Sunday, March 24, 2013

Learning English from English news

Learning English from English news - When presented with information in the form of English news, some of us would immediately reluctant to read it. In its development, by reading the news is presented in a language that is understandable, the process of understanding will take the news too quickly. Unlike if you have read the news in English will definitely take a long time to understand it.

Besides published in the newspaper, English news was there that aired on television. Several private television in Indonesia provide English-language news program every day. This program is designed to meet the demands of globalization that puts English as an international language. In addition, the program also provided to establish foreign nationals in Indonesia needs to obtain public information.

Actually, there are benefits derived from the biased news spread of English in Indonesia. All citizens of Indonesia will indirectly receive free English language teaching from the news. The more often read and hear the news that the English language will improve foreign language skills. With skilled in English, we would not be human left behind in a globalized world.

Learn to Read English News

Several newspapers published in Indonesia there are using English to convey information. There is a newspaper that displays all the news in English, there are also only displays certain column. Not only newspapers, tabloids and magazines were a few there that provide information in the form of the English language. Vocabulary presented in the form of news content vocabulary commonly used.

When finding or tabloid newspapers serving English language news then try to read it. Do not be afraid if you have to take a long time to digest the information contained in the news. If necessary, you can use a dictionary to determine the meaning of new vocabulary is known. Then, write down the new vocabulary by means of a small note.

Just like reading a text in Indonesian language, we should be able to find the important points in the discourse. This will help us in understanding the content of the news delivered. If in a single reading still can not find the meaning of the content of the news, try to restart it. By continuing to read over and over again then we'll get used to reading the English text.

In addition to finding significant information is in the news. News in English must be made by a person skilled in the English language. Therefore, any use of the sentence would have been in accordance with the rules of written English. Composition writing subject, predicate, object and information are important to consider in reading English sentences.

Learning to Listen to English News

When he saw a television news program featuring
English news try to watch it. Never move the channel when serious learning English from news programs while watching the news, listen carefully to what is conveyed by news reader news. As in reading, listening to the news also need to be accompanied by a dictionary. Write down the words that are considered difficult and find meaning in the dictionary.

As I listened to the news that the English language must be considered also articulation presented by news reader. By looking lips newsreader, will make it easier to catch the words that conveyed than if you just listen. If required, we can record the news shows to be played and studied repeatedly. After listening to the reading of the news try to repeat the reading of the sentence like a newsreader.

In addition to the television media, English language news can also be obtained through television, listening to radio news broadcasts required a fairly high concentration. On the radio, we can not see their lips news reader that focuses only in the sense of hearing. Let's just say we're practicing to face the TOEFL test by listening to English-language radio broadcasts.

Listen to the news events that uses English-language media is more difficult than reading. In reading we can go back to the beginning of the sentence if deemed not understand the content of the sentence. While the activities of listening, repetition of such a difficult thing to do. If you fall behind in listening to the first sentence, can not be repeated because the reader will certainly continue delivering news story.

Learning English Writing News

When learning to listen to English news it's good to write down the key points presented in the news. Make a note to write down these points also to write the words that are considered difficult. After that, try to write the conclusion of some headlines delivered. Sentence conclusions made must be written in English.

After that, try to write in sentences of the finer points of news content that has been recorded. For this, also try to write in sentences England language. If still find it hard to write, can be helped by looking at guidebooks. There are several books that can help guide the writing sentences in English. Do not forget to provide the dictionary as a reference to add to the vocabulary in the story to be written.

In news writing the sentence in the form of English language support to consider grammar and correct spelling. In addition to the manual used to write English sentences, there must be also an example of news writing English. Try to see how the writing of the English-speaking news in several newspapers. After that, follow the style of news writing contained in the newspaper.

After learning the news write English sentences in the style of writing on paper, try to write it in a style of its own. If you still can not write it, may occasionally mimic the style of writing in the newspaper for one or two sentences the rest try to write using their own writing style. If frequent practice, writing skills will improve by itself.

Learning Tells Back
English news

Once proficient with word write using English sentences, the next stage, which recounted the news content. Tell return the contents of the news by reading the writings of the be like a newsreader. Previously, many are practicing the pronunciation of vocabulary in English. With lots of practice, the tongue will be used to pronounce English words with precise articulation.

At first, the delivery may only be done while reading news papers have been made. In the future, try to retell the story without reading the contents. Every now and then see if the article was to forget the next word sentences. With practice without reading the text, increase proficiency in delivering something to the English sentence.

Steps taken before, namely to improve the delivery of the news without seeing the text. Although the news was delivered without seeing the text, but the sentence is a sentence that has been raised previously written. Actually, to retell the content of English news can doing improvisation techniques. The key points that have been noted when reading and listening to the news not be developed in writing but verbally communicated directly.

To hone
English news skills with methods of delivering news content, should be done in groups. This is because if one person is sharing news content, others may give judgment against him. Parties are also encouraged to provide an assessment using English sentences. Thus, all parties will be actively involved in learning English with news delivery methods.

By actively speak English, the foreign language level person will increase. English is an international language is an important factor in a relationship with foreign countries. Some companies even require their employees proficient in English. Likewise with the students who want to continue their education abroad, should also be able to master the English language. Therefore, many are reading and listening to the news speak English to improve International.

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