Monday, March 4, 2013

Badminton Games Single and Double

Badminton Games Single and Double. Playing badminton can be played anywhere and anytime. Besides, we can do it single or double. Means a single game, a player faces the other opponents. While the double game means two people in one team facing two people in one team. Playing both singles and doubles badminton demanding different skills from each other. Well, on this occasion, the author will present a discussion around a single and a double in the game of badminton. What and how to play singles and doubles in badminton that ? Then, what is more easily done ? Here is the full discussion.

Games Badminton Singles

1. Regarding the Badminton Singles Party

Games in the single party is generally a game that is largely determined by factors stamina and patience of players. A player is responsible for the good or bad punches does. The failure or success of the single player is usually determined or rely on its ability to rally. In addition, the success rate is also determined by the ability of placement really good that the opponent will be difficult to restore it properly anyway.

As a beginner, clear punch and drop a blow most often used to resolve this problem. The main target is a single player to keep the rally to continue running. A skilled badminton player, will usually clear and drop joint blow by using smash, drive, and blows around the head, with variations during the hit.

A change of pace and location service also includes a single-player essential. A single player must develop abilities and skills in an offensive to clear, drop a quick punch, and smash a moderate pace if the situation calls for the hit.

The quality of the punch and the ability to do it under pressure in a game will determine victory or defeat of a player. In addition, the accuracy and feinting in doing blow with reflexes and endurance can improve the ability to cover the breadth of the field in a single party.

The opportunity to succeed or fail in a single-party games or highly dependent on the person of the players concerned. No other player who will contribute to the single-party player. Because of the single party, the players themselves have to master the "stage" to appear to be the champion.

In addition to the prestige arena fights and skill to play badminton, single-party games are also a good form of aerobic exercise and is very useful for improving the condition of blood vessels and health in general. Other benefits are in the form of recreation benefits, sociology, and mental health, in addition to getting a particular reward, such as trophies, medals, rank, and of course a considerable amount of money.

2. Being a Good Single Player

One of the most important aspects in a single game is the ability of a player to make the right decisions in the rally. The ability of a player to perform a variety of punches accurately and consistently is sometimes referred to as the production of punches. A player can increase his punch output by exercising some situation or particular sequence of movements. Another way to improve is to watch a single game of good players, and then observe their weaknesses.

Note the weakness common to most players or they have a tendency in some parts of the particular field. A player can specify some flaws with the lurking potential opponents before competing against him or when warming up. A player should be able to take advantage of the weakness of the opponent owned or seen in a game opponent.

To achieve success, the beginner must learn to maintain a rally in a single game. Most beginners do not learn how to cut their back, bouncing the ball in the net, or use feinting. Thus, the strategy is essential for novice players. Try to continue to face an opponent to play. Keep the ball in order to still be playing and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.

Some strategies are well done for the deadly opponent in a single party, among them the following.
  • Hitting almost all really falls into the opposite field.
  • Directing almost all returns the shuttlecock to the opponent's weakest side, usually the backhand side.
  • Moving opposed to all parts of the field by directing shuttlecock from side to side and from front to back.
  • More emphasis on the placement and spacing than the speed of return shuttlecock. With so few players will make mistakes.
  • Set the tempo or speed change while playing.
  • Make all overhead blows that look the same, after doing it occasionally feinting.
Rotation and Group Work in Double Party

The game is very different from a doubles player with a single game. Yes, the game in double will have a partner in the field. In addition, the doubles players also typically have less time to think and react as the game in the doubles usually goes fast. Tactics play a doubles player is very dependent on field position. A player may be enjoying a double game and will be more successful if you always learn to make and play totality As with a team.

Rotation system includes a player and his partner from the rear to the front and side positions, depending on whether a player to attack or defend. The attacking team will direct the shuttlecock to the side or the defensive if if one member was forced to hit the ball upwards.

To initiate and maintain the correct position of the field is important in the doubles. Important element of this principle involves confidence in your teammates run rally. Let her do the shot himself. A player must perform service and high returns to the opponent players.

Double game daughter, son, and mixed doubles requires a punch, technical cooperation, and the same strategy to succeed. In the regular game, the two players who perform service and who receive services play near the net and their partners are responsible for the back of the field. Initial blow by one team is beating their opponents move into a difficult position, so the opportunity to reach larger numbers.

Playing the doubles in badminton can be enjoyed with a variety of reasons. This game is a recreational game that can be enjoyed by players socially and in the race. This game allows a player to practice teamwork and strategy. Double game also makes the heart a player move faster, which forces a player to move faster and provide opportunities for team-mates to relax for a moment, improve physical condition, and relieve stress.

Thus the discussion of the game of badminton. This game, whether single or double is a game that can do someone players to get fitness all his life. Hopefully useful.

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