Thursday, March 21, 2013

Soil Chemistry : Philosophy and Real Estate Red Clay

Soil Chemistry : Philosophy and Real Estate Red Clay - You surely know the clay and red soil. Based on soil chemistry, in general the difference is as follows.
  1. Based on the chemical properties of clay soil formed by particles of silica and aluminum are fine with a diameter of less than 4 microns, so feels more compact because the bonding of particles in it more closely. That's why the soil is heavy and difficult to be treated.
  2. Red soil based on soil chemistry composed of particles is large, more than 4 micrometers, so easily missed particle bond and was not efficient to withstand moisture and nutrient elements in the soil.

Differences Clay Soil and Red Soil When Facing Pressure

There is a fundamental difference between soil chemical properties of clay and red soil. Second difference will be clearly visible when under pressure, that made use of both these different types of soil.

Based on the philosophy of the clay in the soil chemistry is very solid tight, so that when pressed does not make it a detached, broken or sunken. But it will swell out like "fight" and give the corresponding reaction with other find a way out of desire. Therefore, the soil is suitable to be used as the raw material of ceramic. The price will also be many times more expensive and housed in a luxurious storefront.

Other case with our philosophical basis for red soil. When under stress, based on soil chemical philosophy then it is immediately compact, closer, masive, and stable. Until identical red land "urugan land" as a match as soil stabilization materials that work muting not in balancing somewhere. It's also going to fall.

Based on the philosophy of red soil chemistry is the only material that they are cheaper in unit volume (cubic) of the unit area (square). Where you select the red land 1000 m² m³ or 1000 ?

IMPLIED BY urugan be used for, then red will be trodden ground, and forgotten break existence after many majestic property stands on it. Second nature soil chemistry can also analogy of character and human nature.

Human Clay Soil

Buya Hamka, Soekarno, Sayyid Qutb, and Nelson Mandela are real examples of the chemical philosophy type like clay.

"While my body was imprisoned, but my mind will not ever be able to jail". That sentence that slipped from the lips Buya Hamka, West Sumatra original charismatic figure.

Turns out to be true, history shows that during Buya Hamka feel in prison, dozens of books have been successful it is completed. Fruit traveling the world up his mind enters a progressive young mind, shake Minangkabau land where it originated.

Hamka indeed offspring of this age the clay model of chemical philosophy. As a form of resistance against those Muslim reformers, who in many missionary rhetoric they often feature harsh attitude, do not know any compromise, reckless purification oriented Islam, leave the land of Minangkabau Hamka go to Java in 1924.

As a young child who is four years previously indulged in a dynamic professional journalists - then he has joined some of the other mass media enterprises Pelita Andalas, Call of Islam, and Star of Islam - very thirsty young Hamka will update, especially how to view a new against Islam.

Thus, while in Java it met with HOS Tjokroaminoto and teach Islam in the Western perspective, a lot of discussion about interpretation of the Qur'an with Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Sutan Mansur, A. Hassan and M. Natsir, gain knowledge and studied sociology from Soerjopranoto a more comprehensive history of Islam from KH Mas Mansur, enjoy the knowledge thirst.

Based on the historical record, leadership qualities, and a large role for Buya Hamka this race before and until now, I felt confident that Buya Hamka is a national hero that can not be forgotten by the generations that come after. From a religious figure who was born 100 years ago in this Maninjau (1908 - 2008) we learn a great deal about life, leadership qualities, and the national spirit.

Definitely a great contribution in nation building thinking this. But the extent it is measured by figures outside of Islam and also those in Islam, may be the stimulus. The same is done by Soekarno, Sayyid Qutb, and Nelson Mandela. Buya Hamka considered not hear of customary law in his native land.

Soekarno in a typical example of the philosophy of chemistry is considered dream land when planning Indonesia independence, Sayyid Qutb considered suicide with Pan Islamic idea, Nelson Mandela considered inconsequential because you want to remove apartheid has octopus.

Soekarno. He has a very populist leadership style, emotion explode, not rarely gentle and loves beauty.

Leadership style adopted by Ir. Soekarno oriented morality and ethics underlying ideology or party country, so it is very consistent and very fanatical, suitable applied in that era

Leadership qualities are also prominent and Ir. Soekarno was confident that strong, full of charm, full of initiative, innovative and rich in ideas and new ideas. Up on the top leadership, was a role model and source of inspiration for the independence movement of the peoples of Asia and Africa as well as the movement off the dependence of Western countries (U.S. and Europe).

They are examples of the few people who can continue to light a fire fight with the power of thought can give enlightenment to many people even with such limitations. The cool walls of the prison is not a barrier, strongly ruling regime behavior is not an obstacle, under rest from behind can not shake. Ended at the gallows, is liberation.

Like a clay timber, hollowed-penetrating translucent beetle. (Wood clay = light and soft wood.) Poor people, it's easier to be persecuted by the authorities.

Human ternate

The opportunist, pragmatist who type ABS (Original Easy boss) is an example of the philosophy of type such as red soil chemistry. That would be an extension of their hands and funnel the superintendent, owner, boss, or superior with the main task of the non-muting and silencing enjoy going on in power.

Those who fit the philosophy of soil chemistry does not provide solutions, but even. No matter how much hurt they just care about themselves.

Opportunistic always benefit the people around him with a variety of texts that can be allowed or forced him to others (of course only stupid people who want to take it for granted).

People with character Oportunis will never have a true friend, always come and go, Patrimonio go for the kick or go for fooling was realized.

Oportunis attitude will be more dangerous if owned by people who have power over absolute power in an organization, because as mentioned earlier, Oportunis will sacrifice everything for our own benefit, including selling or snuff organization who crossing forward to it without looking at the impact the survival of the organization itself .

Of type Person has a high standard for himself or others. Excellence is the opportunistic meet deadlines and have a unique and original solutions.

Strategies to manage opportunistic type is: You do not need to explain detail work, because they already know what to do. Simply submit why important task. Opportunistic rather work alone, therefore, make sure that despite the team work, you are providing an opportunity to work on their own.

But be sure to happen one of these days, the clay on display in the storefront with appearance and reasonable price, while the red soil and break be forgotten !

I'm asking you as the clay soil chemical philosophy and not red soil. There is still time for improvement.

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