Monday, March 4, 2013

Avoiding Exercise Injuries In Badminton

Avoiding Exercise Injuries In Badminton. Badminton is a sport played dexterity when each player does not touch directly. However, when you're practicing a badminton athletes also have the possibility of getting injured. For that when you're doing exercises badminton also need to consider several things in order to avoid injury to the players. When the injury is only mild, maybe it has no influence or effect is quite large. But what if, in the exercise suffered severe injuries ? As a result, athletes can not continue the exercise. The game was previously scheduled to fail followed. This is very harmful for badminton athletes such as training programs that previously could be done in vain.

Avoiding Injury In Practice

When doing exercises badminton, things that need to be taken to ensure that athletes do not get injured are :

1. Warming up

Before doing warm up drills badminton taste first. The goal is to loosen the muscles in order to make adjustments when doing motion-movement of heavy and require maximal muscle strength. Heating is mainly do to the hands, wrists, fingers, and arms. As for the feet is to start from the thighs, ankles, toes, ankles, wrists, feet and ankles. Do not forget the belly and waist and back also need to get warm enough because this section is also often used to move quickly.

2. Always use a shoe

When doing exercises badminton, always familiarize yourself to wear special shoes used to play badminton or exercise. Good badminton shoes is the use of rubber in the tread because the rubber has a strong power paste ground floor. Additionally choose shoes that match the size of the foot. Shoes that are too loose or tight can easily slip and cause injury.

3. Thorough field conditions

Before the badminton training is done, consider the field to be used. Whether the field is made of carpet, wood or cement. If wood or carpet, then carefully carefully whether the condition is completely dry. Water that soaks can make a ship. Meanwhile, when made of cement, then carefully whether there is a prominent rock or not. Because it also can make us stumble and legs and muscles can cause injury.

4. The movement of the body

Badminton is a sport that many rely dexterity body movements agile and fast so that the risk of injury is also higher. Especially when doing punch or catch the ball. For it must be more careful, especially when the motion in the legs, thighs, and waist.

5. Special double game

When doing exercises for a game of badminton doubles, in addition to what has been mentioned above there are also other matters that also need attention. That movement or action of his own friends.

In addition to the game also set the strategy to avoid being hit by the blow of a racket that can sometimes be distorted so that the head or other body parts. Try to keep your distance when he was doing blow or fast motion.

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