Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Overview of Scientific Writing Step By Step

Overview of Scientific Writing Step By Step - Step By Step Scientific Writing papers to understand a prospect researcher, before deciding to undertake scientific research. This is because the procedure is determining whether a study could be said to be qualified or not. In addition, from the steps being taken when writing his work, we can determine whether a word can be categorized as scientific or not.

This is sometimes not recognized by novice researchers when trying to conduct a research and manufacture of scientific work. It usually afflicts the many students who want to write their final project or thesis. They understand the steps of writing a scientific work correctly and in accordance with the applicable rules.

Though steps are thinking about Scientific Writing papers no small role in a study. Because such a move would lead them to do the research stage correctly and according to the rules prevailing scientific.
Steps Writing Scientific

Therefore, before doing research and make reports, we have to understand the steps of Scientific Writing papers. It is intended that what we are doing is not in vain, because no rules were violated in the process scientific writing work.

Several steps of writing scientific papers include, among others :
  1. Determine the background of the issues. This is the information to the reader, why the research was conducted.
  2. Restrictions on issue of discussion. This used to be more research focused on one thing only, and also so that readers can understand the content that will be discussed in the research and scientific work.
  3. Creation Hypothesis. The hypothesis is the initial conclusions of the issues raised. And research is a proof, if results consistent with the hypothesis or not.
  4. Research Methods. Contains methods of research to be conducted.
  5. Determining sample or study population. This is helpful so that we can get the results of the study were able to correctly represent the objects of research.
  6. Data processing. This is the continuation of the survey conducted on the sample. For data processing, can use software such as SPSS data processing assistance.
  7. Reading the results of processing. Once the data is processed by a computer, we have to read the results of the processing are usually still raw data. For that, we should be able to translate into written language.
  8. Making inferences. From the data obtained, it will come to a conclusion whether the study is consistent with the hypothesis or not. In scientific language, delivered by refusing to accept the hypothesis or hypotheses.
  9. Make suggestions. After the conclusion, the author should be able to give advice and input to the research object. Essentially using the data obtained in the study. It is an expression of the responsibility of researchers to contribute to the creation of better conditions on the object of research.

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