Thursday, March 7, 2013

Choose a song Aerobic accordance Tastes - Respiration Aerobic

Choose a song Aerobic accordance Tastes -  Respiration  Aerobic. Songs in aerobics is the most important part. Songs that determine tempo aerobic movement. His election you can customize to taste. Noteworthy is the song chosen to follow aerobic moves that already exist, rather than vice versa. If you do otherwise, would be difficult. In principle, find songs that match your aerobic movements.

Movement in  respiration  aerobic allows us to combine their favorite songs in a musical unity. Basically, we should choose a song aerobics to taste. This is done so that we get the benefits of aerobic conducted. In addition to healthy, happy that you're doing it while listening, even follow the beat of your favorite songs. In aerobic movements, particularly frequent in women aerobics club, usually consisting of several phases of movement.

Phase One

The first phase is the movement in the first 30 minutes. This is a high impact movements that require very fast beat. The movement is made up of high impact jumping movements and pounding feet. Within 30 minutes, you are accompanied by a 7 to 10 songs. You can choose a song aerobics with fast beat of your favorite singer. The beat is in tune with aerobic moves that same with the beat with your heartbeat. This is done to make you more excited about exercise. The results were to be maximized.

Phase Two
The second phase is a combination of low impact movements, body language, body performance, yoga, and pilates. Long this phase is 20 minutes. Could have spent approximately 5 to 7 songs. The selected song should have beat moderate and tend to be slow. You can select songs and slow tempo being sung by your favorite singer or band. The songs can be used as an alternative aerobic song in this phase.

Third Stage

This is the last stage of the movement, and only lasted 10 minutes to do the cooling. Can move on the surface of the floor or doing a line dance. Selected songs are the types of songs that are very slow. Flows slowly like when you inhale with your nose and slowly release it through your mouth. At this last stage, can be accompanied by 2 or 3 of your favorite songs.

If the selected song has a higher level of compatibility with the movement, the movement of  respiration  aerobic can be done well. The purpose aerobics will be achieved. In addition to acquiring health and fitness, sport is a fun exercise for your heart are also entertained with songs aerobic accompaniment of your favorite singer or band.

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