Sunday, March 24, 2013

Study in Middle East

Study in Middle East - Interests Indonesian students to study in the Middle East seems quite high. University of Indonesia's most popular students in the Middle East is Al-Azhar (Egypt) which is the oldest university in the world. Al-Azhar has issued many renowned scholars including; Muhammad 'Abduh, Jamaluudin Al-Afghani, Yusuf Qaradawi, as well as expert commentary we Prof. DR. Quraish Shihab.

Currently, there are 3000's more our students studying in Egypt. Malay Students (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, and Singapore) mostly settled slightly apart from the location of the campus is close to the son and daughter of the campus location, the area of Nasr City.

Rumble-Seat Scholarship Egypt - Egypt became one of the countries to be a place to gain knowledge. Especially, studying religion at Al-Azhar. It is a remarkable thing that was discovered by anyone who is studying at Al-Azhar University of Egypt that scholarships and large enough. It all depends on the results of our study.

Scholarships Egypt not only obtained from Indonesia through the Ministry of the selection process of religion (MORA). But after studying for a year and passed the first level, agencies can find scholarships. Then follow the selection and if passed, it will receive a scholarship which is quite large. Besides Egypt the main attraction, especially for students who want to deepen their religious knowledge. But whatever direction that will be taken, to be able to study at universities in Egypt, a student must be able to memorize the Qur'an. Memorizing the Qur'an has become one of pride for the people of Egypt. Is illustrated with pride as well in the novel Heaven's Tears national novelist's work, E. Rokajat Asura.

Tears In Heaven is a novel narrated how the doctors made amazed with the patience shown Baraah Saamakh, while his uncle and aunt could not hold her tears. After his leg amputated to prevent the spread of osteosarcoma cancer cells, one day positive cancer cells invade the brain. What does the little girl's Memorized the Qur'an before entering the operating room? "Thank God, I will soon meet with the baba and mama in heaven". All of my friends and family were surprised. This little girl is facing a barrage of misfortune and he remained patient and sincere with what God has ordained for him. Baba death - his father - was hit in front of his own eyes when going to see a limp mama weak esophageal cancer at a hospital, not making broke. It can even qualify to represent the province in the Qur'an Musabaqah hifzil baba and mama death tragedy occurred. For his patience and perseverance it Baraah considered a little angel who came down from heaven.

In a conversation between mother and Baraah, explained that it would be Memorized the Qur'an to defend the religion of Allah, so that will be facilitated from a variety of problems and got happiness, not just in the hereafter but in this mortal world. And Baraah have prove it how the difficulties memorizing the Qur'an, and pray for help, finally depositing memorizing the cleric with a value mumtaz aka perfect. This is the pride of her family, despite living in the city of Mecca and not in his native Egypt.

How to Get Scholarships To Study In Al Azhar University

Having passed the first level, students studying at Al-Azhar University of Egypt and wanted to take care of the scholarship must understand its terms. Because not all institutions equally in determining Egyptian scholarship requirements. Especially in matters of value derived from the results of the examinations in the first semester.

For anyone who will be easier in the management of Egyptian scholarship, if it has a value of mumtaz, jayyid and jayyid jiddan for the main course. Wherever they apply for the scholarship will be very easy. Because the values they demonstrated that they are serious and have high morale. Although, the actual value is generated not guarantee the truth of the reality.

As for those who get the test results in the first half with a value Maqbul, manqul one and two, their chances of getting a scholarship can only be at one institution. Thus, the process of getting a scholarship Egypt could say tricky. In addition, of course, the problem was very instrumental luck, because there are many students who have Mumtaz value, but never get the scholarship.

Besides the issue of the results achieved at level one, the success rate of a passing level also so full scholarship agencies. If you've never failed to pass the matter on one level, it will be difficult to get a scholarship. Again, they look about the seriousness of learning scholarship applicant. This is indeed logical reasons, because no matter what there will be no scholarship agencies that intend spending budget by way of giving scholarships to students who are not serious and do not have good academic skills. It is true that there is no free lunch. That is to get scholarships including scholarships in Egypt, must purchase by showing a high spirit of learning and have good academic skills. With these considerations was that students are expected to be able to complete their education on time. But for anyone who has memorized the Qur'an, will get attention and ratings are high when going to apply for scholarships. This is one form of attention of governments and private organizations to anyone who can recite the the Qur'an.

Regulation After Getting Scholarships

After getting a scholarship, the recipient must obey the rules. As the temple of charity, it sets the rules if you do not pass on the next level, the scholarship was disconnected. Alternatively, if the value is decreased results from the previous level, then the amount of scholarship money earned is also reduced.

Another well as majlis A'la, he did not specify when the two increases, the scholarship was disconnected. While scholarship from the University of al-Azhar itself, if it gets declared three times did not pass at the same rate then the scholarship was disconnected.

This scholarship sundries Egypt. You could easily have got it and you could easily lose it. It all depends on how you learn to be more serious after getting a scholarship. Because, you will have the opportunity to get an increase in scholarship, especially a scholarship at Temple Zakat.

It is the face of the giver of scholarships to apply strict rules, so that anyone who intends to apply for scholarships must have the passion and discipline. Without capital, it is feared education would be displaced, so it will not be finished on time with satisfactory value. Now, rather than lending institutions provide scholarship funds to students who are not right, they invented such complicated rules impress even long-winded.

But actually the students who came to Egypt and intends to complete higher education in one of the best universities, it has been mentally prepared and a good mindset, passion for higher learning, ready to work hard to reduce the hours of sleep and play time. So when applying for a scholarship will be smooth. Smoothly when it, smooth and seamless payment did his education in accordance with the specified time.

Conversely, if not accompanied with the spirit and intent to learn, a lot of students who managed to obtain a scholarship in the first year, but off in the second year, and so on. Certainly the time taken to complete the study will be extended from time. Not a few who come to Egypt to study and then return to their home countries without bringing anything.

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