Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Olympic Sports is The Competition Old Aged From Europe

Olympic Sports is The Competition Old Aged From Europe. Olympics always make some dramas championship title in every branch number is sport players, and it was one of interesting. And Sometimes, things that happen at championship can make us motivated to do better is competition. Without competition, there would be no such thing as "I must be better". Without competition, each individual will be satisfied with his accomplishment. That passion to be better off just going to be a myth. Just as happened in the Olympics.

Olympics Sports is a competition. Ideally the competition, the Olympics also presents the things mentioned above. There are other things out of competition in the organization, which is the spirit of the individual to be able to give you the best. The name of religion. And incidentally in this event, which "defended" is the name of the country. The sensation is felt any pride would be more.

As a citizen, to provide the best for his country, while his chances there, definitely a dream. Listen to the song Indonesia Raya and reverberate highest hoisted a white flag is the pride to be had when be a champs a competition, one of the Olympics. You are fond of watching the Olympics every time held of, would know exactly how it feels.

Fatigue during a match, sweat dripping into a sacrifice that makes the kind of Olympic event has a value that can not be exchanged for anything. Just look at the athletes who champ one branch in the Olympic race, they are not even ashamed to shed tears.

Olympics does offer other flavors. Not much different with games in general. Outperform the opponent to be better is a pride. Personal and countries represented. The game that offers the sensation like this is not just the Olympics, say AFF some time ago, then the other championships. Miss it felt like a loss.

As the Olympics is synonymous with sports. However, there are some races that have nothing to do with sports but both use the term Olympics. For example, Math Olympiad, Physics Olympiad, Chemistry Olympiad as well. Olympic said the phrase more likely refers to the Olympics as a race. It could be completely unrelated to the story in the history of Olympic sport.

Nevertheless, the existence of an Olympics were equally offer a sense of pride for those involved in it. Especially those who excel. So, really, how the history of the Olympics ? Is this competition existed in the ancient Roman empire ?

History of the Olympics Sports

Believe it or not, the Olympics have been around a few hundred years before the Christian calendar. This fact is evident from some ancient literature. And certainly, reliable. Literature that proves that the Olympics have been around a few hundred years before the Christian calendar is the writing of Hippias.

In these writings, Hippias write the names of the winners. And it happened in his time of Eratosthenes. Literature that makes most people is widely agreed that the first Olympics was held in the summer in 776 years before Christ. It's not just a game, the Olympics proved that this competition has a historical value that can not be matched by any sports competition.

Olympic performances for the first time and be done continuously, it means to be an event that routinely conducted, starting in 300 BC. At that time, the Olympic routinely carried out consistently by Timaeus of Tauromenium. Literature on the history of the Olympic Games later also found in the 2nd century.

This time, the literature on the Olympic summarized by Phlegon in a book with the title of the Olympics. Literature is stored in the Byzantine writers Photius. Historical facts about the Olympics continued when in the 3rd century, Africanus compiled a list of names of the 217 BC Olympic winners. This list is then stored in a Chronicle of Eusebius.

In ancient Roman times, conducted with very traditional Olympics. Determining when the Olympics start time is also dependent on the presence of a full moon and closest to the arrival of summer. In the 3rd century, exactly 394, the Games also was opposed by the Roman emperor, Theodosius I.

Modern Olympics Sports

Travel history of the Olympic Games in ancient Roman times an identity that can not be separated from the presence of the Olympic Games today. Modern Olympics is any mention of what happens when the ancient period has passed. She held the first modern Olympics in 1896. In its development, the Olympic Winter Games are divided into and the Summer Olympics. However, for the Winter Olympics, Olympics is not classified as a quadrennial event, like the regular Olympics.

The timing of the Olympics Sports is every four years. Every once in four years, athletes strive to maintain performance or achievements snatch. Athletes are eligible ajng Olympics are athletes from countries that have joined the membership of the Olympic Games, also known as the International Olympic Committee.

The course of the modern Olympics nowadays, it is a long journey. What happened in ancient Rome earlier been very clear as the narrative the Games. However, what happened in ancient times was not as smooth as they think. Barriers had not even held is going to the Olympics in ancient times. What happened in the ancient Olympics, the held could not, then, again held by a Frenchman with a title of nobility. He is Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. What was done by the French nobility was a milestone in the course of the modern Olympics.

After the first year of convening the Olympics, this event continues to be held every four years. However, despite a routine event, the Olympics are not implemented as nations at war. The war that had become an obstacle to the course of the Olympic performance was World War II.

Each year, the Olympics were held in round, from country to country. Countries that are members of the International Olympic Committee has the right and obligation to organize this great event. After several years of wandering, in 2004, the Olympic Games held in "homeland", Greece.

Competition with a circle symbol consisting of blue, yellow, black, green, red and interlock with each other on a white background is indeed a legendary competition. Participated in this event in itself is an honor, let alone the chance to win one of the sports that are contested. And Indonesia, had a chance for it.
Indonesia's performance at the Olympics

Indonesia does not follow the Olympics since the beginning of the first held in 1896. Indonesia only began participating brisk when the Olympics held in Helsinki, Finland in 1952. However, even so, in the event-next Olympics, Indonesia never miss it. Until 2008, Indonesia still participate.

Conquering Olympics is not easy. Evident from indirect get medals earned by representatives of Indonesia when they first join the competition. Indonesia's first achievements in the Olympics occurred in 1988 when the Olympics were held in Seoul, South Korea. At that time, secured a silver medal by the branch archery team.

Then, after 40 years following the event, Indonesia for the first time to get a gold medal at the Olympics. This history is carved by Susi Susanti in Barcelona in 1992. Achievements made in the field of badminton are also obtained by the son / daughter of the nation's best. Since the success of Susi Susanti at the Olympics, the sport of badminton achievements Indonesia continues to climb.

There Mia Audina, Rexy Mainaky, Ricky Subagja, Alan Budikusuma, Chandra Wijaya and Tony Gunawan, Hendrawan, Taufik Hidayat and Soni Dwi Kuncoro. They are athletes Indonesian badminton pride that debuted at the Olympics. Recent accomplishments achieved by Indonesian badminton sport happen in cooperation Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan.

Besides badminton, Indonesia also excel in other sports. Such as weightlifting, archery, weight lifting daughter, and archery. If based on the calculation, the next Olympics will be held in 2012. Then, still nation's best athletes triumph at the Olympics Sports in Indonesia from Baminton branch ? Hopefully !

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