Sunday, March 31, 2013

Know Educational Technology

Small Business School - Know Educational Technology. Improving the quality of education is often used as a key issue in developing countries, among them Indonesia. The issue is always met with a variety of means and efforts to achieve optimal results. Until finally, technology education has been a part of education seeks to improve the quality of education in ways typical. Then the question is, what exactly is meant by educational technology ? Should using visual tools that smelled of new technology is claimed to technology-based learning in education ? This article will explain the nature of technology in education.

Some Definitions Educational Technology

Indeed, there is no standard definition of educational technology. But each complementary definitions so that an explanation of technology in education and its role is unclear. In the book "Educational Technology" written by Prof. Dr. Nasution, M. A There are three definitions of technology in education.

Communication media used in education. The media in question is technological tools, such as TV, radio, video tapes, computers, in focus and others. The development, implementation, assessment systems, techniques and tools to improve and enhance the teaching and learning process.

Systematic thinking about education and the application of problem solving in education that can be done by using modern communication tools, but without the tools it can also be done. Of the three definitions above, it can be concluded that technology in education (TP) is a systematic and critical approach to education. That is, in the technology in the field of education there are "software" and "hardware".

Software is the activity of analyzing the existing problems and formulate systematic measures and techniques in accordance with the conditions of the learning environment. The goal is that learning can be achieved as desired. As for the hardware are the tools used to achieve the initiated, such as computers, infocus, tape, radio, TV and others. However, the hardware is not always have to 'smell' technology. Any tool used to achieve the desired learning process is called hardware.

Understanding the above definition, in fact, did not escape the word technology comes from the Greek, which technology. In the Webster Dictionary, is handling something technology systematically (systematic treatment). So right to say that technology in education is a systematic and critical education in education.

Between Educational Technology and Educational Methodology

Many people get confused between technologies in the field of education with educational methodology. As we all know that education is the methodology of demonstration equipment in order to achieve the goal of teaching materials to students, while technology in education is a way of teaching that use the tools of modern technology but not as the main tool.

The tool is intended to achieve the purpose of teaching materials being taught so to speak, part of the educational methodology in the field of educational technology.

Potential Educational Technology

  1. When examined from the function of technology in education, it can be said that there are six potential of these technologies.
  2. Being able to make education more productive. Because educational technology has a role to accelerate the learning process, teachers can use instructional time be better, and reduce the task of the teacher in terms of teaching materials to explain more. The function of the teacher is changing, which makes the students become more excited about learning.
  3. Being able to make independent learning. That is, students can learn independently despite the presence or absence of the teacher so the teacher turned into a facilitator to explain the poorly understood and understood from their own learning.
  4. Being able to plan the creation of a more systematic program of learning so that the development of learning materials can be improved to a better direction.
  5. Being able to make teaching more stable because the learning process is done by making use of the media of communication created with good learning.
  6. Can create a little separation between lessons with students. Due to the utilization of instructional media that were presented in the field of educational technology, make the student can repeat the lesson over and over again.
  7. Being able to create distance learning, which does not require the presence of teachers and learners in a classroom.

The characteristics of nuance Education Educational Technology

  1. To see if an educator has implemented the concept of technology in education, his life can be seen from the ability to perform the six areas of educational technology.
  2. Can formulate learning objectives carefully and specifically based on The studies were carried out to achieve the desired goal.
  3. Can investigate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students possessed know what the process to be used as indicators of successful learning.
  4. Can analyze instructional materials as what is feasible given based on learning objectives and skills that students have.
  5. Being able to create a sequence of learning materials and learning strategies are carried out in accordance with the teaching materials.
  6. Test results of analyzes performed. Starting from the learning objectives, skills, teaching materials, teaching materials to order learning strategies. The purpose of the experiment was to see the weaknesses of what has been done.
  7. Hold a revision of the results of the analysis are considered less or must be upgraded.

This is often said to be the six areas of educational technology, the development, utilization, management, assessment, research, and process design. All of these into a single unit. If the sixth to do, no doubt experienced educational problems would be resolved.

But on the field, not all educators are able to apply the six areas in the field of educational technology. However, most educators who have studied the concept of technology in education to master the use of the process and learning resources.

When linked with the implementation of the sixth search of educational technology, it is able to perform up to the third stage. Being able to analyze what the right teaching materials based on the condition, knowledge, and skills possessed by the student.

Application of Education Technology

Based on the definition and owned technology in education, it can be said that generally the technology in the field of education have 4 applications.
  1. Being able to combine a variety of approaches to achieve good educational outcomes, such as psychology, management, communication and others.
  2. Can solve the problems of education and learning very well and systemic.
  3. Can take advantage of the technology incorporated in technology in education to achieve the desired success
  4. Being able to effect better synergies and beneficial, because of the incorporation of the approach taken.

Indeed, by studying technology in education, educators will actually be able to create methods and different learning styles. Since the figure of a learner educator learning outcomes in education technology will embody Banathy narrative, as recorded in the books Yusuf Hadi Miarso Sowing Seeds Technology Education, "not just" doing more of the same:, or "doing it better of the same", but "doing it differently" in order to achieve the expected results. "

So, with explanation Banathy above, it became clear that the concept of the object in the field of educational technology focused on solving the problem of human learning. During this sounded just learned in the classroom and the teacher conferences with students. With the advent of technology, educational change.

Education can be done anytime, anywhere, by anyone, a and by any means. Throughout life. With the concept of technology in education, it can be done. An example is learning to use the Interactive CD. Not only used by students only. Interactive Learning CD is also done by adults. One is the implementation of an interactive CD rituals of Hajj.

Hence, scholars in the field of educational technology need not worry in the profession. If able to take advantage of the six areas above, it can open up business opportunities.

Due to the benefits of learning design by educational technologists will never be in vain. If you were not able to create a product, at least not by exploiting the sixth teacher education technology will make it creative and delightful students. The lesson was a lesson that always looked forward to the students.

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