Wednesday, April 3, 2013

College official, Zero Cost Solution College

College official, Zero Cost Solution College - Everyone would want to continue their education to a higher level after high school graduation. In the hope of course for future improvement. By bearing the title of scholar, of jobs available more than just graduated from high school. Also improved quality of life and ultimately be able to help the family economy as a sign of devotion to parents who do not recognize the selfless raised us.

But there are many obstacles to go to school to pursue this higher. The biggest obstacle is cost. Lectures would require great expense, not including the cost of living when College official in other cities. Not to mention the later trouble finding a job after graduation. In short, the study did not provide a solution to many families who were less able to send their children.

Well, for experiencing the above problems, there is a solution, ie college official. For those of you who have never heard of this college or have heard of but do not quite understand, you must text below refer to. Who knew college offers the right solutions you need.
Is college official was?

College official is a state institution of higher education with ties to the government as an education institution. As an example of this is that a College official STAN under the auspices of Department of Finance. There are also STIS under the auspices of the Central Bureau of Statistics, and the AMG which is under the auspices of the Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.
List college official in Indonesia

Many do not know which colleges are categorized as official in Indonesia. Here's the list.
  • College official in the Ministry of Interior :

    Institute of Public Administration (IPDN) combined STPDN and IIP
  • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources:

    Academy of Oil and Gas (Akamigas).
  • Ministry of Law and Human Rights:

     Correctional Academy of Sciences (AKIP)
     Immigration Academy (AIM).
  • Ministry of Culture and Tourism:

      Tourism Academy Medan,
      Makassar Tourism Academy,
      School of Tourism
  • Ministry of Finance:

         State Accounting College (STAN),
         Customs Training Center,
         Financial Training Center.
  • Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries:

     Fisheries High School (STP) Jakarta,
     Fisheries Academy,
     College of Fisheries, Bogor, (STP Jurluhkan),
     Training Administration Fisheries Field Attack, (BAPPL Attack),
     Fisheries High School District.
  • Ministry of Health:

    Physiotherapy colleges Surakarta,
    Academy of Nursing,
    Engineering Academy of Medical
    Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health (MoH polytechnic).
  • Ministry of Transportation:

         High School Ground Transportation Bekasi
         School of Shipping Directory
         High School Flight Indonesia Curug
         Academy of Aviation Safety Techniques
         Madison Academy Railways
         Education and Training Center Seamanship Tangerang
         Polytechnic Seamanship
         College of Economics Nusantara For Students
  • Ministry of Industry:

         College of Textile Technology Bandung (ST3),
         School of Industrial Management Jakarta (STMI),
         Yogyakarta Leather Technology Academy (ATK),
         Corporate Leadership Academy Jakarta (APP),
         Padang Industrial Technology Academy (ATIP)
         Medan Industrial Chemistry Technology Education (PTKI),
         Chemical Analysis Bogor Academy (AKA), Bogor
  • Ministry of Defence:

         Military Academy (Army),
         Naval Academy (Navy),
         Air Force (Air Force),
         School of Technology Navy (Navy),
         School of Technology Army (Army),
         Indonesia Defense University (UNHAN)
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Forestry:

         LPP Polytechnic Yogyakarta (PLPP)
         College of Agricultural Sciences Agribusiness Plantations
         College of Agricultural Extension
  • Ministry of Social Affairs:

         School of Social Welfare (STKS), Bandung

College official under government agencies
  • Intelligence:

    Inteljen State College (STIN), Sentul, Bogor, West Java
  • Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics:

    Academy of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (AMKG
  • National Land Agency:

    High School National Land (STPN), Yogyakarta
  • Central Bureau of Statistics:

    Institute of Statistics (STIS), Jakarta
  • National Nuclear Energy Agency:

    College of Nuclear Technology (STTN), Yogyakarta,
  • Institute of Public Administration:

    College of Public Administration - Institute of Public Administration (STIA-LAN), Bandung,
  • Sandi institutions of the Republic of Indonesia:

    Sandi State College (STSN), Bogor,
  • College official under Indonesian Police

    Police Academy (Police Academy), Semarang
  • Advantages college official

College official has several advantages compared to other universities. Here's an explanation of each of these advantages:

Affordable tuition fees are even free at all

Each college official subsidized by the state budget through the budget of each government institution that shelter, so the cost of tuition even be cheaper even with absolutely no need to pay, because most college official actually fully subsidized by the state budget, so the cost of tuition borne completely free.

Facilities bond agency

A bond is a guarantee provided by some college official. Graduates find work in the field of institutions that shelter after completing their studies. And of course later on the civil service will be appointed as civil servants (PNS).

Even for some college official, there are CPNS appointment as though the student has not completed their education. There is also a facility that provides salaries or allowances to students, both of which had been appointed as a civil servant or not. Although not all promising bond department, but all college official has access career as a clerk in a government institution underlines.
Pros And Cons college official
Currently college official reap many pros and cons. In some universities there that implement semi-military education. Semi military has a meaning as an education system that applies the principles of the military.

While it is possible for some colleges that are shaded by the defense minister of education system adopted is purely military, some other colleges are more civil. Although civilian, semi-military education system is applied. It is reaping the pros and cons in the community.

Initially semi-military education system is felt not interfere, but along with the many controversial news about junior who died while being followed studying program invites senior course concerns. Is education still needs to be applied on a semi-military college that is not shaded by the defense. Because ultimately educate a young man qualified to serve the country is necessary, not just be breaking grounds and revenge between the senior and junior.

And not only that, the lack of information about college official is a constraint that is felt by the community. They do not know the time of entrance examination, stage of examination and location of each college. It felt still an obstacle for high school graduates who wish to pursue and equal levels of schooling to the university.

It might be worthwhile for each institution that houses the college to disseminate through various media. Socialization can be through the introduction into schools, advertising in print and electronic media. It was to increase the interest of students who are really interested for college and careers pioneering institution. Well, if you are interested to continue their education to various college official scattered across Indonesia's this? Good luck!

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