Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Education Management A Thesis Statement Work Patterns

Education Management A Thesis Statement Work Patterns. Thesis Statement is a requirements management education in the form of scientific papers to earn a master degree (S2). The thesis is a testament to the ability of management education students in the research and development of science in the field of management education. To be able to reach the stage of manufacture of the thesis, the student must meet and complete other requirements, namely :
  1. It take and pass the number of courses that have been approved and the amount specified GPA.
  2. Have attended and passed the comprehensive examination.
  3. Pass the English exam, Toefel least 450.
  4. Having passed the test of the thesis proposal.
  5. Have been approved or submissions in the acc title by field of study concerned.
  6. Obtain supervisor / Decree of the graduate program director.
Time management guidance thesis work a maximum level of about 18 months, while the longest overtime guidance 1x 6 months and even then should the proposed supervisor. Minimum educational management thesis Pages 100-200 pages, not including attachments.

We know the scientific work by educational strata (S1, S2, S3) are different, the end of the thesis is a requirement for a degree S1, S2 thesis for a degree and a dissertation to get a degree S3. Each has different characteristics. Here are the characteristics of theses characteristics are generally included in the thesis management education.

Characteristics of Educational Management Thesis

Similarly, the thesis in general, educational management thesis has the following characteristics :
  1. Highlight or focus on the study of the one contained in the discipline discourse of science in management science education in accordance with the program of education management.
  2. Education management thesis is to empirically test certain theories contained in the disciplines of management education.
  3. Thesis management education as well as the thesis in general, using the main data directly to the field / through the stages of observation to collecting data collected directly from the field, the data is known as primary data. While secondary data is used to support the primary data.
  4. Thesis Management education must use written language using the Indonesian language is good and true.
  5. Following the procedures or rules in writing that has been agreed or rules / procedure applicable.
  6. Educational Management Thesis weighs 8 SKS.
The process of making education management Thesis Statement S2, through several stages of preparation, submission and implementation guidance counselor and trial stages.

1. Making Thesis Preparation Stage Management Education

Before entering the counseling process, students must first develop proposals for thesis research in which there are the following points :
  • Title of research.
  • Background of the problem.
  • Formulation of the problem and the question / problem identification.
  • Research variables and operational definitions.
  • The purpose why education management thesis research should be made.
  • The benefits of the research.
  • Theoretical framework / framework in the form of theories and literature related to the theory and object in education management thesis.
  • Hypotheses or assumptions if the thesis is no hypothesis.
  • The methodology includes research methods, sample, population, instruments and analytical techniques used.
  • Systematic or writing patterns.
  • Research agenda or timetable.
In order for the process of making educational management thesis can be more focused and directed, encouraged at an early stage in time be able to consult a lecturer, head of the field of study or the people who you trust and who have expertise in the field of study.

2. Filing Phase Advice

The second stage is the stage of submission of the research proposal seminar, seminar proposal submission can be done early before the trial comprehensive. If it is approved then the chairman or secretary of the relevant field of study will provide evidence of signature approval can proceed to the next step: get mentors who assist at the time of the thesis process. The number of tutors in thesis research by two people. Students submit two names of mentors, who are advised to have expertise in accordance with the topic of discussion in the study.

3. Phase Implementation Phase Guidance and Research

After getting the name of the supervisor issued a decree, students began working on research under the guidance and supervision of tutors. When students objected to the names of lecturers, could still petition the turn to the leadership graduate program. Each process research and writing submitted at the meeting or written guidance and counseling in the cards.

4. Final Stage

After research report in accordance with the terms of a thesis, the student continues next process, namely: report, in order to know the extent to which students are making progress in the execution of his thesis. The report was given to both the supervisor and the head of the study program, master's candidates here will get inputs for the improvement of his thesis when there are mistakes and shortcomings. Then it entered the test phase one and two.

Supervising the work of thesis research thesis particularly management education is as much as two people, but in certain circumstances can coach plus one more until there were three counselors. Supervising doctoral degree or at least one great teacher who has the expertise appropriate to the material in the study.

Both are the same tutors have a minimum of a doctorate. Both counselors are defined and decided by the director of graduate given the proposed field of study or area of study concerned.

Fill in educational management thesis, can be about education curriculum, which is related to the things that are essential based on the goals to be achieved by the target or a goal, the intention of education. The educational process may include :
  • First, the study of teaching methodology, assumptions can be about issues, public views, procedures at the time of application, advantages and disadvantages.
  • Second, the learning process, which can be in or outside the school environment, for example within the community, the family. This point can be emphasized on the psychological aspect and the interaction between teachers and outside himself, for example by other teachers, the students and so on. Can also discussed the methodology of teaching, development, implementation and evaluation stages.

Some examples could be a picture if you're looking for a title or topic of the thesis education. The title management education management thesis using quantitative methods :
  • Effect of relationship credibility principals and teachers to improve the teaching quality of the school.
  • The relationship between level of education, with teachers teaching pattern.
  • Influence / role of public relations and school performance to the application of integrated quality in order to improve the quality of the school.
  • Relationship with increased productivity extracurricular activities and schools.
  • Effect of training management graduates with increased credibility.
  • Influence Communication faction in increasing student awareness ......
Education management thesis title using qualitative methods :
  • Efforts to implement integrated management to increase customer satisfaction
  • Development strategy based competition in SD ........
  • Conflict management in improving the competitive climate
  • The meaning of a sign on the teaching patterns based competition
  • Analysis of discourse regarding teacher certification in improving performance
Work on the Thesis Statement is not easy, many several candidates Master delayed his degree, because the thesis work has procedures that must be met (as described above). However, if you know well trick patterns and management education in this thesis, all will be easy and fun.

In order not to get nervous and scared that more have way that you can understand and get used to the time of trial exams or thesis, by attending the same session is about education management thesis.

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