Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Systematic Scientific Writing, Research Report

Systematic Scientific Writing, Research Report - The meaning of the paper is the work of someone who is in the form of casting ideas or thoughts in writing. This paper consists of several kinds, such as prose, poetry, essays and so on. One of the paper itself is a scientific paper that definitely has a systematic scientific writing papers in it.

Actually there is no fundamental difference too between written works and scientific papers. It's just more emphasis on scientific writing and display technical data or research data. Even writing systematic scientific paper was almost similar to systematic writing regular reports made by academic activists. In the virtual world found many examples of scientific papers on studies related sciences. However, do not you feel it is important to know the writing systematic scholarly writing is good and right ?

Essay Types

In order to understand the systematic of writing good
scientific writing papers, required some knowledge of the general and specific about the type of paper. Own scientific papers, based on the version of the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education) consists of several types of scientific writing. Several types of these works are :

1. Research reports.
2. Classroom action research report.
3. Reviews or reviews of scientific results own ideas.
4. Modules.
5. Textbook lesson.

In this article, we will explain a few tips to make writing systematic scholarly writings of one of the types of existing scientific papers. One of them is the scientific paper to report the results of research in general.

Scientific Writing Sample Reports Form Proposal Form

The report is an example of scientific writing that is often heard in various affairs, both individuals and organizations. Almost all the activities undertaken by one agency will produce research reports or the results of organizing an event. Report forms also vary, there is a article there is also a form of proposal. Therefore, the systematic writing of scientific papers on the report were mixed.

To create a report form article, the author lived the sort of research or the results of activities by the things that are important to report. For example, the reports of the activities of any public writing of transparency needed funds so that all parties know exactly how much money is spent on activities, as well as to what the funds were excluded.

scientific writing papers both in reports or research activities, will contain some important following.

One, the opening section which is the title page of the paper that you make, approval sheet, the introduction of the author or authors of the report, a list of the contents of papers, and a list of scientific papers related attachments you make.

Second, the content of which consists of several chapters. Chapter I typically contains introduction of your scientific papers, at least include: the background of the issue you raise, the formulation of the problem you are trying to develop, the purpose of the research you do, and the benefits of the research you would do.

Background in the introduction is usually a subject that must exist in writing systematic scientific papers. Both studies were conducted in the form of exact and social studies, the background is a strong pillar to be maintained when you account for the research report or the report of activities undertaken.

In part, the background is written in order to be clear about what prompted you to do research or activities, as well as other facts related to the purpose of the study.

In some research papers, writing background is also more emphasis on how a problem could arise as part of the result of an act, as well as what kind of solutions offered by the author so that the paper can be useful for the readers. Things that need to be written in the background involves understanding the problem to be addressed and its development, as well as other things that get the effect of the problem.

After the introduction, the content will include a special chapter to discuss the issue. Chapter II contains about: assessment of theories or methods of literature research, in-depth study of the theories, systematic thinking and scientific arguments and submissions analysis and hypothesis.

The next chapter contained in the systematic of writing scientific papers of the consolidated proposal form is chapter III, the chapter contains: research methods, time and place of research, methods and research design, population and sample, research instruments, and data collection and data analysis .

The chapter is an explanation of the various things that have been done during the activity.

The last chapter is chapter IV and V, which contains about: result of the investigation and filing of hypothesis or hypotheses, and conclusions and suggestions about the overall results of the research and activities that have been carried out.

In addition to these two parts, there are also the so-called supporting a functioning part confirms some of the things listed in the report or research activities. Section is a bibliography and appendices related research.

With the tips above, you at least have known systematic for writing scientific papers reporting research results and activities. Perhaps research in the field or laboratory research, the individual research or research that are groups, and so on. Is not writing a scientific paper is not difficult ? So, why not try to make my own rather than copy-paste other people's work ?

Examples of Scientific Writing Essay Form Form Reports

In addition to writing systematic scholarly writings shaped the proposal, there are also reports in the form of essays. Reports such as this are usually shaped article or paragraph containing the various issues concerning the things that have been done.

Reports shaped like this essay can be found in academic activities, such as the assignment of a particular lecturer that requires students to report on the discussions or book review in laboratory research. Some examples of activities that typically require pupils or students to make shaped report essay is an activity watch plays or theater, or also report the results of the discussions and debates between schools. Essay form of writing is actually a part of learning to make a statement in the form of a proposal.

Basically, systematic to be understood is the same, namely the introduction, contents, and parts support. The three components in the writing of scientific papers is mandatory because without one component, research reports or activity is not complete.

The reading of a work is also one of the things that usually assigned to the student or students to hone their skills in analyzing the case. After reading a book recommended, the authors report the results of reading can provide a variety of ways. There are reports the contents of reading, there were reports of quality reading, and some are linking the idea of ​​reading with the issues that are present in today's society.

Just like writing report at proposal, the authors report any form of essay is required to provide a brief explanation of the things that will be, and have been discussed in the report. After that, the main idea is expressed in the sub title of the report so that the reader can understand that the subtitle is the main idea that the writer wanted to convey to the reader.

For example, the paper reports on the results of reading fiction and nonfiction books always include the essential elements in the object of his research. This serves to emphasize to the reader that the elements are of the cause of conflict or a new idea from reading the study. This type of report essay can be obtained from reading the results individually, but also can be obtained through a questionnaire on a few people who also read the research object.

In statistical comparisons, the authors could determine the extent to which people appreciate reading the object of studies report that the fact that the actual result is more objective and is compared to just write down what is understood and obtained by the authors of the report itself. In writing the report of the discussion, the authors should include the time and place for discussion or activities, as well as other matters of a technical nature as proof that research is actually performed.

Of the things that have been described above, it can be concluded that basically, all kinds of paper has
scientific writing scholarly papers of the same. What distinguishes it is how exposure to contents carried out, as well as the contents of the content presented in it.

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