Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tips For Staying Goalkeeper Gloves durable

Tips For Staying Goalkeeper Gloves durable. Gloves for a goalkeeper is not just an accessory. Its function is vital to protect your hands and keep the ball more sticky. Glove treatment was certainly not arbitrary. What is done by the goalie ? I Made Wardhana goalkeeper Arema Indonesia warned, goalkeeper gloves need to be washed, but it should not be done haphazardly. For example, such as when washing clothes or shoes. That's no way, even gloves can be damaged and not functioning optimally.

Made said there was a special soap used to wash your goalkeeper gloves. But he declined to reveal the specific soap he used to use it, for reasons associated with the brand. "I used to wash my own gloves. There is a particular soap, but sometimes also often to be clean use plain water alone, "said the former goalkeeper Pelita Jaya.

In addition to soap, shampoo can also be used to clean the goalkeeper gloves. Keep in mind, shampoo used should be non-shampoo conditioner. This is because the non-shampoo conditioner possess the materials and textures are soft and do not leave the crust. Contrary to shampoo conditioner.

Keep in mind also does not use detergent to clean the goalie's glove. Because the ingredients are very sensitive glove with substances contained in detergents. For that the best way to wash your gloves is using warm water (about 30 degrees Celsius). Gloves soaked enough about 5-10 minutes, so that germs and odors that stick to the gloves lifted by the warm water.

Never brush guards goalkeeper gloves. Because the friction of the brush better than any other material would erode the layers of latex and images exist in the glove. Simply marinated and rubbed by hand. There is something unique in the way gloves treatment by Sriwijaya FC goalkeeper, Ferry Rotinsulu. Players are also uniformed squad washing and drying gloves just before her practice or compete.

And if you hang directly under the sun can damage the gloves. Because the material is latex. Because it should be enough to be hung so that the wind so dry gloves by the wind rather than the sun. Or it can also be placed in front of the fan. Do not use a hair dryer or dried in the sun on the back of the air conditioner or refrigerator.

After that do not forget: keep in a plastic bag in a cool but dry. But make sure that the gloves are saved it is completely dry. Plastic bags that serve to keep the elasticity and stickiness levels of latex material owned.

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