Saturday, March 23, 2013

Overseas Scholarship 2010 from Germany

Overseas Scholarship 2010 from Germany - Scholarships abroad in 2010 which will be discussed this time from Germany. State became the second residence of the aviation technology hero in Indonesia, Prof.. Dr BJ. Habibie. The country is a developed country on the continent of Europe and has a very good quality of education.

Can be said to compete with the level of education in other developed countries like the U.S., France, or Britain, and the Netherlands. Germany has always been a goal to learn a lot of students from different countries, especially those who want to get an exact science technology or the other.

So in light article scholarships abroad this 2010 will explore what kind of scholarships granted by the country's Oliver Kahn. One thing worth noting that Germany is a country that has a very high nationalism as well as the Japanese so therefore they do not want to use English in any introductory lecture.

For those of you who wish to study there should first master the German language so that no scrambling when there will require study.

European Education Foundation invites the best sons and daughters of Indonesia to study in Germany with qualifying undergraduate program or master. Anyone of those who qualify in the scholarship selection process will then get immediate flagship program of the Ministry of Education scholarship to pursue a masters in the field of Mathematics, business management, social sciences and political science, in a first-class universities in Germany.

The shape of the 2010 scholarships awarded full scholarship in the sense that applicants who pass the selection will get full funding from the donor scholarship. However, one condition that must be met is that the study should be taken a maximum of 4 semesters (2 years) including thesis. As the terms are as follows :
  1. Applicants are male and female citizens
  2. Scholarship is open scholarship is open to any person or for those who graduate degree, professional employees, civil servants and so on.
  3. Originating or graduates of top universities in Indonesia
  4. It has a maximum value of the performance index 3.75 (cum laude)
  5. Maximum age 35 years
  6. It would be preferred if the grantee is receiving ever Science Olympiad at national and international levels.

From Deursche Welle
One more news from abroad scholarships are very dear to miss, from the University of Bonn, Germany in cooperation with Deutsche Welle that give scholarships to those who are the best in Asia, Africa, America and Europe to get a scholarship in journalism and media.

The program aims to train various journalists to become competent and skilled personnel as well as be prepared if one day one of the top media in his country. This program is unique because it is in use billingual learning language (bilingual system) that German and English. Anyone who is interested to explore further in

Such overseas scholarships 2010 hopefully you can take advantage of these opportunities carefully.

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