Sunday, March 17, 2013

Free Systematic Research Proposal Writing

Free Systematic Research Proposal Writing. Before writing a research proposal as a first step of writing a thesis, it helps the students learn to understand how systematic research proposal writing is good and right. It can be done by diligent reading proposals senior fairly good and decent, studied the writing of scientific papers through many sources and so on.

Writing thesis research proposal for students to start early struggle to earn a degree as a degree or diploma. For some students, began to write the proposal is full of challenges that must be faced. Therefore, before approaching periods thesis thesis, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the early scientific world.

Scientific Writing

This paper was prepared for the purpose of channeling ideas and ideas of the author can be studied, which will then be supported or rejected by the reader. Writing this paper has a purpose, namely as a means to develop science, technology, and art. This is in accordance with the nature of the paper, namely their opinions and the truth through a systematic method, methodological, and consistent.

From the description of the stretcher, then to a paper that serves three purposes. First, that the work may explain something that was previously unclear, uncertain, and not known, then one thing becomes clear and known. Secondly, the paper aims to help anticipate or prevent a possibility that will happen in the future. Then, the last is that the work may serve as a controller, supervisor, or whether or not a statement of correction.

In writing an introductory sample papers, then take a few requirements that must be done so that the work is getting good results. The requirements are the motivation and discipline, the ability to process data, the ability to think logically and integrated, and the ability to speak. Scientific writing is different from writing fiction works, such as novels, poems, or short stories. Formal scientific paper, so it must meet several requirements.

A paper should be straightforward and unemotional, like do not use figures of speech. The paper should also be logical, effective, efficient, and written using standard Indonesian language. A scientific paper has many different forms. Among these are papers, working papers, theses, theses, and dissertations. This paper is written with the conditions that have been described above.

Preparation of papers have great benefits for writers and readers. Among the benefits are a writer can hone and develop effective reading skills through the study of literature. In addition, with this scientific writing, the writer can add insight about science learn and can add insight also to its readers. In the compose an essay, there are several steps that must be done, that is preparation, data collection, organization and concepts, examination or editing concepts, and presentation or typing.

The preparation stage, the choice of subject matter, the determination of the title, and manufacturing outline. In the data collection phase, the authors seek information from the literature, and then collected the data, observe objects of research, and testing in the field. Later in the stage of organizing and concepts, the author conducted a grouping of materials and concepts. Meanwhile, at a later stage, the stage of examination or editing concepts through reading and check back problems. Finally, stage presentation by typing all the results of the study.

In the presentation, usually done over and over because there is always a less effective use of language, preparation of sentences or paragraphs that are less fit, or the application of spelling rules are not appropriate. Writing systematic scholarly works are the order of the location of the parts of the scientific work, which part should come first and which parts afterwards. Generally systematic paper is divided into three parts, the beginning, the middle, and the end. The following will explain more about the systematic research proposal writing.

Research Proposal Format

In one study, this research technique used in accordance with the needs of the research. Here elaborated on the use of qualitative research in a study.
  1. If the problem to be studied is not clear or even still dark. These conditions are suitable for qualitative study with qualitative research directly into the object and the researcher will explore the object so that the problem will be found clearly.
  2. Understanding the meaning behind the data looks. Any words and actions have specific meanings. To find the meaning of any act required of the data collected by in-depth interviews, observation and documentation.
  3. To understand the complex social interactions and to discover patterns clear relationship
  4. Understanding the feelings of others is to participate to feel what these people feel.
  5. To develop the theory that by building data obtained from the field.
  6. To ensure the correctness of data. Social data is often difficult to ascertain the truth. Through the technique of triangulation data combined, then the certainty of the data will be more secure. In addition, the data obtained will be tested credibility, and the study ended when the data has reached a saturation point so that the data can be obtained certainty.
  7. Researching the history of development. For example, researching the history of the life of kings Europe and other samples.

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and collate the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and documentation by way of organizing data into categories. It also lays into the units, synthesize, organize into patterns, classifying important things and that will be studied, and making conclusions, so easily understood by researchers and by readers. Here are some competencies that should be possessed by the researchers.
  1. Researchers must have a broad and deep knowledge about the areas to be studied.
  2. Researchers should be able to create a rapport to everyone who is on the social context will be examined. That way, researchers can build a good relationship with everyone who is in a social context.
  3. Researchers should have the sensitivity to see any works that are the object of research.
  4. Researchers should be able to explore the data source with the participation observation and in-depth interviews in the triangulation, and other sources.
  5. Researchers were able analyze inductively continuous qualitative data from descriptive analysis, domain, component, culture and cultural themes.
  6. Researchers were also able to test the credibility, dependability, confirmbility, and transferability of research results.
  7. Researchers were able to produce knowledge discovery, hypothesis, or a new science research.
  8. Researchers were able to create reports in a systematic, clear, complete, and detailed.

Nevertheless, the general framework of the research proposal has a similar shape, both the study of exact and non-exact. The first chapter on proposal writing systematic research is 'Introduction'. This introductory chapter contains several subtitles, is as follows.

1. Background

The background is solid reasons and arguments did the research process. Authors should disclose the facts that have happened and the basis for doing the research to be conducted. For example, I would do research on the alleged contamination of river water to the parameters of harmful heavy metals, the writer must be able to lift the concrete evidence.

For example, it has proved the existence of local people with the disease are identical to the danger posed by heavy metals are suspected. The background is not something invented by now or forced. If impress invented now and forced the research done will be in vain.

2. The purpose of research

In the next section the author must express a concrete goal of doing the research. The purpose was made in an attempt to limit the problem description will be presented.

3. Time and place of the research conducted

Authors should include the time and anywhere research will be conducted, in order to clarify a part of the discussion and conclusions. Then the second chapter of writing systematic proposal contains 'literature review'. Literature review is a translation of the title parameter elements are taken.

Good literature review includes primary references, the results of another study published in research journals. The more references coming from the research journal, the more quality literature is made. Look for as many references from books, journals, websites reliable, avoid the subjective and personal opinion. The third chapter of the systematic writing of the proposal is 'Research Methodology'. In this section you should list clearly the research methods to be performed, the location, sampling method, the treatment of the sample, calculation and so on.

And, the last is the conclusion of research results. After doing the research and the results have been obtained, it reports the final results of these studies are summarized in a conclusion. From these descriptions, preparation and Research Proposal writing systematic research is easy if done gradually. Hopefully useful description.

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