Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Competition Creating English Dialogue

Competition Creating English Dialogue - Make English dialogue was not hard. The students who learn English after a long time will surely give depth dialogue proficient English. Every day teachers who teach English will give more time for the students to create a dialogue English or at least ask the students to dialogue with their peers in English.

In order for an activity to make the dialogue in English was more fun, the race to make the dialogue could be held in English. The technique can vary. For example, groups, individuals, or pairs, selected topic also can vary or release the topic but the specified processing time.

In addition to the race, making the dialogue in English can also be done by the parents. English dialogue that began with the things that are often done at home will keep kids interested in learning English. Example dialogue in English as this has been reflected in publications PARENTS AND CHILDREN TALK landscape literature written by Heriyati.

Competition Dialog English for Basic Level

Children who are just learning English, sometimes still shy and did not want to present themselves. With the English dialogue race is expected that their confidence will increase and they are not ashamed to appear in front of her other friends. Because of the ability of children at the primary level is still very low, so dialogue English English are still made by the teacher. Children are asked to draw up the dialogue so that a good command of English dialogue.

The dialogue is written on several sheets of paper. Then each participant will develop the dialogue. The fastest and the right will get bonus points. After that the teacher gives an example of how to read the dialogue. Furthermore, children are asked to demonstrate the dialogue without reading it again and have to use the right expression. For example, the English dialogue is as follows. Arrange the following sentences. What's for ? Wake up, Tania. OK. No problem. We gonna study English today.

The right answer from the English dialogue above is: Wake up, Tania. What's for ? We gonna study English today. OK. No problem. The words are simple short sentences make children easy to understand and can demonstrate that the dialogue in English quickly. If the teacher still has a lot of time, it helps if in one class there are 3-4 groups with different questions. With the different types of English dialogue, it will provide more feedback to students who are new to learning English.

Of course, teachers should try to get English dialogue for each group, not more difficult or easier than the English dialogue examples above. If it is too difficult, children will protest. It is not good when it happened. If time is still possible after the race is completed, can be followed by swapping the type of dialogue in English. Each group will feel reading a variety of English dialogue. This of course will add to the experience and vocabulary of the students.

Competition Dialog English for Advanced

At the advanced level, English dialogue race could be made a bit tricky and the children are left to make their own dialogues English. Teachers just give the topic. Even if the topic is not specified, the technique can be used time. The use of time can be based on one or two songs played during the child made the English dialogue. Determining the winner is the most harmonious and complete the dialogue, there is a prefix, content, and closing. Surely they've learned how to make good English dialogue.

English dialogue does not have to start from the greeting or greet by saying 'Hi' or 'Hello, how are you'. English dialogue could begin by expressing opinions by using the tag question. For example : The painting is amazing, is not it ? Yes
, I think so. Is it the first time for you to see Amanda's painting ? Not really. But I like her style. Oh, I am Sani. Ame. I am a programmer. Really ? Me, too Here is my name card. I am sorry, I gotta go. Yup. Thanks. See you around.

The use of tag question in English dialogue will make the other person responds to the conversation without feeling forced. But if you use the English style of dialogue or questions directly, sometimes there are people who do not want to answer that question. It should be delivered to the students so that they can apply not only when learning in the classroom, but also when talking to others in English.

Competition dialog for advanced English will present a more challenging because they can display the English dialogue is so diverse and sometimes seem very funny. Moreover, if for example, the rules are made without discussing English dialogue. The technique is each group consisting of 4-5 people. They sat lined up and should not be discussed. Teachers provide one sheet of paper. The students were asked to make one sentence to respond to previous sentences friends. For a time, for example, a song (3-4 minutes), each group had to make the dialogue in English.

The winner is the group that can make English dialogue longest and most interesting with grooves that do not overlap. Grammar does not have to be noticed except for a tense which refers to the present or the past. If it is the wrong tense, meaning to be different. Children who are already at an advanced very understanding about this. After closing time, the teacher asked all groups to gather their English dialogue. Furthermore, the teacher asked another group to read the dialogue. There will be funny because usually the kids are very dynamic and enjoying the stories are funny and unique. They can assess which group makes the best English language dialogue.

After determining the winners and awarding prizes perfunctory, teachers can discuss the grammar is wrong. The discussion is certainly not going to reduce the value. It was just to give the right information and the fitting so that the children will not repeat the same mistakes in the future. Grammar fatal, for example, It was happened yesterday. It happened that the sentence should have been yesterday. This often occurs because children think that the word 'happen' it should be made passive sentences. I am boring sentence should be I am bored to state that 'I'm bored'. Matters like this should be straightened.

Competition Effects Creating Dialog English

Overall, the race to make English dialogue is able to provide a pleasant atmosphere for both teachers and students. While interesting, the race dialogue in English should not be done every day. Children should also learn something more serious and not always in a group. They also must be able to work alone without the help of the group. Thus, learning English is not only a memorandum of the English language, but also about building children's character. Variations learning like this will make it easier formation of character.

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