Saturday, March 30, 2013

Development of National Education

Small Business School - Development of National Education. In 1948, it was agreed by the world of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which sets 30 kinds of basic universal human rights. In the half-century later, the basic rights has been used as the foundation of humanity (road map to humanity) that has its place and identity in human life. One of the human rights that have been agreed globally is the right to education. Where is the provision of education is part of the development.

Therefore, in many countries, both developed and developing countries need attention level of government in formulating their national budgets, even in the national development process. Unfortunately, the right education is still defeated the acquisition of the rights to freedom, economic rights, social and cultural rights.

After 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to education, health, and the environment is still seen as sectoral issues, so construction and repairs are only agenda of sectoral development programmed in a country. In other words, the development of the quality of education is generally not considered to be the protection of human rights, so that the violation of this right is rarely enters the realm of the courts.

Affirmed by Jorge Daniel that human rights on the one hand and development on the other hand, is not a concept that can be distinguished much less separated. We do not need to find the link between the two concepts, but we must accept that the development can be seen as part of the respect and protection of human rights.

The realization of economic and social rights in the development process is very important because there is a tendency for governments to ignore the fulfillment of the right to education. This requires us to more carefully the actions which are necessary to realize the right to education as a human right. Thus, an essential aspect of the right to development in the field of education lies in the concentration of the human aspect as a subject in the development process.

Thoughts on the development of a national approach to education has been expressed by Adam Smith since 1776. He explained that the enhancement of human skills will be able to increase the value of the man himself that can automatically improve the welfare of both the individual and society.

In the 1970's, The International Institute for Educational Planning introduced education development planning methodology with an approach that is more practical and realistic approach to social demands. Under this approach, the education system is managed and built in response to the demand for education services change over time. Changes in demand can also be decreased or increased.

If the demand increases, the required additional facilities and educational resources as a result of the growing number of students who need the service. Through policy analysis approach, the content and quality of education better left to each educational unit. As time goes by, plans continue to be developed tailor education to the needs of public education.

Development - Concept Development Basic Education

In general, the construction can be interpreted as the development of a variety of community resources in order to improve people's lives for the better. Development efforts in the last half century has followed the perspective known as requirements-driven development. However, the fact that this approach has failed to meet the expectations of the community in improving their living conditions. Instead, this approach actually has increased the dependence on the government. In addition, the use of this method is also not able to realize sustainable development because it is caused by a lack of ownership of the community on the development process itself.

In addition to understanding the development that has been mentioned, the construction can also be defined as a positive change regularly in various areas of human life, both physically, economically, socially, politically and culturally, both at the individual and at the level of the group. This definition was put forward in the development of program participation for social harmony by UNESCO.

This definition focuses on the positive changes in certain aspects of the human being and society caused by the results of their efforts independently. The development process should help reduce the symptoms of social discrimination that occurs in the community through a change in thinking, mental, and human consciousness as the culprit.

The concept of development should be based on the fulfillment of human rights. Education development efforts must be based on the decisions made through the mobilization of community-wide participation. Therefore, the development of which should be done in the right perspective, not the perspective of reward. If there is a failure to ensure public participation, the development process is not considered complete even irrelevant in society. Lack of participation shows the lack of ownership of the community on the development process itself.

The essence of the concept or the rights-based approach in the development of this education is the understanding of the main causes of violations, the next set of community needs as rights. This approach is done by creating cohesiveness in the strength and activity of the community as the main road to sustainable social transformation. Violations of basic human rights occur if basic human needs are not being met on an ongoing basis. So, in order to gain an appreciation rights education, the approach to development must be seen in its relation to society.

Thus, the concept will be accomplished through the development of active community participation, such as the poor and vulnerable in the development process so that play a role in decision making. Another aspect that is important is the awareness of the need for community participation as a means of creating social harmony, so the development is not considered as the free gift, but the inherent right of self so that the community can be sustainable for a better education in Indonesia.

Development - Education and Employment

Today, many critics throw the education system. The criticism has basically said that the expansion of learning opportunities are likely to have led to increasing unemployment of educated than the increase in productive power in accordance with the requirements.

This criticism is certainly justified because the population census data shows an interesting trend that the proportion of workers unemployed higher education graduates was higher than the proportion of unemployed graduates are lower (Ace Suryadi, 1993:134). It can be concluded that the percentage of the number of unemployed workers a greater degree than the number of unemployed graduates from high school or lower education level again.

However, criticism of the education system is also not entirely correct to say. This way of thinking is now true as if just watching education as the only variable that explains the problem of unemployment. This way of thinking is dangerous, not only will result in the education system, but it also tends to make the problem of unemployment can not be solved forever. Based on this, keep in mind the function of the national education development as a supplier of labor.

The education level of the workforce Indonesia are generally very low. However, low levels of education are much needed employment Indonesia, because the cost of compensation is not high and the necessary resources readily available. Therefore, improvements in education needs to be done on an ongoing basis so that educational outcomes are able to create jobs and quality resources, so it is no longer needed cheap labor force, but the quality resources to promote the company.

Development of national education with a variety of concepts, methods, and approaches essentially a manifestation of upholding human rights. Thus, as a right to education should get the maximum attention of the government and communities.

It is expected that with the right education will be able to provide the best function for labor supply for the world of employment and other functions in society. National education development can be realized through the means of spreading education to all parts of the archipelago, improving the quality and welfare of teachers, as well as the reform of good learning and fun.

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