated with the concept of a bedroom floor plan, came the idea to use for what implies bedroom what activities will be done in the bedroom. Is limited space for sleeping ? Do include other functions such as space to change clothes, bathe, to spend leisure time, and work ? This will reflect the uniqueness of the occupants of the bedroom itself. There are several things to consider when going to design and make the bedroom floor plans. Sketch plan is not only limited to the bedroom of the small room there, but what will be used as your bedroom.

The size of the room should be able to accommodate all the needs of its inhabitants. In addition to the size of the bedroom, zoning factor also helps. Bedrooms can be grouped into two zones, namely semiprivate and private rooms. Zoning includes semiprivate workspace, reading area, and a watch area all others if in the room has access to a semiprivate room. While the private zone includes dressing area, bathroom, storage, and sleep. Plan design and plan priority to lay out bedroom. Setting lay out in the bedroom can be started from the position of the door as access in and out of the room and position of windows.

Chronology of simple motion, linear and focused very commonly used. Including laying lay out is setting bed and other furniture such as cabinets, dressers, shoe racks, book shelves, desk lamps and so on.

Bedrooms are comfortable
  1. Make your bedroom as a place to rest and be able to sleep soundly. It is recommended to move the computers in the room to work the room so that you will not remember all the work while the office.
  2. Exempt bedroom of noise electronic objects.
  3. The bedroom should be clean and smell good.
  4. Wear air filter for the air in the room is always in good condition.

Modern Bedroom Design

Designs are quite popular floor plans modern bedroom is the bathroom. Bedroom floor plan of the past put the bathroom away from the bedroom to all residents. Has a bathroom inside the bedroom, making residents have private spaces without being harassed by other residents. For walls, modern room choose wall colors that tend to be bright, like beige and white color gray. The colors are strong enough only used as an accent, so the bedroom became alive. On the wall can also be added to the wall cover and mounting border ornaments that make the wall more beautiful.

Design and implement modern bedroom floor plan maximum aperture, such as the use of high windows and large although there is air conditioning in the room. The main material windows and doors not only of wood, but also aluminum. The use of glass for shutters and doors with glass can apply stickers, sandblast, frosted glass, milk glass and stained glass.

Ethnic Bedroom Design and Antiques

Thing that stood out from the bedroom designs and floor plans are ethnic material selection, furniture that uses antiques and unique. Like using carved wooden four-poster bed and on top of it covered with a mosquito net, a large carved wardrobe and wide. In the bedroom walls, textured and partially made ethnic uneven walls or corrugated surface, so the effect is like using a wall cover. Installation of natural stone on the part of the wall also be unique to ethnic bedroom, for example, the wall adjacent to the window.

Ethnic bedroom floor plan also requires lighting as well as a modern bedroom. As an example using a chandelier, table lamp on the dresser, the kerosene lamp in the corner of the room. Structuring of light in the bedroom ethnic and antique not only install general lighting on the ceiling, but can also install accent lighting.

Minimalist Bedroom Plan

How to make designs and minimalist bedroom floor plan ? Questions that often arise in designing and making minimalist bedroom floor plan is how the items that are considered important in the minimalist rooms. As we know, minimalist rooms are usually not too much store because it's the size of the narrow room. Could we design and make plans minimalist bedroom as an office ?

To design and create a plan of our bedroom into workspace may have to be considered carefully because the room will have two different functions, namely as a resting place as well as a place to work. To make a minimalist bedroom as an office, we do not need to spend all of the items in the room. Choose what items are considered to be important to support the work activities in the room.

The layout is also very goods to the design and minimalist bedroom floor plans. Typically, the rooms are used as work space needed items, such as small cabinets, computer desks, bookcases add at walls, and others. Ideally, the location of the computer desk or work table adjacent to the bookshelf (still in the area) so it is easy to reach. As this is roughly the picture and floor plan design minimalist bedroom that serves as a work space.

Meanwhile, hanging shelves for storing books can also function as a place to store souvenirs, accessories, and artwork (photo frames, dolls, clocks). Another thing that is needed in designing and making plans minimalist bedroom as a workspace are not too many electronic goods store because it will cause the temperature of the hot room. In addition, air circulation in the room will be better that will create room freshness.

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