Thursday, March 21, 2013

How To Writing Bibliography From the Website ?

How To Writing Bibliography From the Website ? Now, students who are working on the final project, research, or scientific writing can seek support through internet references. Unfortunately, the ease of searching for information via the internet is often not accompanied by an awareness of writing a bibliography of the website.

Ease of Information Search

Internet is much easier and browse the information that we need. Not only easy but also inexpensive and fast. We definitely need a lot of time if you have to go one at a library to find literature supporting our research and writing. For one library only we could spend a lot of time to find a book that we need, especially if the system is gathering information on the library behind the manual. Not to mention if you hit on the issue of bureaucracy. Should the licenses to and fro before it can make use of a certain library, it was not necessarily a book that we find there.

Buy all the books that we need to support the research and writing of scientific papers we also difficult. Besides not all the books we needed was in the bookstore (probably because it was not published, published abroad, or old publications), the costs were not small. The books are a major grip is supposed to have, but there are some books that we need only certain parts of it in small amounts.

However, with the internet, all becomes easier. We can find literature that we need is from the front of the computer or laptop. Simply by typing a few keywords (keyword), the information we're looking for is come before us. Some even presented in the form of an e-book (electronic book), there are presented intact but some are present only certain parts. Journals from within and outside the country over which we were able to get us access through the internet.

Unfortunately, simplicity is sometimes exploited by dishonest, such as :

Copy and paste
It's easy to copy the information on the internet into our work. Just do copy and paste. Completed. Ethics and morals in the writing of scientific research was thrown away.

Not include a bibliography

Writing a bibliography of a website is as important as writing a bibliography of physical literature (books, magazines, journals, newspapers).

Writing Bibliography

Bibliography not only shows what and how many written references that we use in doing research and writing a scientific paper. Bibliography also shows honesty and moral ethics as a researcher and writer. Similarly, writing a bibliography of the website. Writing a list of references from this website is not difficult. We live website includes the name, link (link), name (if any), title of the paper, and when the writing was aired on the website (if any).

Example :
  1. Journey to Happiness. Benefits of Laughter Same with sports.
  2. Albert Einstein: The Genius of Physics Opener Veil of Secrets of the Universe
  3. Bill and Hillary Clinton (section 4).

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