Monday, March 4, 2013

Knowing size of Badminton Field

Knowing size of Badminton Field. Golf is one of the most important elements if you want to play a game or sport, both badminton and other sports. Therefore, the presence of the field, the players became more motivated to win a match. And you know the badminton court size set by the BWF (Badminton World Federation) ? Actually, if you just want to exercise that is considered as recreation, golf is not very standard, is acceptable. Different when it's professional.

Field Size Not Size

Size is no standard badminton courts. But what if at some point a lot of people who love to play badminton, but due to space constraints, they only make extensive badminton court in accordance with the existing soil. Of course, the amateur players would not be concerned about all the field sizes in accordance with the standard. The important thing is they can play quietly and not much bothered either by lighting or due to lack of wind.

A lot of land right on the water like this. Despite the prestige of the sport is no longer as powerful as Indonesia still dominate so much of international level sports tournaments, badminton is still one of the popular sports. Among of them who play sports this one is already quite old. While more young people like to play futsal, basketball or football. Though this is not the sport of badminton usual. The heart must be strong and the strategy should also be telling.

If you do not frequently exercise, the heart is not strong run here and there to catch the ball. Especially if you play the ball high and must relay, then the player must attempt to catch the ball and launch occasional smash that require more power because they have to jump. Wrist and ankle sprains can be if it does not warm up enough. Hence, for those who love to sport one, heating and regular exercise is the key to success. The conclusion is that although the size of the badminton court to set internationally by the highest body of badminton, you can still play the game paralyzed feathers on the ground that are not exactly the same size that has been set. Yes, to the match or it could be said non-legal game everyday, you do not need to have perfect size badminton court.

However, for games that have a minimum standard of national and even international, must have required a badminton court in accordance with what has been established by the BWF. That's why the government usually provides a special building exercise in which there are badminton courts with the appropriate size rules. If people would use this building as a daily exercise, they usually have to pay a sum of money.

The funds were said to be funds to pay for electricity and sanitation. Per hour could reach 150 thousand. Usually the amount of money that will be paid by some people in the group exercises together. A group can consist of 8-10 people. They played interchangeably and they usually always play doubles so that other friends do not wait too long. It adds to the intimacy of friendship. Badminton as a means strengthens kinship.

Standard Size Field

And in this article will try to discuss the size of a standard badminton court in general. Here is a presentation about the size of the field, hopefully this article useful and beneficial for those who want to know more badminton or perhaps for those who just want to just know. Happy reading !

Badminton Field General

Field of badminton is rectangular and divided into two parts as well as a net in the middle. A tennis match is usually distinguished on the basis of what the game will be held by a single player and the game performed by multiple players, although the law allows a field used for only a single match.

Field size for Doubles Matches

Field for the doubles, either mixed or not, are generally wider than the field for a single match, but both have the same length. The exception, which often causes confusion for new players is that the field has dimensions of length double-serving shorter. The full width of a badminton court is 6.1 meters or 20 feet, and for a single match, the width is reduced to 5.18 meters or 17 feet. Full length of a field is 13.4 meters or 44 feet. Field service is marked by a center line dividing the width of the field, by a short service line at a distance of 1.98 meters or 6 feet 6 inches from the net, and by outsiders and back boundaries.

As for the doubles match, field service is also marked by a long service line, which is 0.76 meters or 2 feet 6 inches from the rear boundary. For nets, the height is 1.55 meters or 5 feet 1 inch tall at the edges and 1.524 meters or 5 feet tall at the center. As for the net posts are placed on top of a double line, even when a single play. Minimum height for the ceiling above the ground not mentioned in Regulation Badminton. Nonetheless, a badminton court will not be suitable if the ceiling of a building would probably disrupt a match. That was not to be when serving a high, really will hit the ceiling so it would potentially interfere with the game in progress.

Popularize Badminton

Prestige of badminton is already fading. However, in certain occasions, still sounded a game of badminton or interoffice neighbors. Gifts were given does not amount to much. But enough participants. It's certainly an indication that there are still people who love to play badminton. Sport this one can not be said to be able to attract young people simply because there is another sport that is considered more cool.

However, in certain circles, badminton is still the mainstay for looking sweat. The women who want to have an ideal body weight, playing badminton will burn enough calories. The motion of the hands and feet were pretty much can also make a lovely body shape anymore. Be toned thighs and arms were like that. The father who likes to play badminton will feel the stamina increase. The agile movement required in the game of badminton is making them feel the need to keep his diet so his stomach is not too big. If his stomach is too big, nimble movements certainly not anymore. Water intake will also be a lot of sweat that comes out certainly quite a lot. With more and more to drink this, kidney disease can be avoided. Provided that the water you drink is not a soda or water containing substances that can damage the kidneys.

Blood sugar levels can also be stabilized because in addition to exercise and drink lots of water, people who love to play badminton usually have good dexterity. Motion good reflexes. Movement is nimble and agile will make them quieter life. His brain get more oxygen because they have to suck the oxygen deep. They usually will also try to reduce smoking. People who smoke will be difficult to play a few sets. If in one set alone can take up to 30 minutes, if there is rubber set, that means it takes a half hour. If breathing is long and the lungs are not good, the badminton player will be overwhelmed and suffered defeat. Despite only playing for recreation, suffer less continuous joint also annoyed at heart. If the liver is often upset, this is certainly not good for health.

From this perspective, badminton gives a positive value for the health of body and soul. Therefore, one should exercise this needs to be popularized again more and more people, especially young people who benefit from the sport that once was very famous.

So it was that article about the size of badminton field. And always remember that the most important thing in a game and a sport, not a field or so, but first of fair play or sportsmanship of the players, is not it ? With high sportsmanship, the game becomes very enjoyable.

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