Friday, March 8, 2013

Brain Gymnastics Movement

Brain Gymnastics Movement. For decades, medical experts have been debating about the relationship between physical and mental efficiency. Perform physical exercise will enable the functionality ? Well, how physical activity and brain development could be related ? These and many similar questions a lot about the benefits of exercise and a healthy mind has triggered tremendous research in the field of neuroscience. Fortunately, it can result in an extraordinary show and several studies have shown that physical activity also plays an important role in improving the physical and mental health, including the brain.

Did you know that in addition to biological beings, human beings are also chemically ? In certain conditions, on the orders of the brain, the human body produces chemicals. In addition to natural causes, the production and release of chemical substances can be stimulated through engineering by Brain Gymnastics Movement. For example, when frightened or stressed, the brain tell your body to produce and release the hormone adrenaline. This hormone boost heart rate, pupils enlarge, contract the muscles, and supplying a huge energy into the body.

This need not be emphasized that physical exercise improves blood circulation and gives us a healthy body. But how physical activity helps in the promotion of mental growth ? According to research gathered from multiple sources, here I will ask some deeper connection between exercise and the brain. Although useful in certain moments, the production and secretion of adrenalin overload is believed to shorten human because damage affects a number of organs in the body. So, how to balance it ? This is where the brain gym movements play a role.

Adrenaline vs Endorphins

Biology and biochemistry experts also found another hormone, namely endorphins, which has the opposite function of adrenaline. These hormones are produced and secreted when we are physically and mentally in a state of calm, tranquility, and peace. The opposite of the effects of adrenaline, endorphins will refresh, rejuvenate, and nourish the organs in the human body.

Therefore, endorphins are believed to extend the human life span and naturally treat various complaints in the human body. The experts also found a way to encourage the production and secretion of these hormones, through relaxation and movement exercises the brain. There are many methods of brain exercise movement. One is the autogenic exercises developed by Johannes Heinrich Schultz (1884 - 1970), a psychiatrist and psychotherapist German nationality.

Methods of brain gym movements is also recommended by Dr.. Shigeo Haruyama, a surgeon and expert on oriental medicine from the land of the cherry.

Active brain located in the Active Body

As per a study conducted on people in the age group 20-60 years, those who have been active in their years younger and the lives of lower risk of Alzheimer's disease than those who have a sedentary life. Studies show that people who engage in physical exercise and mental healthy in old age compared with those involved in the practice are ignored. Passive life is not healthy for the brain.

Closest relationship between our brain and physical exercise has been associated with blood circulation. Better blood circulation as a result of physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain. In older age, there is often poor blood flow to the brain, and this led to hypertension or cardiac problems that have been blamed for the decline of cognitive behavior.

Walking, running, jogging and other physical exercises help the body to fight depression and to get rid of negative thoughts. That is why when we are feeling low or sad, engaging in some physical activity that help us in solving the problem. Several studies have shown that regular physical exercise to delay the onset of signs and neuro generative disease is inevitable in the elderly age.

Improve Your Memory and Brain Function

As per various studies, physical exercise has a tremendous effect on brain function and if you're looking for the secret to improve brain power, then you should include a mix of mental and physical activity in your daily routine.

For example, people who engage in physical activity has been found to have good memory skills, improve focus, concentration, analytical skills and memory improvement. Therefore, it was concluded that the physical exercise and the right brain is very healthy for the body.

Generating Brain by Brain Gymnastics

For young and old, this is a simple exercise that can be followed. Only when you'll wake up and leave the bed, move your toes properly. Stretch and scrunched up toes. It can also be practiced during working hours, especially for people who work long hours sitting in front of a computer. This activity helps the brain to seem small active faster.

While we know that the brain is one of the most incredible mysteries of the human body, ever wonder usefulness of a human foot ? Well, the legs help us to distribute our weight evenly and leg comprises a quarter of total body bone ! Added to this point with the foot is a complex network of blood vessels and nerves that connect the legs to the body. It is a scientific fact that your legs just by observing the aging process can be predicted. Therefore there is a foot massage techniques to cure health problems in all body.

As we have seen from the information above, physical exercise and the brain has a great relationship for a healthy body and mind that can only be felt if we inculcate the habit of including exercise in our daily routine. I plan to start running in the morning, how about you ? What are your plans to improve your holistic health ? Why did not try, Autogenic training.

Autogenic Training

Unlike a lot of physical fitness exercises move the limbs, brain gym movements on the opposite autogenic training. You do not need to move the limbs, but sit still in a state of calm, and do some autosuggestion techniques.

All brain gym movements performed by sitting relaxed on a chair hold. You should be as comfortable as possible, and free thoughts weight. Here are a few points in autogenic training :
  1. Exercise loading leg. Relax your arms and your legs. Then inhale slowly while suggestion myself by imagining both arms and legs become heavy.
  2. Exercise leg warming. Just as the practice of loading the leg. This time you have suggestion myself by imagining both arms and legs warm.
  3. Exercise heart calming. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, imagine that your heart beats calmly and regularly until you can feel your own heartbeat.
  4. Practice calming breath. In normal conditions, we breathe automatically without control. Well, in this exercise, you are required to control traction and your breath. The trick, inhale slowly and in, hold briefly, then exhale slowly until you feel that your breathing regular and quiet running.
  5. Exercise belly warming. Just like any other exercise, you are asked to breathe slowly while imagining that your stomach is warm.
  6. Exercise cooling head. This is a dress rehearsal. Stay relaxed in the chair hold, drag and slowly exhale while visualizing your head becomes cool and comfortable.
Perform the autogenic exercises every day, a maximum of ten minutes for each exercise. The more you practice, the faster you can reach a state of relaxation that will encourage the production and secretion of endorphins.

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