Monday, March 18, 2013

Framework for Writing Papers

Framework for Writing Papers. Many people that have to finished their study at college must knowing about this one.

Part Of Duty

Gave a paper form is one of the common and usual task for the students who are taking college. Basically, there are many tasks that become a burden student. The duty lectures are almost always appear in every course is a paper. Even making this paper is not just the duty of the majority of students, students who are studying on a bench medium schools not immune from completing the task of making paper.

Papers Being Choice

The paper is often the choice task was always given to the student lecturer. Why should the paper ? Because by giving the task to the student paper will give positive results in student self that will cover many aspects. With paper at least there are some aspects that must be passed and carried out by students. And the results obtained from the writing of this paper can also sometimes help resolve the problem or the course is a problem that is going on in the actual problem was never considered important, but when the student raised in this paper turned out to be an important issue. The paper can also help the Government to make the right policy.

Lots of Reading

Writing papers is a usual and customary for some students. But those who have never put it into practice will be difficult and confusing, and the framework is also writing a paper can easily be learned. Before you start writing a paper, the first thing we should do is read a lot of books or literature. By reading we will know the problem is happening and what is important to find a way out so that we can find what the problem topics we discuss in our paper.

Finding Problems

After we read a lot of supporting literature relating to writing papers, we should be able to find some things that are important to be discussed and a solution or a way out and then it is said to be the problem. In the writing of the paper, the problems noted in chapter two. And of these issues we can start to write the introduction.

Writing Introduction

Introduction contained in chapter one a paper. This introduction we write the initial framework that contains the background of the issues. The background of the problem will describe a path issues we will write down the things that are special or general to specific. If we describe the writing section will be clearly defined as the picture upside down triangle. From the general to the specific nature is known as deductive reasoning towards induction.

Writing Problems

Problems in writing this paper we can write the statement directly or indirectly as a whole core of what we want to write a paper. Spirit of a paper is going to discuss the issues to look for answers and solutions. How can the problem of writing a direct question can also be with a narrative that essentially there is a gab that describes why it is like that and it is important to look for the answer or solution that does not seem gab.

Discussion of Problems in Writing Papers

Completing a paper point is to answer the problems that we adopted in this paper. Discussion of the issue within the framework of the writing papers is ideally coherently and clearly and has a form of logical analysis. To be able to finish writing the paper well, we must be willing to read a book or literature studies as much as possible so that we raise is not shallow. The depth or shallowness of the results of the paper will be reflected clearly in the discussion section.

The discussion of this issue in the form of answers and reasons and solutions that can be found which can be accounted acceptable truth with logic and common thinking.

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