Monday, March 4, 2013

Knowing About Sports Agility

Knowing About Sports Agility. Sports Agility like others sport, there is need some learning and practically first before became an expert on it. So, this article is about knowing about sports agility, learn it before you do it.

1. Fencing

Fencing is a sport that uses guns dexterity. There are 3 techniques on how to play, that ward, cutting and piercing. Swordplay may not sound familiar among the common people. This may be due to, lack of information about the swordplay.

a. Historic Fencing

The sport of fencing is not the kind of sport that comes from Indonesia, but from Europe. Even though this form of games such as sports, first, fencing is one way of self-defense which later developed into the type of game in sports. By doing so showed that fencing is a sport where the movement is the result of mastering martial way. To master the moves require special skills. Exercise is beneficial to improve the self-confidence and protect themselves from malicious threats.

From year to year, the development of fencing is growing rapidly, so that each country has a different style of play and can produce quality fencer. The sport is played in an area of approximately 14 x 15 m. Each player is equipped with costumes and a special cable that has been linked to an electronic scoring system. This electronic device will react, if the costume is exposed to puncture.

In any swordplay imposed direct elimination system. A team consists of three players and each one will duel with members of the opposing team.

b. Playing Techniques Fencing

The basic technique in the sport of fencing consists of techniques on guard and movement and distance. Both these techniques have the same status and importance of the role of motion in the circuit fencing. On guard position is a technique that describes the position players ready for action. While movement and distance is a technique in motion swordplay. In a technique known some movement and distance of movement, namely direct attack, one step lunge, Rudoubleman, and Ballestra.

Direct attack is a simple assault that was built by two feet forward until your knees form a 90 degree angle. One step lunge movement is almost the same as the direct attack, but his movements are preceded by foot forward. Redoubleman an ongoing attack after the first attack. And the last movement begins Ballestra a jump attack, then new is on the offensive.

Each of the techniques used in the movement distance of the player according to the needs and demands of the game.

c. Fencing Game Weapons

In this sport there are three numbers that are often diperlombakan, among others, as follows.

Floret (Foil)

Floret is a sword that looks slim, flexible, and lightweight. The tip of the blade is flat (rounded blunt) and also resilient. If the sword is inserted, it can go up / down weighs about 500 grams (5 ounces). Hand protection contained in the sword is smaller when compared with Degel and Sebel. The end of the sword is useful for piercing, while the lower part is used to compress and deflect.

Sabel (Sabre)

Sabel is a sword that form a triangle with sharp angles. The sword is almost like a small machete, getting to the top of the flattened shape and the edges bent up not tapered. The weight of the sword Sabel is 500 gr. Protective for these swords, full cover hand to the base of the stalk. The upper part is useful to hack swords, to fend off the bottom, and the end to stab.

Degen (Epee)

Degen is a triangular shaped sword and Moated. Forms sword thick at the base, getting to the end of the minor. This sword has a flat end and resilient with a large hand protectors. The weight of sword is about 750-770 gr. The bottom of the sword is useful to parry, while the edges to puncture.

2. Badminton

Badminton (abbreviated badminton) or badminton is one that uses a racket sport. The sport is played by two people (singles) or two pairs (doubles matches) opposite. Badminton is similar to tennis, they both aim to hit the ball game ("why" or "shuttlecock") through the net so that the opponent falls in the specified game. Instead, we should also try to prevent the opponent from doing the same.

Badminton courts rectangular. The lines contained in the badminton court has a thickness of 40 mm and should be color contrast with the color of the field. Recommended color to the white line is white or yellow.

Field surface made of concrete or a hard synthetic material is not recommended, as it will result in injury to the players. In the middle of the field there is a net with a height 1.55 m. Nets should be dark, except for lip nets having a thickness of 75 mm, preferably white nets lips.

In badminton game, players are required to get banged really opposed to the region through the net and try opponent can not return it back. If the shuttlecock falls outside the area of ??the opponent, why was declared "out". Then, if any player or family can not return the shuttlecock, the opponent will receive additional points.

a. How to Hold the racket

One of the basic techniques of the game of badminton right which must be mastered by any player is how to hold the racket. How to hold the racket might seem trivial, but in reality it is not easy. Master the techniques racket grip is the most important capital should have
badminton players. Therefore, if from the start one of his racket grip, players will be difficult to increase the quality in the game of badminton.

How to hold the racquet properly is one important factor in the game of badminton to develop and improve all kinds of punches. The trick is to hold the racket players use the fingers (hand knuckles) with a relaxed and flexible, yet powerful when it hit the shuttlecock. Avoid using the technique of holding the racket with the palm of the hand (like holding a machete).

b. Foot work

Foot work is a must-have basic techniques of badminton players, in order to produce a quality punch. Therefore, when hit, not only the necessary power, but also the correct body position. To be able to hit the correct position, a badminton player must have velocity. The speed of movement of the foot can not be achieved, if his footwork is also wrong (irregular).

c. Attitude and Position

Badminton players should also be able to stand on the field with a good attitude and position, so that the blow was also perfect. In addition, the position and the correct stance, players will easily move moved the playing field in all directions.

d. Hitting Position

The position of the ball hitting or called preparation. That there was a second time in the preparation, used to determine the direction of the punch really. Therefore, this preparation is one of the important techniques to be mastered by the player to produce quality blow.

e. Service

In the game of badminton, engineering services is the initial capital of the players in order to win the game. In other words, a player can not get the maximum score, if not serving well. However, it is inversely proportional to the reality on the ground.

Many coaches and players who are not currently properly noticed in the mastery of basic techniques. Whereas in the game, a player the quality of service is one of the supporting factors for victory. As we know that the item / figure in the game of badminton, will not be created, if the players can not perform well servicing techniques.

In the game of badminton, there are three types of engineering services, ie short service, high service, and the service half-height (flick). Engineering services but usually incorporated into the service forehand and backhand service. Each type of service implementation varies, depending on the game situation on the ground.

So is the article about
Knowing About Sports Agility a sports game that requires dexterity. May be useful for the readers.

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