Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hop, Step, and Jump, Jump Athletic 3 Movement transmissible

Hop, Step, and Jump, Jump Athletic 3 Movement transmissible. One jump athletics is transmissible. Transmissible jump athletics, including a rather difficult. Jump transmissible or also known as the triple jump, consists of three movements that must be done perfectly by a athletics in every game.

Sports Athletics

Some of you, even all the people in the world, who had received his education, especially subjects Sports or Physical Education, must have known athletics. Athletics is a sport that could be considered the foundation of all sports there is. Athletics is also the oldest sport was first born on Earth. Most people in the world believe that athletics was first developed from the Greek, but it is not true.

Athletics have existed long before the world knew his first appearance at the first Olympics in Greece. According to research in the field of diary and iconography, athletics have existed long before the first Olympics in Greece.

Athletics has evolved since the first development of world civilization in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. In early development, athletics played by ancient societies around the area of the ancient temples and tombs. Sports that have been played varies from wrestling, stick fights, rowing, boxing, to acrobats.

Athletics has indeed been developed in 3000 BC. However, the development of athletics in a competition that lasted until now, began in 776 BC in the first Olympics in Greece. At first, sports competitions should only be followed by the men in the Olympia stadium with a capacity of between 45000-50000 people. For some reason, at that time all men who enter the competition are required to bare.

However, the reason the woman was banned from the competition, not because of the nudity. Olympia, which is a holy city of the god Zeus settled place is a sacred place for the men. At the beginning of the historical development of the first Olympics to held it to-13, only one type of sport played, the stade which is kind of running.

Stade derived from the word "stadia", which is the distance of the race, which is about 85 meters. Stade race other involving a longer distance is "diaulos" (365 meters) and "dolichos" (24 "stadias" or 2 km).

The winner will get a simple crown made of olive branches. Although very simple, but the degree of increase and the winners become famous like a celebrity.

In addition, they also get some facilities such as free food for life and liberty in the payment of taxes. In European classical era, the Olympic games were showing some of them as follows.

1. Panhellenink Games
  • The Pythian Games. This game started in 527 BC. Held at Delphi every four years.
  • The Nemean Games. This game started in 515 BC. Held in Argolid every two years.
  • The Isthmian Games. This game was first held in 523 BC. Held at the Isthmus of Corinth every two years.
2. The Roman Games

The romance comes from games that use pure Greek race and throwing.

Formerly, known as athletic combat sports as a child in medieval nobleman will be trained in terms of running, fighting, wrestling, horse riding, archery, and weapons training. Other nations also very fond of athletic contests, among others the Celts, Teutons and Goths.

In the 19th century, the modern formal organization of the event began. At that time, begin to put regular sports and exercise into school regimes. In 1869, during the modern Olympics, modern athletics at that time organized running track is 400 m. As for the other field events, jumping and throwing that using spot inside track.

In 1928, women were just beginning to be allowed to participate in the Olympics, both in track and field. In 1912, formed the IAAF. An international governing body. In 1983, the IAAF established separate outdoor World Championships. Some have a regional games, such as the European Championships, American Games, and the Commonwealth Games.

In addition, there are professional Golden League circuit which accumulated in the IAAF World Athletics Final and indoor championships such as the World Indoor Championships. The sport has a high profile during major championships, especially the Olympics.

Jump Sports

Although the event is included in the high jump competition at the beginning of the ancient Greek Olympics, the first high jump competition last recorded in the early 19th century, precisely in Scotland, with a height of up to 1.68 meters. Jumpers at the time using the direct approach or technique scissors. High jump was not done arbitrarily. There are certain styles that must be mastered by athletes to avoid accidents.

In the 19th century, the participants jump high jump and landed on the grassy ground using scissors style, that is by turn one's back. This style was a lot of the participants resulted in injury. While now, the high jump is done by landing on a mat. High jumper now widely use the Fosbury flop technique.

High jump Athletics is a sport that tests the skills of jumping past the crossbar. The purpose of this sport to get as high as leap over the bar with a specific altitude. High pole ruler athlete must pass a minimum of 2.5 meters, 3.15 meters while the length of the bar. High jump performed in arenas athletic fields. High jump performed without the aid of tools.

In the game, the bar will be raised after the participants made it through the height of the crossbar. Each participant will be given the opportunity three times to make the leap. If participants did not make it past the bar three times in a row, he was declared failed. For the winner, the participant must try to jump as high as can be done. Typically, athletes who took part in the high jump has a thin body and tall stature.

Jump Athletic Sports transmissible

In addition to the high jump, the jump of athletic sports, there are jump transmissible. Indonesia has a transmissible jumper that gave hope to take part further in the event that a higher race. She is Maria Natalia Londan, jumper transmissible from Bali.

At PON ago, she managed to jump as far as 13.16 meters surpassing the previous PON Nyoman Rae on behalf of South Sumatra. Maria also in 2008 won second place at the Asian Junior Athletics Championships.

In every official championship, transmissible jumper must leap three stages known as the hop-step-jump. To achieve maximum perform pedestal, an athlete jumping transmissible require running without a hitch with the initial distance between 35-49 yards. The movement has to do with running a constant, so that it can properly when it will put feet on the beam pedestal.

What is meant by movement hop is a movement bearing the same foot without compromising the running speed. While the step motion made after the hop movement. Step movement is intended to change the hop movement that rests on two legs, thereby allowing lifting leaning forward, as preparation for a jump motion.

To reach the jump altitude at the time, the movement of the foot bearing retained in a dependent position, then quickly snapped up, in order to obtain the desired height.

The last movement of the triple jump is a jump movement. What is meant by movement jump is the landing perfectly. To achieve a perfect landing, then jump transmissible an athlete must consider several things in between is when the motion step, hanging leg swung forward swing assisted with both hands. Jump distance can be achieved by an athlete, depending on the initial movements.

To obtain the desired height, the time step, an athlete must maintain a position in order to keep the body upright. Meanwhile, to keep the weight does not go down more quickly, an athlete must stretch both arms upwards. At the time of going to land, the center of attention at the foot swung so far towards the front of the knee, was appointed to the front, so that the parallel and both arms moved forward to help the movement of the foot. This is done after the heel touching the sand.

It is very difficult to do sport. However, if a lot of practice and try hard, jump transmissible Athletics will feel easy and fun. Hopefully useful description.

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