Friday, March 15, 2013

Methods Research Report Writing Techniques

Methods Research Report Writing Techniques. Techniques of writing methods research report must comply with the compositional systematic scientific. If not, the report is not considered a scientific report which is recognized by all circles. In general, based on the report or essay writing systematic scholarly applicable, a scientific report should include three important chapters or sections, namely: the introduction, the contents and cover.

Importance of Method Research

Techniques of writing research report is not a hard thing to learn. If at first this technique must be learned by compulsion, ultimately writing technique will give you a sense that the problem should be solved by thorough. Should not only look at the problem without regard to background. If you look at a problem only of the problem, then the solution may be based solely on emotion.

It's different if a problem seen from the background and use identification engineering problems that can be accounted for, then the problem would be solved by involving the data and standard reference sources. Problem-solving techniques like this that will make others understand that the problem could also be used as a precedent for solving similar problems in the future or as a benchmark when solving a similar problem in a different place.

Without the use of scientific methods and techniques, sometimes people still doubt the problem-solving techniques. Age who had been so changed by all kinds of social effects continues to grow, requiring handling problems involving not only without emotion and logic presented in the right way in the reporting of research results.

A nation is considered advanced when the results of this study have been entered into in a recognized scientific journal. Why Indonesian people are not regarded as a nation that has high levels of education, one of which is at least an Indonesian research into scientific journals. Many of the things that makes this such a condition. One of them is the absence of maximum support from the government.

The lack of help and support from the government, makes a lot of scientists from Indonesia who had studied abroad, did not return to Indonesia. They even devote knowledge, time, and energy for a country that is able to give them what they need. Humanly speaking, their decision not to return to Indonesia could be accepted by common sense.

How not to leave the motherland if the country itself instead became homeless due to no good facilities to build on what they have learned. Smart people and places that need facilities to enable them to develop their ability. For example, the experts aircraft maker. Once the aircraft manufacturer that declared bankruptcy, then the experts was unemployed.

Who will feed them ? Their superb skills. They then migrate to foreign countries. Now they even develop aviation technology in other countries. Likewise with experts in other fields. Many scientists from Indonesia who work in another country. Singapore, Malaysia, USA, Japan, Korea, and other countries with other technological advances, many of the fields to apply their knowledge.

How long will this nation be like this? World of research should be an exciting world for everyone. With the deepening of research, this nation will become a developed nation. The research was eye-opening. In the study, a researcher must be very careful and follow all the procedures. Without following the procedures of the study, then the results will not be regarded as scientific.

The researchers also definitely have a lot to read, study, pay attention to detail in order to get something that is also detailed conclusions. Without reading and came to the conclusion that detail, the result will not be a reference for subsequent studies. Why do something that did not benefit at all. Why spend a lot of money, energy, and thought that no one could use it in everyday life.

This study not only concerning himself about matters relating to the natural sciences. Any science can be studied. All research is done seriously and with complete data from a variety of backgrounds, will provide a useful solution. Most will not give one insight that the problem has been investigated that could serve as a conclusion to take a decision.

Coverage begins with a
methods research report that the introduction to the technique gives a shadow and idea of what is studied and the narrow scope of the study. The more narrow the scope of the investigation, the more detailed results will be obtained. After that there was a problem formulation that will make the reader understand the parts to be examined. This section is important that the variables that will be used as a research variable actually provide accurate data.

Scope of the Report Scientific
Section Introduction

In a
methods research report writing techniques, the introduction has an important role to know some basic things related to the research that has been done. Therefore, the introduction should include some things that must exist in a research report such as :

1. Background of the problem

In the background of the problem is usually described the importance of the matter to be investigated and the reasons why the issue was taken up as a research theme. The background is usually based on facts and or data obtained from the results of previous studies. Either by the same or other researchers related to the theme.

2. Formulation of the problem

Formulation of the problem is usually presented in the form of sentences that answer the question sought through research.

3. The purpose of research

Contains exposure goals to be achieved by researchers of the study. The purpose formulated based formulation of the problem that has been prepared beforehand.

4. The benefits of writing

Contains about the benefits to be gained from the research and preparation of reports for both researchers and other relevant parties.

5. The research method

This research method contains procedures used by researchers to conduct research. Methods This study included about: the place and time of the study, implementing the study, the equipment used and procedures / procedures for implementing the study.

Section Contents

In part this is the content of the research results are discussed according to the formulation of the problem and research objectives at the outset. In part this content authors express an opinion on the issues raised by the data which he obtained in the field during the study. To strengthen the argument, the author should have to use a referral from a variety of sources. Both written sources and other sources that can be accounted for righteousness.

Closing Section

The technique of writing a research report led the researchers to submit research results in a coherent report. Usually at the end of a research report closed with the concluding chapter. This concluding chapter, usually contains conclusions and suggestions.

Conclusions drawn and written by the filling. While the advice is usually optional. Be included, whether or not. However, if deemed necessary advice can write after conclusion. These suggestions are usually delivered or addressed to parties related to the application of research results in the field later.

Evidence Level of Education

The ability to know the technique of writing
methods research report is one of the skills that distinguish between people who have higher education to those not educated. But this does not mean that people are educated to definitely people who are not educated and higher education is definitely not educated. Not necessarily rule such laws. Many educated people without higher education. Instead, many are not educated despite higher education.

Magicians and faith are important. How wonderful if all the people of Indonesia were happy to do the research. When researching culture had penetrated into the heart of Indonesia, the nation will become a great nation. The words of the Indonesian people will be heard because of their words by reference to a nice and data with the results of the research methodology as well.

All elements of this nation must work together to promote the desire to become a researcher and learn all the techniques in the study. Thus, more and more people of Indonesia are not viewed with one eye. They can speak at a global level with a brilliant brain. Intelligence must be sharpened. One way to hone diligently researching.

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