Friday, March 8, 2013

Knowing the importance rule of Sports

Knowing the importance rule of Sports. Most operators sport rules pensive when asked what sport ? Sports no doubt very useful, but when done right regardless of the rules will diminish its usefulness, even meaningless. The formula is easy to remember the rules of the exercise is an acronym DIF, the duration, intensity and frequency.


The length of training time to be aware of when doing sports. Exercise as well as weight in a short duration, such as a sprint, not a good impact on the fitness of the body and also not spend heaps of fat. Sports are a good start with a warm-up, muscles become more flexible in order to be ready for more strenuous activity. Heating is carried out between 5-10 minutes. After warming up, then will proceed with the exercises that constitute the core of the exercise performed. For actors exercise aimed to burn fat, the offender shall be at during this exercise between 20-45 minutes. If less than 20 minutes the energy used for exercise not from the fat reserves, but energy that is ready around the muscle.

Exercise Intensity

The intensity of exercise is how heavy physical activity performed. For example, when doing a treadmill, weight training what to do, 5km/jam or 20 km / h. The more strenuous the exercise intensity rather impact on the pulse of the ever-increasing. The benchmark exercises with enough intensity exercise is when the pulse is in the range of 70-85% of the maximum pulse rate. Maximum pulse rate is calculated by the formula 220 minus age in years. Suppose a 20-year-old woman, the maximum pulse rate is 200.

Exercise pulse rate is in the range of 140-170 beats per minute. If less than 140 means that the intensity of exercise less, while if more than 170 means that the intensity of the workout is too strenuous can harm the heart. A sample calculation is as follows :
  • Pulse Maximum = 220 -20 = 200
  • Pulse Exercise = 70% x 200 up to 85% x 200
  •                                           = 140-170

Exercise performed with long duration and severe intensity but only once a month or even irregular no maximum benefit. Regularity in exercise is one of the keys to success. The body will adjust to the rhythm of body exercise frequency applied regularly. Set the frequency of exercise eg 2 days a week. To consider body muscle recovery takes at least 24 hours after physical loading. Excessive loading on the muscles will actually lose muscle function. By knowing the rules of proper exercise, you enter the end zone to achieve a better quality of life.

Rule Importance of Sports for Health

Introducing children to exercise is very important. Sport is very important not only for physical fitness and growth of children, but also for his mental growth. The importance of sports in education can be measured in a way helps in instilling values such as dedication, discipline and responsibility in children. And at the same time teaching them many relevant life lessons. Even for adults, playing sports such as tennis or golf or extreme sports range has its own set of advantages.
  1. For fitness sports such as football or baseball involves a lot of physical activity. Sports and exercise helps in strengthening and toning the muscles and bones in the body. In short, the importance and the benefits of exercise for children is that it makes the bones in excellent shape.
  2. eam Spirit When children or adults play a team sport, be it cricket or hockey, they learn to work in groups. They learned that if the team wins, they win, and if the team loses, they lose. This way they learn how to work in groups. Thus, the importance of exercise for children is that they understand what they could form a team spirit and thus, when they grow up and really started to work well. This will help them greatly in building relationships with colleagues, and also to work in harmony with others.
  3. Mental Strength Sports makes people mentally strong. Success and failure are both part of the sport as well as life. Athletes know that there will be times when he will win the game, there will also be times when he will lose the victory. A sportsman knows how to handle defeat and thus, treats success and failure in the same spirit. This is an important life lessons as well, where the sport can teach ethics in a person. In addition to this, another importance of sports for children or for adults is that the sport teaches them how to deal with the competition, and is not afraid when faced with a rival.
  4. Constructive Use of Time Children and adolescents grow naturally with the flow of physical energy when they are involved in sports, their physical energy is used in a constructive way. Adolescents in the age of high libido is affected activity, if teens are given free time they may engage in activities that are wrong or bad acts may fall or may also display anti-social behavior. Thus, the importance of sport in society is that it keeps adolescents from becoming anti-social elements, who might otherwise disrupt the delicate fabric of society.
  5. Health regularly involved in sports helps in maintaining a strong immune system and hence, prevent any kind of disease from occurring. It also increases the appetite of the person. Thus, exercise promotes good health. Someone in a particular sport, he became very confident. Sports instill discipline, dedication and responsibility to the people, that he was able to be applied in other areas of life as well. This makes him achieve success in every area of  life, thus, making it more confident.
  6. Decision Making In sports, someone has to make quick decisions depending on the situation he's in. So, people involved in the sport are able to make wise decisions and fast in other areas of life as well.

Besides important for children, taking sporting career in adult life, has its advantages. An athlete often travel to other countries to play the game and in the process, learned a lot about the culture of these countries. Even spectators or TV viewers are thoroughly entertained while watching professional sports, making it an excellent recreational activity.

Sports Briefly Rule

What can we summary of the rules of sports, among others :

Physical Benefits
  • Increased strength and stamina
  • Body shape better agility
  • Exercise helps burn calories and shed extra pounds
  • Sport gives your body a good workout
Psychological Benefits
  • Sports encourage you to give the best every time
  • Exercise helps build planning and analytical skills and improve concentration
  • Exercise boosts confidence
  • Sports leadership and team building skills
The Bigger Picture
  • Achieving social integration
  • Led to the development of infrastructure
  • Creating job opportunities
  • Increasing tourism industry

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