Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Application of Cognitive Learning Theory

Application of Cognitive Learning Theory - So many cognitive learning theory that teachers can learn to give to students. Because this theory did not escape from the problems of education. The word education is defined by Driyakara as an attempt to humanize humans and humans are humans towards the humans need to learn. Learning in the sense of moving in the process of being human. Learning theory is indispensable in the activities of teachers in the field. This is caused by how it can help teachers understand how students learn, how teachers should design and plan the learning process, managing the classroom, evaluating and creating effective classroom.

Many theories of learning that can be used by teachers for various learning purposes. George R. Knight in his book on the philosophy of education says that learning is a concept that is difficult to formulate. There is much to make a statement about the nature of learning and for this purpose, according to George R. Knight, learning would be defined as a process that results in the ability to display the behavior of 'humane' new. New here can be interpreted as a relevant development of the learners themselves.

Can then be formulated at a glance that learning is a process that can not be constrained by the institutional context. According to George, a person may learn independently (autodidact) or with the help of others. From this it can be seen that learning is a lifelong process of living in which we continually add new knowledge and experience and can take place anytime and anywhere.

Basic Concept Learning

According Sugihartono. Colleagues studied a process of change in behavior as a result of the interaction of individuals with their environment to meet their needs (2007; 74). Related to the definition of learning can be compared to George R. Knight formulate learning as a process that results in the ability to conduct 'humane' new and relevant to their lives. There is an outline of the two definitions, which is the process of learning about how humans acquire knowledge that makes man's 'new' at all times. New here means humans could have new knowledge which is then useful to themselves and others, for the common good.

Learning then not only there, there are still some features of learning to know. Not all behavior can be regarded as learning activity. Behavior with the learning process, according to Sugihartono. Colleagues, have behavioral traits as follows :
  1. Changes in behavior occur consciously, indicating that learning is a conscious process that followed.
  2. Learners at least sensed a change in him, for example, realized that she got to know about many things. Therefore, the changes in behavior that occur because of drunk or unconscious and not included in the definition of learning.
  3. Change is continuous and functional changes here appear as a result of learning that occurs in a person continuously and not static.
  4. The changes that occur are the stages of consciousness are a complement to advance to the next stage. For instance, students learn to read, it will be amended to read away from not being able to read.
  5. These habits can then be used to read books that will enrich students about many things.
  6. Changes are positive and active, positive changes in behavior always means an increased and focused to get something better than before.
  7.  While actively change means a change does not happen by itself, but because of the individual's own efforts. Because it changes behavior because process that occurs by itself because of the encouragement from within does not include changes in the sense of learning.
  8. Permanent changes as a skill is said that there will be no students lost. For example, students can use the bike. That ability will continue to exist and even thrive if it continues to be used more or trained.
  9. Changes aimed or directed, changes here related behavior change requires a goal to be achieved from the learners' learning process itself.

For example, the students learn to read, learning to read is his goal to then be able to read more books or for other purposes, the purpose of which may be achieved by learning to read. The change covers all aspects of behavior, these changes were then related to the results of the changes is directly proportional to the change in attitudes, skills, knowledge and so on.

To the changes mentioned above, it will be run when the teacher began teaching the theory of learning in the field. Learning theory in this case is defined as a set of general statements that are used to explain the reality of learning which is very useful also for teachers. Associated with the theory of learning, re-raises the question of education and learning how to position itself well in its implementation. According to George education would be seen as a continuum of learning. In the process of learning is also inseparable from the philosophical foundations of education alone. Lots of existing learning theory.

However, in this article will be devoted to the discussion of cognitive learning theory because this theory is a theory of learning that emphasizes mental and cognitive learners is also one of the three parts that exist on the learner as affective and psychomotor.

Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory is a theory of learning, according to Sugihartono. Colleagues, emphasizes the importance of internal mental processes of man. Seeing human behavior can not be measured and seen explained without involving human mental processes. All forms of behavior including learning is always based on cognition, ie, the act knows or think of a situation in which the behavior occurred. According to this learning process will go well if the new subject matter or to adapt continuously to the right and in harmony with the structure of the knowledge possessed by students. Premise that knowledge is constructed in the one through experiences with the environment sustainable.

This process runs simultaneously, not piecemeal or separately, through a process flow, string and thorough. For example: When a student read a passage, then he read the letters but not the words, sentences, or paragraphs that everything seems to be a single, flowing and stormed in total (Sugihartono. Et al, 2007: 105). In connection with the raid in total can be considered as markers-markers that have emerged and formed a general sense of the marker-marker a lot earlier. Associated with cognitive learning theory, the case above, we can associate with how widespread promotion of character education in the national education.

Character education should be built in stages on the learner. Through experiences from school climate learners then build a new mindset after graduating from school. This issue will be judged from how then output from the experiences built by the school and make sense of the experience is not as particular, but overall the students can find out where the attitude is good and not good.

Each of the students already have experience and knowledge in him. There was construction ideas have  by learners themselves as objects of knowledge recipients about the process as well as subject knowledge that exists within learners themselves. Experience and knowledge is organized in the form of cognitive structures. The development of cognitive learning theory occurred since the birth of Gestalt theory. Gestalt Theory have important concepts such as observation or insight is a sudden understanding of the relationships between parts in a problem situation.

Insight is often associated with the statement aha (Sugihartono. Et al, 2007; 105). Gestalt theory was invented by Max Wertheimer (1880 - 1943) which examines the observations and solving problems that were previously not been limited to the early cognitive learning theory. The essence of the theory of Gestalt psychology as the development of cognitive learning theory is that the mind (mind) are attempts to interpret sensations and experiences that go as a whole are organized by certain properties, and not as a collection of separate data unit.

That is through cognitive learning theory, sensation or information by looking at the overall structure and then put them back in the simpler structures so it is easy to understand.

Sources: Sugihartono. Et al. , 2007. Educational Psychology. Yogyakarta: UNY Press.

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