Monday, March 18, 2013

Postgraduate Courses Lecture at Colleges

Postgraduate Courses Lecture at Colleges. After graduating high school, of course we are faced with the option to continue studies or career ladder. For those who decided to study means to go to college majors and interests according to the study. Plans majors and interests of the selected studies should not only get at the undergraduate level only. That's because after the undergraduate level there is still more that graduate. The order of the next level doctoral program.

Graduate - Department of Elections Must Adjusted Interest and Ability

Each of us chose studies majors and interests, should be proportionate to their careers and to which direction should be. When wrong from the start in choosing majors and programs of study, then it would be fatal to our future. Moreover, the selection is based only by pressure and parental pressure or simply went along with the trend of friends. Because each department must be taken with the seriousness study by the student.

Science is awarded at the undergraduate level provides the basic concepts for the next, more mature science at the graduate level. The basics of science at the undergraduate level should be studied seriously by students. No study eye easily. All eyes requires diligence studies of student learning.

Bachelor scored in terms of people who understand scientific concepts and corresponding departments. Science can be said to be widely studied. In addition to a good understanding of the concepts, skills and well trained in the majors. Therefore, since the first half to manufacture thesis or final project, the courses taken by the student as a structured and systematic way starting from the basics to the art expertise in accordance with a special interest. Graduated from the undergraduate level, scientific process will be faced with a level of expertise that can be taken at the graduate level.

The sciences are studied at the graduate level should be convergent with the knowledge acquired at the undergraduate level or S1. For example, graduates of master's degree in economics majoring in management for his S2. Option is convergent and appropriate. Undergraduate agriculture courses from agribusiness (agriculture socioeconomic) took the master program humanities. The option is less convergent, although there is little understanding of the relationship in terms of social anthropology (social).

Science is learned at level S2 is only deepening. It can be described as the science of statistics. At the undergraduate level, science is only reached statistical experimental design. At the next level, the experimental design was elaborated in more detail the terms of use of experimental design methods for the study of specific cases. His study in more detail specific areas of expertise of the student.

Almost all universities, whether private or public offering of the study level diploma, undergraduate, graduate to doctoral program. The level of difficulty in terms of the requirements to go to college depends on the policies adopted by the college or university depends on the grade of. The level of difficulty and strict requirements need to be considered by prospective students. Typically apply high grade level of difficulty and requirements of high and tight as well.

Graduate - Career Opportunities in the World of Work

Each graduation degree would want to plunge into the world of work. Their career could be in SOEs, private companies, and working alone. In accordance with the level and expertise of the graduates, many state-owned and private companies that needed their labor. SOEs and private firms offer a good career path to attract graduates appropriate expertise.

At both institutions, the graduates have to compete with other competitors to strategically position and climbed the career ladder on it. Either later at his own expense or company. The higher degree of education, the more likely the position on it. Therefore, it is no wonder many college graduates who have to study at postgraduate level position to get a good job in the state or private companies.

Career in SOEs and private companies in Indonesia is promising employees to improve their level of life. The opportunity to obtain a high position is wide open with adequate educational capital. Careers echelon level two and one is not enough just having a graduate degree. At a minimum, they must be armed with graduate work. Jobs in private companies depending on the prevailing policy of the company. Competition on the quality of human resources in the private company can open the same opportunities in terms of career with the company owners and the holders of the company's capital.

Careers in the state should advice from professional people who are free from kinship, and group. SOE is owned by the people. Each nation's children have the same opportunities to get involved in it. Employees of organic and non-organic state can compete with a healthy and fair for advancing the state in accordance with the position. Qualification S2 can be owned by an employee of organic and non-organic. They have the same opportunity. Professional work can be easily seen from the results of the performance of that person to the advancement of these SOEs.

Graduate courses may be owned by the employer or self-employed pure. Employers need a title or degree above bachelor level to increase knowledge and insight in terms of overcoming the problems being faced by the company. Another positive side, the image, and the quality of the company fueled up. The expected output for the company that the company's performance improved with the human resources of high quality.

Thus, S2 is no longer monopolized by academics alone. Lecturer in the current era have minimal certified S2. With the level of knowledge and insight are expected to respond to the challenges and problems that are happening in this era. The problems of today is fairly complex and complicated. Approach to the existing concept somewhat outdated. There should be reforms to overcome these problems. Output graduate who could not solve the current problems that are happening will only make a bad picture of education at this level. The ideals of this nation prosperity and welfare of the people is not always linear with high levels of education. Homework completion like this needs constant effort by all stakeholders in this nation.

Output S2 graduates who can solve the current problems is going is the hope of all the children of the nation. Whether they are planning a career in state enterprises, private companies and independent entrepreneurs can contribute to a very worthwhile and valuable to the nation.

Graduate - The Anomaly Covert

Graduates are now polluted with graduates who are not qualified. The low contribution to the nation's scholars currently already weakened nation. How could I not ? Graduate unemployment rate is very very big. Many of them are on the road asking and waiting for the company to be employed. Creativity and passion struggle to make themselves valuable and worth nothing.

We do not expect all graduates of postgraduate courses fared the same as today. There is actually a pretty interesting phenomenon contemplated by us all. Symptoms of degradation value S2 graduates began to appear. See, the student enrollment at the S2 level increased sharply. At the same time, the shorter the life of graduation S1. There are anomalies hidden from increased student numbers in S2.

S1 graduates today are all within a short time. The average length of their study is four years. The number of graduates they are spelled out very much. Uptake of the world of work is fairly narrow. Indonesia's unemployment rate amounted to double digits and there are no signs of moving down.

S1 graduates are not absorbed in the world of work chose to study the higher level courses. As a result, student enrollment at the S2 level increasing from year to year. This is a cause concern us all. Where output S2 be qualified to contribute to the public. Higher education seems to only open race in graduate education without notice other aspects. Picture of education today like economic laws "demand and supply".

We all look forward to the college graduation rate in the graduate level have a high level of integrity in science and its application to society. Not on the title that will be carried by them. Output of them can be felt by the nation with the most straightforward indicator 'shared prosperity'. Quality of human resources is not only seen from the letters behind their name, but from the real action that can be felt by the nation of Indonesia.

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