Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sports for Pregnant Women - Pregnancy

Sports for Pregnant Women. Exercise is very beneficial for the body and soul. Exercise can change the mood of man. What about pregnant women ? Exercise for pregnant women certainly should not interfere with pregnancy and the content itself. Pregnant women need exercise to maintain the health of your body and the fetus in the womb. Every pregnant woman has a medical condition that is different from one another. Therefore, pregnant women need to know the age of sports ranging from pregnancy until the birth.

Sometimes pregnancy every woman on different processes, there is a healthy start to delivery. There is also a condition of pregnant women who experience certain problems. For women who have experienced miscarriage, should not exercise for pregnant women to pregnancy is strong, around the second trimester. If necessary, consult a sports what should be done in such an expert obstetrician or midwife.

Uses Sports To Pregnant Women

The woman is pregnant definitely need special attention in certain respects. Matters relating to the physical and mental health are two things that experienced by pregnant women. The thing that is related physically, pregnant women need a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals that are needed for fetal growth and development, while maintaining body fitness expectant mothers.

The issues related to mental health conditions such as good mental and stress. Mental state as it would help the process of pregnancy to be fun, both for the mother and the fetus in the womb. Matters relating to the mental and physical pregnant women should always be considered in accordance with the previous description.

The physical fitness should still get attention because it can help expectant mothers in various ways. Physical fitness is beneficial for pregnant women, if done with the kind of simple exercise will help make it easier. The simplest type of exercise for pregnant women physical fitness including stretching, toning and aerobics.

Exercise for pregnant women have a utility that supports the health of the mother and fetus in the womb is both mentally and physically. The usefulness of the sport in addition to the description above, there are also other uses include:
  • Supply of blood flow from the mother to the fetus would be better.
  • Help facilitate future mother in living labor.
  • Imposition of the pedestal-like bodies pedestal knee, ankle, spine that can cause pain can be minimized occur in pregnant women.
The usefulness of exercise for pregnant women if it were broken it will be found in abundance. Therefore, for those who might be currently pregnant or preparing to have a baby then do regular exercise is needed by each prospective mothers.

Sports for Pregnant Women : Lightweight and not troublesome
The state of pregnant woman's body is different from the state of non-pregnant woman's body. For pregnant women, start doing exercise for pregnant women from getting out of bed. While still in bed, do stretching. The type of exercise for pregnant women in principle is not to be a high impact and use your back and joints that are too strong or in other words should be light and painless.

Pregnant women are not allowed to do sports such as tennis, horseback riding, diving and hiking. Exercise for pregnant women that is lightweight and does not bother to do every day for 30 minutes or 5 times a week. To ensure the safety of pregnant women who are beginners but would like to exercise should start with light intensity. The sport started slowly with a duration of five minutes every week then add 5 minutes each week up to 30 minutes.

How to exercise for pregnant women, such as lifting both legs up and lifted simultaneously turns 8 times count. Making sport 2 to 3 sets. Then tilt your body to the right and lift the foot up and down as much as 8 times the count as well. The same is done on the left foot by tilting the body to the left.

Furthermore, the movement to the hand by moving the hand to the right and to the left alternately. When the body feels is rather light, fresh cup of warm water and take a snack containing carbohydrates such as crackers or bread marie containing milk. Do not forget to take a break before doing household activities such as cooking or cleaning the yard.
Type Sports for Pregnant Women

As per the previous description of the exercise for pregnant women should be light and painless. The type of exercise is meant of course different from non-pregnant women, nor food or snack. Here is the type of exercise for pregnant women to do sport goals achieved.

1. Walking

Perform regular walk. Would be happy if accompanied by a loved one such as a husband or father or mother or children. This leisurely walk will strengthen the heart of the mother and baby. Invite fetal dialogue that is currently 'she' was a walk while looking at the beautiful scenery.

Use shoes or comfortable footwear in order not to hurt the feet. If there are facilities stones decker specifically for stone reflexology, Go through the stones, but do not let foot pain. Leisurely sport of choice for women who are pregnant, whether novice or not.

2. Swimming

Swimming is very good for pregnant women because it can withstand water masses pregnant woman's body so she does not feel too heavy when performing various movements in the water. But there are things that must be considered, namely, the quality of water. If pregnant women do the pool, of course, the quality of the pool water or a place to do a pool should be appropriate to their needs and the fetus in the womb.

Too much pool water containing chlorine or dirty pond water can certainly affect the health of mother and fetus. It could be the mother's mother had diarrhea or skin becomes dry and scaly. The pool water is not suitable as the description must not be allowed to wear swimming.

When only the skin is dry and scaly, women can use olive oil by applying olive oil to the skin dry and scaly. But if the mother until the diarrhea, the mother should be careful in consuming drugs. Drinking green tea or eating thick sago pempek can relieve diarrhea condition that occurs in pregnant women. Hopefully, when pregnant women to exercise, then the condition of pregnant women are expected to increasingly healthy and not sick because of certain things.

3. Static Cycling

If a pregnant woman happy cycling, it was very good. As long as they do it with very careful not to fall. Should indeed use a stationary bike. Benefits obtained with ordinary bike, but it's much safer because the mother did not have to leave the house. These exercises were made at the height of prudence and prepare all bike fittings should be checked.

4. Morning gymnastics Indonesia and Taichi

Indonesia morning gymnastic movements are dynamic but gentle can also be done by pregnant women. Musical accompaniment can make exercise more fun movements. In addition, the fetus will also train the senses of hearing the music of sports. When women know or have a friend to practice tai chi, tai chi gentle movements with breathing techniques are also very good for pregnant women. In addition to strengthening the thigh and hip bones, tai chi will create impetus mother during labor stronger.

Such a description of exercise for pregnant women. The exercise should be done regularly and continuously in order to achieve its usefulness. The fetus will come fresh and fresh. The fetus was pleased with the movements made by pregnant women as gymnastics. Sports is a form of physical custody is best for people, especially for women who are expecting a baby.

Various types of exercises have been circulating on the internet, so pregnant women just choose whichever type of exercise suitable for pregnant women themselves. This is because exercise for pregnant women can not physically let alone psychological burden.

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