Monday, March 11, 2013

Thesis for the Journal of Education Policy - Pros and Cons

Thesis for the Journal of Education Policy - Pros and Cons. For the umpteenth time, the government passed a controversial education policies. There are two education policies issued in the relatively near that led to the arrival of various forms of protest or objection issued by the government for what it is.

Regarding the fate of the First Policy Lecturer

In a circular issued on December 30, 2011 Higher Education (No. 250/E/T/2011), mentioned about having to show papers lecturer in online media as a prerequisite for promotion. This rule contains the decision of Higher Education that the Higher Education only recognizes scientific work that can be searched online in terms of article content, and the identity of the author. Higher Education in Indonesia are also required to post the scientific work of students and lecturers at various sites that have been determined by the Higher Education. This policy came into force for the promotion in 2012.

Policy Regarding Fate Second Student

Through the Directorate General of Higher Education issued a rule that each level of education either S3, S2, S1 and even had to publish his scientific work in the journal. This policy applies to students who graduated after August 2012. Initially this policy is the concern that the quantity of student journals Indonesia very much compared to the number of journals that have been written by Malaysian students with a ratio of about one-seventh.

In a letter issued by the General Directory of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture on January 27, 2012, it is noted that the obligation to publish a scientific paper in a scientific journal that is written by the student and apply all the strata, whether undergraduate, masters, and doctorate. There are some differences in the treatment for three students from the three levels of education. For those who still get an S1 bench science, the requirements are 'only' showing scientific papers in scientific journals.

For S2 students should be able to publish a paper in a journal published on a national scale. As for the S3 students, the writing should be published in journals of international standard.

Cons Thesis for the Journal of Education Policy

This policy certainly invite the voice of many parties to comment. No exception is the campus itself. There are several reasons why education policy is not applicable. Some of the reasons appears to be related to it.

First, because of its demand and supply imbalance. It means that the capacity to accommodate the work of student journals, especially those from S1 does not comply with the abundance of graduates produced by the college each year. If this can hamper acceleration imposed S1 graduation process.

As is known, that to make a paper appearing in scientific journals, requires a long stage. Various stages that must be passed, with the following order. Creating scientific papers, sent to journals, pending the outcome of the work on the review, revise scientific papers, send back the work, and wait for the next publication.

Such grooves on the assumption that the process runs smoothly done per stage. What if students draft papers were rejected ? Means the student had to fix it again or even start the research from the beginning again. If we force this to be implemented, it could be an average study period S1 students in Indonesia will be more delayed than the standard time, which is 4 to 5 years. Moreover, previously existing development policy on the timing of the study.

If there are students who study the travel time of more than 8 semesters or 4 years, then this will impact on the reduction of points in the accreditation department. If government regulations so applied, it will lower the ranking the accreditation of many majors, given the already predicted that it would be a long graduation many students due to this policy.

It is estimated by the regulation, the fastest S1 students recently graduated from college after a 10 semesters or 5 years. Furthermore, if it is to overcome this problem, a solution to the issue raised journal, say per department. Is there any guarantee that the journal has included quality ?

To be able to create their own journals, it takes at least preview doctoral classmate who has published several publications in accredited journals. In addition, to be able to publish journals needed human resources, in this case teachers, and staff management.

The question is, if the plan is realized, how much time of the lecturers who consumed only reviewing journals. Though each department each semester many students graduated. Even if all the things thought of as obstacles can be overcome, concerns would surface is related to the quality of the journals published.

One of the requirements is the quality of the scientific journal saying how much reading and studying. For what it is forced to enter the journal, if the quality is just 'so-so only'. Even if left unchecked, it could sink the prestige of the journals that are qualified. Second, because there is ambiguity in a circular letter addressed to all the leaders of universities in Indonesia. One of them is the absence of signs or clear boundaries related to technical writing, form, and content of scientific work.

Third, education policy which was considered controversial, partly because not all colleges require students to make a thesis as a requirement to graduate. If this policy is applied rigidly, it will be difficult for students who do not have to do the essay for assignment last. Since they are to be able to pass only needs to make a report of internship agency or company.

Some chancellor proposes to give softness to not require showing thesis in scientific journals, but the material that may be displayed from the end of the assignment or project report. Fourth, the policy is considered too early, especially for S1 students, although well-intentioned, among others, to encourage student creativity and as an effort to avoid plagiarism. It will be different responses when required to publish scientific work is the students master (S2) and doctoral programs (S3).

Fifth, the policy is considered as a policy do not refer to reality and includes redundant. Opinions some education experts say that the mandatory publication of scientific papers is a researcher. While students are still in the stages S1 status as the 'applicant'.

Sixth, to explore research that could enter or standard journal, must require a relatively large fund. It can not be met by all students of S1. If research funding obtained from the fund sponsor, in which the treaty that sponsor which owns the copyright to publish, then the policy of Higher Education will further narrow the opportunities for students to get help with funding in order to do the thesis.

Exposure above is a representation of the various parties do not agree, if the policy is to publish scientific papers in journals as a condition of graduation for students, especially for students stratum 1. But, what about the opinion of people who agree with the policy of this education ?

Pro Thesis for Education Policy Journal

Muhammad Nuh, Minister of Education and Culture, said that some things are feared by many, including professors from various universities, the education policy is not going to happen. In his view that this is not an education policy based on the principle of trial and error, but this is a policy that has been well thought out mature bad, following various alternative solutions that could be implemented, if there are problems later on.

Related concerns that not all universities require students to write thesis addressed with solutions that can be displayed in the journal is not only a thesis, but also can result in the practice field, including in this case is an internship in government agencies or private companies. Only, all the works that will enter the journal should meet the rules of good scientific work.

Furthermore, related to the explosion of supply of scientific work of students, the government will keep a journal online. This media can be used by students S1 to upload paper. Why does the government insist impressed with this policy ?

Muhammad Nuh rate, in terms of journal publications, Indonesia greatly missed, both in quality and quantity. The existence of educational policies related to scientific publications, at least not to pursue quantity of journals to be boosted, rather than in terms of quality and quantity, but not met all of them.

In connection with this plan, there are things that must be considered, namely the communication problems. Education policies related to the publication of papers in Journal of Education  is a good thing in order to improve the quality of education, including college graduates. However, if this policy is widely available and is not complete, only partial likelihood maze that led to the rejection will often occur.

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