Saturday, March 30, 2013

Educational Poster Indonesia

Small Business School - Educational Poster Indonesia. Forward, sure, and the Brave. Various comments sung many people's existence and life education in Indonesia. Indonesian education poster that says a lot of profanity will and credibility procurement system, such as the bawdy many thousand island's domestic politics. Negative comments will present evils educational posters in Indonesia much reverb, various groups were, young and old, rich and poor, the bottom or the top, all the comments, all the government's failure to respond will held State will take care of education in Indonesia.

Well .. Everything is commented, as educational posters Indonesia no good. But it still can produce a champion young researchers and competitors in the academic field, apparently scathing comments of ordinary people, not shrink and eliminate the passion and loyalty of the nation in career and competed in the prestigious field. It is not even half the battle, on a scale that no anchovies anymore, but internationally.

Sad to see those who commented are not appropriate for education Indonesia, but without contributing anything to create and improve the image and beauty of Indonesian education. Indonesia makes education posters worse off, in the absence of control in society in both oral opinion issued in writing.

Educational Poster Indonesia - Indonesia SBC Education Improvement Form

SBC is one of the curriculum outcomes of the 2004 curriculum development, competency-based learning achievement of students in order to obtain the target product mastery learning. In the Indonesian education, SBC has a skeleton implementation of learning programs that have been outlined in the syllabus, is your basic manufacture and formulation Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).

In Indonesia's education at SBC, Learning Implementation Plan will be used as a handbook for educators to implement the lessons learned in the classroom, laboratory, and field for each basic competence. Therefore, what is contained in the Learning Implementation Plan includes matters directly related to the learning activities in an effort to achieve mastery of basic competencies.

In the Indonesian education poster, SBC has a standard and basic competencies that are curriculum reflections, thoughts, and review of the curriculum that has prevailed previously, as stated in the initial descriptions. The new curriculum is expected to help prepare students to face the challenges of the future for education in Indonesia updates.

Standards of competence and basic competences directed to provide the skills and expertise to survive in conditions full of change, competition, uncertainty, and complexity of life. Posters plastered neatly education we want to progress together and achieve progress in the improvement of education in Indonesia, the better the education in Indonesia, SBC designed to create graduates who are competent, intelligent in building social integrity, and to realize the national character.

Posters can be slightly improved educational Indonesia. It was if the implementation of education supported by all walks of life work together for the betterment of education in Indonesia, so that people outside Indonesia to provide education of good direction.

In implementation, standards and basic competencies have done various studies that lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness of services and the development as a consequence of an educational innovation. Public gives thumbs up to education in Indonesia is increasingly improved and developed. SBC as one model of curriculum implementation.

Model of integrated learning in educational poster Indonesia is one of the recommended curriculum implementation model to be applied to all levels of education. The villagers will appreciate and interpret their own country education. Starting from elementary school or Islamic Elementary School to High School or Madrasah Aliyah. In the Indonesian education learning model is essentially a learning approach that allows students either individually or in groups actively seek, explore, and discover concepts and principles of holistic and authentic.

Educational Poster - Implementation of Integrated Learning at SBC

A school must have a learning implementation. In the implementation of education in Indonesia, a poster or a picture of an integrated learning goals in all areas of study has the objective of which :

1. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of learning

Education in the standards of competence and basic competencies to be achieved by learners, for example, to the field of science studies the learners who have achieved is scope ilmi disciplines of physics, chemistry, and biology. In educational posters to achieve mastery, learning should be presented in the form of whole, and not partial. Concepts that overlap when combined with the repetition of the learning will be more efficient and effective.

The integration of subjects to encourage educators to develop high creativity because of the demands to understand the relationship between the material with each other. Educators are required to have rigor, analytic capabilities, and ability to understand linkages categorical or common materials or methodology.

2. In the Indonesian education poster, SBC can increase interest and motivation.

Integrated learning provides opportunities for educators to develop learning situations intact, comprehensive, dynamic, and meaningful in line with expectations and the ability of educators, as well as the needs and readiness of learners. How, if the poster is still doubting the quality of education in Indonesia ? In integrated learning provides opportunities for the development of knowledge related to a given theme.

3. In the Indonesian education poster, SBC can incorporate some basic competencies are achieved simultaneously.

Integrated learning model can save time, energy, and infrastructure, as well as the cost of learning some basic competence can be taught simultaneously. In addition, integrated learning also simplifies the learning steps. This is due to the combination of a number of standards and integration competence, basic competence, and the lessons that have seen have the same or association.

The rationale for education in Indonesia, sometimes very narrow in responding to the Indonesian education based solely on the opinions of the public that have sprung up first, before the general public to respond in the form of comments. Society does not first see and examine the problems that occur in the system of education and learning applications nation's children are the object of the patient, due to the cloud of ignorance, in the absence of simple research first.

Picture or poster of education in Indonesia is complicated. However, there are certain parties who know and understand the importance of the development and improvement of education in Indonesia, rather than mere matter. The problem now would we as society dynamic and together to build a poster or image Indonesia for better education and quality. There are many things we can do, as individuals that we can implement the simple things that can build the image of education in Indonesia, among others :
  1. Indonesia to improve education by improving the skills themselves as children of the nation, to improve and increase the quality of science in self-competence.
  2. Improving education in Indonesia by adding public facilities (if we as individuals who have capital and more capable) education by organizing cooperation or partnership with other private schools at levels that have not been able to in all fields, whether independence, capital, building , facilities, and infrastructure.

For the creation of educational posters Indonesia more independent and qualified, then we increase the competence of ourselves as well as possible and the highest for the benefit and the benefit of living together in the state and nation of Indonesia.

Effectiveness of Education in Education World Poster

Poster of education has an important role in education, both for students, teachers and the environment around the school (including the general public). Not only poster
Educational, but other types of posters such as commercial posters, poster activity also has efficacy for life. Posters can also be used as a means of education, decoration, advertising, copy of a work of art and propaganda.

Poster, including educational posters, prefer the image (color image attractive, powerful, flashy but according to the content of the poster targets) rather than letters (words or phrases). The goal is easy and interesting to see the views of readers that understand the intent of the content of the poster.

Understanding Educational Poster

Poster of education is one of the poster. Posters are also often referred to as plaques, by definition, poster / placard is one form of graphic design or artwork on paper with a large size (in the form of print media) composed of letters and pictures. The letters on educational posters and other types of posters forming sentences clear, concise and brief to facilitate the reader's understanding.

The image on the poster to use strong colors and contrast to get the attention of the eye of the reader so that eyes were on posters / placards are. Usually any kind poster taped to the wall or other flat surface. Based on the above definition, it means the poster is one of a kind educational poster that has the purpose of giving an explanation to the public. Poster
Educational possesses educate and inform to the readers.

In addition to educational posters, there are several other types of posters based on its type, including commercial poster (eg shoe poster, posters soap, etc.), poster activity (eg performing arts poster, posters seminars, and so on). Health and hygiene poster poster poster is part of education.

Sample sentences on educational posters, including "flash floods hit the felled forest !" and "class clean clear mind." In addition, example sentences on commercial posters (posters fill the sentence concerning the offer of a product / service), such as: "Lux, the soap star!, Gudang Garam Merah, He Got Taste !"

Conditions Education Poster

Posters can be said to be making education easier for the ordinary or even often made. The terms of educational posters are as follows.
  1. The language used in the poster is an educational and language that is easily understood by the reader to understand the main poster. In addition to language, the phrase is used in educational posters should also be considered. Sentences are made should have meaningful content and lead to the poster targets, it is clear, concise and solid.
  2. When the language and sentence on educational posters we have noticed, then do not forget to combine it into a form suitable image and reflect the content of educational posters. It suits the characteristics of the poster that prefers images than words (sentences).
  3. As per the general purpose of the poster, the poster made education to attract readers (well just by looking at it or comprehend and understand the meaning of the content of the poster). Attractive and whether posters also depends on the materials used. Materials to make a work of art or graphic design (print form), course materials are good (not broken or torn absolute alias durable).
  4. Educational posters must also consider the size to poster is not too big or too small. Thus, educational poster size adjusted to the target audience and the installation.

Terms educational posters and other poster there is no significant difference. If in between we want to try to make your own poster to poster types as needed, then it should be given the conditions of manufacture. This work will help the poster itself is interesting to read and consider the reader.

Effectiveness of Media Education for Learning Poster

Posters education effectively educate the general public because it is easy to understand messages with short, both posters are used in educational environments including hygiene posters, health posters in the healthcare environment, and the other posters that lead to the purpose and nature of this type of poster. As per understanding, kind poster aims to inform readers and is educating the readers.

The development and advancement of today's technology enables these types of posters as a force in the medium of learning for students and teachers. Not only the electronic media which constantly developed and introduced to the students and teachers or academics, but print media such as posters also need to be developed and enhanced to improve the quality of student learning and teacher.

Although the audio-visual media / electronic media to be one of the preferred means of learning in the development of learning media, but still educational poster has a strategic role and effective for students and teachers. Usually only used as wall hangings posters and do not function properly as a medium of learning. It should continue to be evaluated and get the attention and improvement in the future.

In manufacturing, educational poster designed in sizes appropriate to the capacity of the brain and the learning process. Every child can learn to activate their conscious brain through observation and see the poster. The conscious brain processes enable the following subconscious brain to digest the information with the right brain working system. Any information entered does not undergo the screening process and carefree.

While aware of different brain systems when getting information. Conscious brain to digest the information to the left brain working system. Usually in the left hemisphere working system, all incoming information filtering suffered because of the nature of critical left brain. Educational poster has advantages over learning in the form of electronic media or audio-visual. Significant difference between the electronic media with the poster that audio-visual/media static posters and electronic media or audio-visual equipment is not static. The static nature posters on poster making it easier and often seen and considered as attached to the wall.

Figures and letters are arranged in it will also be memorable for the reader rather than having to turn on the electronic media / audio-visual equipment such as laptop, computer, or television. The advantages of such education poster poster makes this type have good efficacy in Study abroad. Students will feel comfortable learning conditions and a pleasant if effective learning media. Students are not just limited to children, but also adults.

It shows that children and adults have one thing in common, that is more effective in learning when lessons are presented in a fun. The definition of fun is being able to call them sensors right brain so that their unconscious brain function in capturing information. However, the posters have become the preferred medium of learning today. Naturally, children and adults, both in formal and informal schools, often saturated and impressed a lot of the load applied to the model of learning in teaching and learning.

Poster of
Educational not only for the optimal functioning of children and adults, both in formal and informal schools, but it also serves poster type optimal for infants and children. Excess properties of posters that have been presented before the static nature can help children learn to Belita in focus or concentrate and not get bored when the mother or father took him to learn. For example, learn to recognize a variety of fruits, vegetables, animals, numbers and recognize the letters even practice reading.

Media study using the poster has a good effectiveness and efficiency. Education is not a regular poster posters. Its effectiveness as a medium of learning interesting and fun into something that must be considered and evaluated by experts studying media. Developing the potential of children also do exercises to make the poster educational administration.

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